Hong'er's heart is really incomparably chaotic right now, no, it's not now, in fact she has already started to wonder what to do very early on.

When she agreed to marry Liang Chao back then, although it cannot be said that she had no feelings for Liang Chao at all, after all Liang Chao was the first man she met who treated her so well, and he didn't care about her background With her status as a brothel, she still wanted to marry her wholeheartedly, and this alone made Hong'er have a lot of feelings for Liang Chao.

But most likely, it was because of all the pressure behind her that she had to agree to her marriage with Liang Chao, and she also deeply understood what this meant, which made the possibility of her relief that she thought she could be relieved come to naught.

Of course, she has nothing to do with this situation, no matter how unwilling she is in her heart, as things are already like this, she can only try to accept it, there is no other way.

However, things were beyond her expectation and became a little different from what she had thought before. For example, Liang Chao, although she was young, she knew a lot. At first she thought that Liang Chao might just treat her This wave of enthusiasm will cool down after this period of time has passed.

But the result was that Hong'er couldn't think of it at all. The situation she originally thought did not happen at all. Liang Chao's feelings for Hong'er did not cool down at all, but became more intense. As a person, after a period of time, the relationship between the two parties gradually cooled down, not to mention Hong'er, at least Liang Chao fell in love with him and her more and more.

Liang Chao's changes after marrying Hong'er are obvious to all. In the past, Liang Chao, although he said that as long as it was ordered by Wei Zhong, he was absolutely serious and meticulous, but in normal times, Liang Chao But it gives people a very relaxed feeling, and they can't always get nervous.

But ever since he got married to Hong'er, Liang Chao's whole person changed greatly in an instant. Suddenly, he seemed to grow up overnight from an unsteady child. This seemingly frivolous thing, including those words and actions, Liang Chao completely changed.

People who are familiar with Liang Chao, let alone those who know him in Jinyiwei. But Liang Chao's degree of restraint was too great, and many people couldn't believe it.

At that time, many people were wondering why, even Zhang Fan was thinking about it. He had seen Hong'er before, and she looked like a weak woman. Of course, people have duplicity. On the other hand, maybe Hong'er looks weaker, but in fact she is very strong. Maybe she can subdue Liang Chaoguan, but it's not right, and it's impossible to do so in such a short period of time. There are so many changes inside.

So, in the end, everyone came to a conclusion, that is, the reason Liang Chao behaved like this was entirely because he loved Hong'er too much.

Of course, there might be some people joking and joking in front of Liang Chao, but absolutely no one would laugh at him. In this era of getting married according to the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers, it is absolutely impossible for a couple to love each other. It is happiness, and it is definitely the envy of others.

And just from this point, it can be seen that Liang Chao was very happy after marrying Hong'er, but it is the same when considering this matter from another angle. To be in love with her husband so much is extremely blissful, especially for Hong'er herself.

But now that she knows about Hong'er, everything is different. With Hong'er's status, she clearly knows that if she continues like this, something will definitely happen in the future, and she will definitely not If there is a good result, she even reminds herself all the time, even if she and Liang Chao are husband and wife now, they should not be too close, otherwise, if something happens in the future, it will definitely be the same. An unimaginable hardship.

It's just that things like feelings can't be resolved and decided by talking about them. Even if Hong'er understands this truth, even this matter can be regarded as a major matter related to wealth and life. In the end, Hong'er fell in love with Liang Chao hopelessly.

And it is precisely because she has something on her mind that Hong'er cherishes the time she spends with Liang Chao very much. Liang Chao is very busy with things in the guard every day, and sometimes he has to travel far away with Zhang Fan, which takes a long time. Time can't come back, Hong'er will go to Zhang's mansion to ask questions from time to time at this time, this is enough to explain, after all, Zhang Fan is Liang Chao's superior, and she goes every day like this, it is really Somewhat inappropriate, but she still did it, just wanted to know if Liang Chao could come back sooner.

These bits and pieces all explained Hong'er's love for Liang Chao, the feeling that had reached to the marrow.

