What is Liang Chao's mood now?It's not just that others don't know.I'm afraid it's even asking Liang Chao himself.He also couldn't tell why.This is not something that cannot be understood.After all, this matter is for him.That is not something that can be easily let go.It's understandable that he would be confused by it.

but.As said before.Even if this matter has nothing to do with him.But it wasn't his fault after all.It can even be said.Liang Chao also played a huge role in this matter.He saved Zhang Fan's life.This alone is already very unusual.

But also precisely because of this.So Liang Chao became particularly difficult to deal with.After all, he was protecting Zhang Fan.But his beloved wife wanted to kill Zhang Fan.Thinking about it, no one can figure it out.

And now.Liang Chao was not the only one who was confused by this incident.Like Zhang Fan, Wang Meng and so on.These people were also given a lot of headaches because of this incident.I don't know what to do.Legally speaking.Hong'er is careful work.Now he is fighting with Wang Gao again.There is no need to talk about the punishment for fine work during wartime.Just once found out.Just have to kill.so as not to cause any trouble.

But Hong'er is also Liang Chao's wife.So even if Liang Chao did nothing wrong.He has also been involved.

And as Liang Chao's colleague and boss.No one wanted to see Liang Chao being implicated because of this kind of thing.If so.That's really not worth it.therefore.They were all trying to get Liang Chao to disassociate himself from this matter.Not to mention whether you want to find a way.Or how to think of a way.But the bare minimum.There is absolutely nothing wrong with this kind of thinking.

Now.Zhang Fan proposed a solution.Although very distressing.Even though Liang Chao agreed.It will also make you feel more uncomfortable in your heart.But now.Zhang Fan could only think of such a way.To reduce the impact of this incident on Liang Chao.at this point.It's not that Zhang Fan doesn't want to do better.But he really couldn't do better.

After Liang Chao agreed to Zhang Fan.He also asked to see Hong'er again.Zhang Fan also agreed to Liang Chao's request.The only thing Liang Chao had to agree to was to ask him not to do anything stupid.It can be said that Zhang Fan also hit the mark.Liang Chao's moment.Maybe it didn't occur to me to do that.But he really had that kind of thought in his heart.When he went to see Hong'er this time.Open the cell door.Run away with Hong'er.Liang Chao had indeed thought about this.

certainly.It's just a product of impulse.If Liang Chao had thought it over carefully.Thinking about it, he would never do that anyway.It's not that he doesn't have deep feelings for Hong'er.But because other than Hong'er.He has other things to worry about.He can not want his own future.Even as a bandit.Just being with Hong'er will do.But he couldn't ignore his mother.That's right.Hong'er is not the only family member in Liang Chao.There was a mother above him.

It's just that Zhang Fan understands this truth.But he still had to remind Liang Chao.To know this matter.It was indeed an extremely unwise idea that Liang Chao thought of on the spur of the moment.But know at the same time.Today's Liang Chao is extremely irrational.After all, what happened to him.It's not that simple.And it's not something he can't understand because of this incident.same.Everyone knows that once a person becomes hot-headed.That will definitely do some irrational things.And today's Liang Chao also happens to fit this situation.That's why Zhang Fan wanted to remind him.Let him calm down.Don't do anything stupid.

That's what Zhang Fan said.Liang Chao had indeed calmed down a lot.And Liang Chao calmed down.I really wanted to understand that I couldn't do that.Just at the same time.He was also very disappointed in his heart.

And this loss didn't change until he saw Hong'er again.Get excited again.It's just that this kind of excitement is different from the previous one.After all, their husband and wife are looking at each other now.And there is a prison door in the middle.Just such a prison door.But it gave them a feeling of being so close to the world.

All of a sudden.Neither of them knew what to say.Liang Chao only had helplessness, bewilderment and bitterness on his face.On the other hand, Hong'er had an expression of pain, reluctance and regret on her face.But now.These are all useless.This matter has already decided what will happen to their fate.

Not to mention what Liang Chao and Hong'er, the fateful mandarin ducks, said in the last scene.Just give them some privacy.As for Zhang Fan and Wang Meng.There is not much interest in this matter.

