Wang Meng really thought a lot about this matter.Especially about Liang Chao.After all, the two are colleagues.And the time spent between the two.Compared with them, the time they spent with Zhang Fan was longer.Although there are indeed many differences between the two.But it is also because of this difference.This is what made the two of them friends.

And now.Liang Chao encountered such a thing.As a friend, how could Wang Meng not care.Plus now.In fact, Liang Chao did nothing wrong in this matter.But he still has to pay a huge price for it.Although Wang Meng understood.No matter how you say this kind of thing.Even if you didn't provoke it yourself.Even if you are forced to be implicated because of this, even for no reason.But the law is on the bright side.It is what it should be.There is no way to escape this.So even though he was still fighting for his friend in his heart.But there was nothing else he could do about it.

Now.Liang Chaoren has arrived.Zhang Fan was talking to him.But even Wang Meng didn't want to arrest Hong'er.He couldn't bear to stay.Seeing Liang Chao's expression after he knew the truth.But he's out of here.But he wanted to arrest Liang Chao's wife.Wang Meng still didn't want this matter.Even if he knew that Hong'er was a spy sent by Wang Gao.Even knowing about Hong'er's informant caused Zhang Fan great harm.But he still has a feeling that he can't do anything.

But.Again.An order is an order.Now that things have come to this point.That's the only way to do it.therefore.Now Wang Meng brought people to the Yamen hall.And Hong'er is right here.

For Hong'er.Wang Meng really didn't have much resentment.It's not that he doesn't complain that Hong'er is Wang Gao's masterpiece.Now it's not just that Zhang Fan is caught in the crisis of assassination.And let Liang Chao know nothing.He was charged with such a crime for no reason.But even so.Wang Meng didn't resent Hong'er either.The main reason is because.All of this is actually a coincidence.

It was a coincidence that Liang Chao knew Hong'er in the first place.Not to mention.Liang Chao actually fell in love with her afterwards.He even wanted to marry her into the family.This can be said to be something that no one thought of.And at that time.And who would have thought of it.The woman Liang Chao met by accident was actually a secret agent sent by Wang Gao.So no one would inquire about Hong'er.

That is.In fact, this matter will go to today.It's not just Liang Chao's responsibility.Or maybe it was his bad luck.In this matter.As long as it is someone involved.J.And all are responsible.certainly.Wang Meng's words.Part of it was actually just to find an excuse for Liang Chao.But this is not just Wang Meng's wishful thinking.In fact, there are indeed some factors in this regard.

In short.This matter can't just be done according to Wang Meng's wishful thinking.No matter what he thinks about it.It doesn't matter what the relationship between him and Liang Chao is.Things have come to this point.Then it can only be done according to the current method.

When Wang Meng brought people to see Hong'er.Wang Meng's face was very calm.And what he saw of Hong'er.It is also extremely calm.Apparently Hong'er understood what was going on now.He also knew what would happen next.So Hong'er didn't look that unhappy at all.Or something else.Just wait so quietly.

Speaking up.Even between Wang Meng and Hong'er.The relationship is also good.The relationship between Wang Meng and Liang Chao is naturally unusual.And that's why.The two have frequent contacts in private.Wang Meng lives alone.So Liang Chao would ask him to go get together from time to time.Have some wine or something.

And this relationship.Even now.After Liang Chao and Hong'er got married.Not much has changed either.Liang Chao would still ask Wang Meng to go.At first, Wang Meng also felt that it was not appropriate to do so.But when he saw whether it was Liang's mother or Hong'er.Mother Liang needless to say.Treating Wang Meng is still as enthusiastic as before.And Hong'er treated him like a relative or friend.all in all.This touched Wang Meng very much.

and nothing else.This also made Wang Meng have a good impression of Hong'er.Actually at first.He is also for his good friend Liang Chao.It's not worth it to find a woman from a brothel as a wife.Even if Hong'er is a nobleman.But with Liang Chao's current status.I want to find the daughter of a rich family.Even if it is the daughter of a senior official in the court.If Zhang Fan came forward.The other party is absolutely willing.But Liang Chao made such a choice.It's not that Wang Meng hates Hong'er.It's just that I'm a little unhappy about this.

But when Wang Meng also got a little familiar with Hong'er.He realized that Liang Chao's choice might be serious.Instead of looking for someone with a family background.But between the husband and wife, there is almost nothing to say about the wife.Might as well find someone to fall in love with.No matter what origin the other party is from.