And when the things in Liaodong became more and more obvious, and Wang Gao's actions became more and more insane, when Hong'er heard the news, her heart became extremely chaotic, because she knew that this indicated that her happy days might come to an end up.

In the end, when Liang Chao told him that he would accompany Zhang Fan to Liaodong and the matter was about Wang Gao, Hong'er knew that the day she least expected was coming.

At that time, due to some things, Zhang Fan's trip to Liaodong was postponed for a while, and at that time, Hong'er also knew that this was the last time for her to be sweet with Liang Chao, so during that time, Hong'er also knew The time when my son cherishes the most.

In the end, when Zhang Fan set off for Liaodong and Liang Chao was with him, Hong'er was so nervous that she was going to die, but after Liang Chao left, she couldn't help but have another thought. Even if she is concerned about such a big event, she doesn't know much about it, but she also heard Liang Chao say a lot, for example, Li Chengliang prepared a lot for this battle in Liaodong, not to mention that Liang Chao vaguely mentioned it to her , Wang Gao lost a large number of generals, and they did it. In this way, Wang Gao has absolutely no chance of winning. Even if there is trouble, the trouble is easy to solve.

So Hong'er hoped that if she could defeat Wang Gao victoriously this time, and even behead Wang Gao, then she wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore, and at that time, she would be truly liberated, and She can also truly live a happy life with the person she loves.

However, sometimes the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Just when Hong'er was so full of hope that things would be as she hoped, but something she didn't expect happened. Naturally, Wang Gao knew about Zhang Fan's going to Liaodong. Zhang Fan was suspected of the assassination of so many generals. Obviously, among the news they could find, the closest to Zhang Fan was Hong'er. So after Zhang Fan and others left, someone came to find him. I asked Hong'er to inquire about this matter.

Hong'er knew about this, but of course she refused to say it, she just tried to evade it in every possible way, but she was too immature after all, if she shirked it like this, the other party was not a fool, after seeing that Hong'er actually knew Yes, but for some reason he refused to say it.

In this way, things will be easy for those people. Today's Hong'er is no longer the poor woman who had nothing and no worries before, and the matter between her and Liang Chao, let alone the Jinyiwei. Even outsiders, after a little contact with her, they will know that Hong'er really loves Liang Chao deeply.

So, the threat came. The group threatened her, saying that if she didn't tell who the mastermind of the incident last year was, they would have someone kill Liang Chao in Liaodong.

This is really just a threat. Even if those people want to do it, there is nothing they can do. Not to mention whether the people they sent are capable of killing Liang Chao, even if they want to get close, it is somewhat impossible. After all, Liang Chao Follow Zhang Fan's side, and as Zhang Fan, no matter what he thinks, there will be many people around him at any time.

But the naive Hong'er didn't know this. After she heard that Liang Chao's life would be threatened, she immediately panicked and didn't know what to do. Of course, she could have spoken out about it at the time. But she doesn't want to do this, because as long as she does this, her dream will be completely awakened, and there is no possibility of going back.

This kind of contradictory thought was in her heart, but in the end, she made a decision. She promised to tell the matter, but she wanted them to promise that she would never hurt Liang Chao, not only because Liang Chao had nothing to do with that matter. It doesn't matter, the most important thing is because this is Hong'er's own wish.

She never thought that this was just a rhetoric that the other party lied to her, and it would not be fulfilled at all. If Liang Chao blocked their actions, they would still kill them, and there was no room for negotiation, but Hong'er could only believe that.

So, that's how it happened, and Hong'er told the story to let Wang Gao know that the reason why so many generals were lost last year was entirely because of Zhang Fan's order, so Zhang Fan became their assassin. The goal.

After Hong'er said this, she already knew that her good life was over, and when she knew that Zhang Fan was not injured in the assassination and returned safely, although she still held a A little bit of hope, but she also understands that that little bit of hope is completely impossible for her.

She has been terrified like this until now, until Wang Meng led someone to knock on the door of Liang's house. When she heard that Liang Chao was going to go to the Yamen, she would go too, she understood.

But now, Hong'er was standing in the hall of Jinyiwei's yamen, watching Wang Meng leading someone towards her, her face showed no expression at all, she looked completely heartbroken,

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