Although Zhang Fan agreed to Liang Chao.Let him and Hong'er meet alone.In addition, it has already been explained before.After Hong'er was arrested.He was also kept in a separate cell.There is no one else around.

But even if Liang Chao brought it up.And Zhang Fan also agreed.I'm afraid even Liang Chao himself knows.It was also impossible for Zhang Fan to rest assured that he would be alone with Hong'er like this.Even Zhang Fan had expressed his thoughts before.And I am afraid it is precisely because of this.So Zhang Fan would actually remind him of this incident.thus becoming more sensitive.

therefore.Even Zhang Fan promised him.Let him have a good talk with Hong'er in private.But Liang Chao himself didn't think that Zhang Fan would be so relieved.Seriously, no one will come to inquire about anything.Now it's just because he can't find those who are secretly inquiring.

Come on.What Liang Chao said was not wrong at all.Indeed it is.Zhang Fan was indeed not relieved.Seriously let Liang Chao and Hong'er meet and talk alone.And there is no intention of sending someone to take a look at it.only.This is somewhat different from what Liang Chao thought.Zhang Fan did indeed send someone to watch.In fact, this is the most common order of Jin Yiwei.No matter who.Even if it is someone with status or relationship.at this time.It's all about checking it out.

only.Zhang Fan after Liang Chao left.Wang Meng was also notified.Even Liang Chao couldn't see it.Liang Chao didn't even know that someone was watching secretly.But still give them some space.Staring is a must.In comparison, Liang Chao really did something impulsively.It is better to be optimistic about the situation in advance.Once Liang Chao wants to do something.It can also be dealt with earlier.in order to avoid any tragedy.

And besides that.It was just staring at Liang Chao's movements.Once he has something to do it.The remaining.Still don't ask too much.Let the two of them speak for themselves.Never interfere with them.

even though.Since Liang Chao didn't know.Or he didn't notice it.Whether you listen to it or not is the same here.You don't need to worry about that much at all.But even so.Zhang Fan still felt that this matter was in the dark.It can't be too extreme.Even if the other party doesn't know.Some things are better not to be done that way.

Compare this matter.Zhang Fan paid more attention to what should be done about this matter.Thinking about it, it was really difficult.As early as in Liaodong.When he found out about it.I already knew it was very difficult.And at that time, in order to be able to find out who it was without any influence.Zhang Fan really didn't work too hard.It can be said that this matter also made him very tired.

And now.Finally found out who did it.But no one thinks that the result of the investigation is so good.On the contrary, as long as it is the person involved in this matter.It is all too regrettable for the current result.No one expected it.There is no hope that things will develop like this.

today.It was Zhang Fan's first day back from Liaodong.But just this first day.From morning till now.It's just four hours.During these four hours.So many things happened.And it's not what they want to see.

It's not that Zhang Fan understands anything at this point.It's just that this really made him feel very difficult.And even now this is the first time this has happened.But it cannot be said that this happened after the first time.It made Zhang Fan and the others alert.It won't happen again in the future.To know.this kind of thing.in any era.situation anyone faces.It is also absolutely impossible to have the kind of situation where there will never be a second time after the first time.

And to know.this kind of thing.No matter how you guard against it.It will definitely still be guarded against.It doesn't mean that you can prevent it if you want to prevent it.this kind of thing.There is no way to prevent it at all.Only after you have a situation.In the end to see what should be done according to the situation.

Although such a situation.It's really not what people want.Even if this happens again.Still unprepared and don't know what to do.By the time.Maybe we will face a similar situation now.But down to the details.I'm afraid it will be different again.No one can explain this kind of thing clearly.So what should be done.Still have to wait until the specific situation to know.

certainly.It's better that this kind of thing doesn't happen.

"My lord." Wang Meng asked. "The matter of Hong'er. What should we do next." In fact, what Wang Meng wanted to ask was how to interrogate.Speaking of which, Wang Meng also interrogated countless people.But no matter which time.It's not as complicated as this time.

"There is no need to interrogate this matter at all." Zhang Fan naturally understood what Wang Meng meant. "Now all the evidence is here. There is no need for interrogation. Besides, Hong'er's identity... is carefully worked out. You also know. What happens when interrogated. So I don't plan to interrogate Hong'er. As for how to deal with it .Not yet. Let’s wait.”

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