"My lord." Wang Meng saw Zhang Fan coming out.Quickly stood up and called out.It's just that Wang Meng's eyes are at this moment.At this time, Zhang Fan was not at all concerned.Instead, they kept staring at Liang Chao who was following Zhang Fan.

Not only Zhang Fan.Wang Meng was also worried about Liang Chao.certainly.Perhaps Wang Meng felt that he was just comforting Liang Chao.But it's just between friends.But it can really comfort Liang Chao.Someone who can give Liang Chao a solution.There was only Zhang Fan.certainly.Wang Meng didn't know Zhang Fan's plan.Zhang Fan never mentioned to Wang Meng what he planned to do.only.If Wang Meng knew about it.I'm afraid he will know.Zhang Fan only solved it.Not consolation at all.

certainly.Wang Meng didn't know what Zhang Fan had said to Liang Chao.First of all, Wang Meng knew that this matter was very sensitive to Liang Chao.So he wouldn't ask him at all.The same is true for Zhang Fan.Second.Neither Zhang Fan nor Liang Chao would talk about this matter.

Now in Wang Meng's eyes.He just saw Liang Chao who was very disappointed.And Liang Chao at this time.If you think about it, you will know that you will be very disappointed.But now he came out with Zhang Fan.Obviously, Zhang Fan had already thought of something for him.And Liang Chao himself agreed.In Wang Meng's heart.Now that a solution has been found.So obviously Zhang Fan had already comforted Liang Chao.It's just that Wang Meng didn't expect it at all.Or maybe he didn't think about it at all.There is absolutely no consolation in this matter.Things are dead after all.And Zhang Fan only had a solution at most.And this solution.Once Liang Chao agreed.That's definitely no consolation.

But Wang Meng didn't know about this.He only knew that Zhang Fan didn't care.It must have been explained to Liang Chao.Let him understand the importance of this matter.But for Wang Meng.Even if he knew how Zhang Fan planned to solve Liang Chao's matter.I'm afraid he won't say anything either.Wang Meng is a sensible person.And he's not the type to be swayed by emotions.So for Wang Meng.Even if he knew.There will be no problem.He will figure it out.It was the most correct choice for Zhang Fan to do so.

In short.That's it for this matter.

Liang Chao didn't have any problems.It's just that this matter has too deep a connection with him.So if not resolved.Things hurt themselves.That's something no one wants to see.And what Zhang Fan has done now.All so this wouldn't happen.And Wang Meng also believed in Zhang Fan very much.I believe he will never harm Liang Chao.So he didn't think too much about it at all.

Now I saw Liang Chao coming out with Zhang Fan.Although I don't know what's going on.But the bare minimum.Wang Meng knew that Zhang Fan must have resolved some matters.

"Wang Meng. What about people?" Zhang Fan was not like Wang Meng.I have thought so much.He just asked.Although it is just a sentence without beginning and end.But now who would not know what Zhang Fan meant?

only.Although I understand in my heart.And it's not hard to answer.But now Wang Meng didn't know what to say.After all, Liang Chaoren was right in front of him now.And Zhang Fan asked himself that.Doesn't it mean that Hong'er was arrested by Wang Meng?Although it is said that there is no need to think about this matter now.Everyone knows it at all.But just say it in front of Liang Chao.It still feels a little off.

But again.Naturally, Wang Meng would not ignore Zhang Fan's words.Although he is a bit difficult to handle.But when he looked at Liang Chao.See Liang Chao's somewhat unconscious appearance.Wang Meng didn't intend to hold back any longer.He opened his mouth and said, "My lord, the humble man has been arrested. Now he is locked in the yamen. He is waiting for interrogation."

"That's good." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "You... No. You stay here. Someone take Liang Chao over there. He wants to see Hong'er. Let the two of them stay alone for a while." Zhang Fan just ordered.

And this order was heard in Wang Meng's ears.That really surprised him a little.After all, it's not the norm to do so.Of course Jin Yiwei has always been outside the law.Except for their own rules.There is no other need at all.Like this kind of thing.It's okay to ask Liang Chao to take a look.It doesn't matter if you let them take it alone.But the problem is.Now the nature of this matter is completely different.

After all, Hong'er's identity was a spy sent by the enemy.And this enemy is still fighting the court.As for the news that Hong'er inquired about as a spy.The murdered Zhang Fan was assassinated by an assassin.And he almost died.It can be said that although Hong'er did not cause any harm.But what she spread was also unforgivable.And this time.Zhang Fan actually agreed to let Liang Chao see Hong'er.He also promised to leave the two of them alone.This is no longer a matter of rules.