But that's all.By now, it has all turned into a bubble.All of this has turned into a bad thing by now.Outright bad.

I saw Wang Meng bringing people over.Hong'er's expression was calm.A look that I have prepared.And this time Wang Meng.I couldn't even bear to see her.Hong'er was not that kind of vicious person.Even because of her.Zhang Fan was assassinated.And almost died.But obviously.Hong'er was really forgivable in this matter.

"Take her away." Maybe it was the first time.Wang Meng really couldn't do it.It was just an order.Ask the subordinates to arrest Hong'er.Before this, Wang Meng had given orders.After Hong'er grabbed it.Don't be rough.Just lock her up.

Ridiculous to say.Obviously know that this matter has reached this point.It is already impossible to have any turning point.But Wang Meng still wanted to do it.

Hong'er has been arrested.This is a matter of effort.But it's just such a short time.Liang Chao had also finished reading the dossier that Zhang Fan handed over to Feng Bao for investigation.And Liang Chao who finished reading the dossier.There was an expression of disbelief all over his face.

Looking at Liang Chao's shocked expression of disbelief.Listen to the way he even speaks has become intermittent.Zhang Fan really had a headache: "It's written in black and white. And if you ask now, Eunuch Feng has all the evidence. This is absolutely unmistakable. Liang Chao. I know what you are thinking in your heart right now. What. But it's true. It's not something to joke about.

"No, no, no. It's definitely not like this." Even Zhang Fan had already said that.But how could Liang Chao listen to him now.He just blindly denied what he saw with his own eyes.things you don't want to see. "How is this possible. Hong'er is absolutely impossible to be a spy sent by Wang Gao. No. There must be a mistake somewhere. Absolutely not like this."

See Liang Chao like this.Zhang Fan felt very uncomfortable.Although he is not him.I don't know what he feels in his heart now.But the general idea is conceivable.After all, beloved wife.But suddenly found out.She wasn't who she knew.And what has been done.It is also absolutely unforgivable.this kind of thing.Let alone Liang Chao.I'm afraid it was replaced by anyone.I'm afraid they won't believe it.certainly.Some people may be able to suppress their feelings.But Liang Chao couldn't believe it.But no matter what kind of person it is.The thoughts in my heart are definitely the same.You can't go wrong.

"Liang Chao." I couldn't bear to see Liang Chao in such a mess anymore.Zhang Fan roared.

Although a gentleman.No matter how loudly he roared.Not too loud.But for Liang Chao.Zhang Fan's words are absolute.It is an absolute deterrent.So what Zhang Fan said.Liang Chao didn't dare not listen.Not to mention yelling like that.

Being yelled at by Zhang Fan.Liang Chao suddenly lost his voice.But at the same time he was stunned.Just looking straight at Zhang Fan.Silly stood still.I don't know what to do.I don't know what to say.The whole person looked devastated.

"I didn't ask you to come to make you go crazy." Zhang Fan looked at him.Said with an emphasis. "This matter has reached this point now. We must find a way to solve it. Otherwise, I won't talk about whether I will be in trouble. You will definitely be in big trouble."

"But my lord..." Zhang Fan said so.Just now he was still in a daze.But now Liang Chao has come back to his senses. "What can we do with this matter. Hong'er... Hong'er, how could she be a secretive worker. is this possible."

"To be honest, I couldn't believe it when Eunuch Feng told me." Zhang Fan sighed.Said. "But the fact is the fact. It is the fact. There is no way to change it now. Since the fact is the case, then we must find a way to solve it. There is no way to blame yourself here. It will not solve any problems. It will only make things worse." It's getting more and more troublesome."

"This... this..." Liang Chao probably understood what Zhang Fan was talking about.Perhaps he also knew that what Zhang Fan said was not wrong at all.But now Liang Chao.What's the idea.How could he calm down and think about what to do.

"This matter. I've thought about it for a long time." Zhang Fan said helplessly. "I want to solve it. There are indeed many ways. But I'm afraid none of them are what you want. This matter is no longer what you want. It has become such a big trouble. No one can hide it. Hong'er She... has no way out."

"..." Zhang Fan's words.Liang Chao showed a look of despair.It was precisely because he knew that what Zhang Fan said was true.This matter has come to this point.Hong'er really had no way out.

"But I still have a solution for you." Zhang Fan said. "You write me a letter of divorce now."

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