And actually.After Wang Meng heard Zhang Fan's words.He also thought of the possibility that Zhang Fan had thought of.In comparison, Zhang Fan.It can be said that what Wang Meng thought was more.Zhang Fan just understood.Even if Liang Chao did that.There will be absolutely no results.The two of them couldn't get out at all.Moreover, Liang Chao would lose his life because of this.

But Wang Meng's consideration is not only these.If Liang Chao really dared to do that.Then this matter is not only described by the word "serious".What's more.At that time, if Liang Chao really did such a stupid thing.Don't even think about it.Those who went to stop Liang Chao.It will definitely be me.Regardless.Wang Meng didn't even want that to happen.At that time.But it's not the usual drills in the martial arts arena.That's really a real sword.Wang Meng did not hope that kind of situation would happen anyway.

therefore.Now he heard that Zhang Fan actually made such a decision.Wang Meng was quite surprised.for a moment.Wang Meng felt like Zhang Fan wanted to kill Liang Chao.certainly.This weird feeling is simply nonsense.Wang Meng just had this feeling in his heart.He didn't even take it seriously himself.

And Zhang Fan naturally also saw Wang Meng's surprised expression.At the same time, he also understood what Wang Meng was thinking.Maybe he didn't have Wang Meng's weird ideas.But he still knows.Zhang Fan looked at Wang Meng.Said: "Don't worry. Liang Chao himself brought up the matter. But I agree. Let him meet Hong'er. After all, a husband and wife are together."

That's all for now.It doesn't need to be stated at all.Wang Meng already understood.Obviously Zhang Fan also thought of the worst possibility.Moreover, Zhang Fan had already made it clear to Liang Chao.That being the case.Then there is nothing to worry about.The decisions Zhang Fan made in the past.Not once was it wrong.Even in this matter.Even Wang Meng, Liang Chao's best friend, wasn't sure what Liang Chao could do.But since Zhang Fan has already said so.Then Wang Meng naturally believed in Zhang Fan's judgment.

Wang Meng didn't say anything more.Just nodded.He signaled the people around him to take Liang Chao over.

This is how Zhang Fan and Wang Meng looked at Liang Chao's back.Very lonely.silently left.

"My lord, this matter... how could it happen." Wang Meng waited until Liang Chao left.It was a sudden sigh.

"Alas..." Facing Wang Meng's questioning.Zhang Fan could only let out a long sigh. "This matter. Who would have expected it to be like this. It should never be like this. But it just happened to be like this. It makes people wonder. It really makes people wonder."

"Then over there with Liang Chao. What's your plan?" Wang Meng asked.

"What else can I do?" Zhang Fan said helplessly. "The matter is already like this. Besides, Dongchang is involved. Even Queen Mother Li knows about it. Not to mention whether we can hide it. Now we can't hide it even if we want to. Hong'er is already... so I also There is no other way. We can only try to put aside Liang Chao's relationship with this matter.

"Although it was said that Hong'er was his wife, he didn't know about it. What's more, he was there at the time. Not only did he save my life, but he also captured those two assassins alive. These alone can show that he is related to this This matter is okay. I am afraid that if someone wants to cause trouble in the future, it will be difficult. So I want Liang Chao to write a divorce letter. In this way, if someone wants to cause trouble in the future .I can handle it here too."

"This..." Wang Meng heard Zhang Fan's words.Some troubled up. "My lord's meaning. I understand it. I also think that this method of your lord's is good. But Liang Chao...is he willing to agree?"

"Now is not the time for whether he wants to or not." Zhang Fan said. "Things are like this. He can't let him come. He has promised me. But even if he doesn't agree, I will force him to do it. He must not be destroyed because of this incident."

"But this is the case. My lord is not afraid of Liang Chao in the future..."

"Then what can we do?" Zhang Fan was even more helpless. "Besides, I've made up my mind. If he really wants to blame me for doing this thing in the future, then let him blame me. At the very least. Now he must not cause any trouble to me. Even if he wants to Ask to die. I don't even allow it.

"As for the future, we can only talk about it in the future. Maybe this matter will cause him pain for a long time. But it won't last forever. One day, things will gradually fade away. Wait until then. Then everything will be easy to talk about. Now we can't do anything. That's the only way to do it."

this time.Wang Meng stopped talking.Because he understood what Zhang Fan said.It's the end.And now.In addition to this matter.Wang Meng couldn't think of any other way at all.

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