This is the end of this matter. Although Li Chengliang is still fighting Wang Gao in Liaodong, Wang Gao has not been repelled. Although victory is inevitable, since he has not been repelled, then this matter will eventually come to an end. There are still delays, but no matter what happens there, there is no problem here anyway.

As for Liang Chao’s disappointment, that’s already known. There’s nothing to say about it. Although it’s sad, but since things are already like this, there’s no need to think about it anymore. You can only think about it based on the current situation. Come up with a corresponding solution to solve it, although it is very heartbreaking, but it can only be so.

Zhang Fan didn't know what Liang Chao and Hong'er were talking about. In fact, this time, he couldn't guess at all. The secret between the two of them, Zhang Fan is more concerned about getting Liang Chao to write the divorce letter quickly, so that the impact on Liang Chao in the future can be minimized, this is the most important thing .

But now, after Liang Chao came out, his expression didn't change much from before. He still had a frowning look on his face, which made people feel like he was heartbroken. It was as dead as before, but more or less bright, maybe Hong'er had said something to him just now, or it might have comforted him a bit.

But for Zhang Fan, Liang Chao was able to walk out so quietly instead of rushing out, which already made Zhang Fan very pleased.

Although the matter was not in a hurry, Zhang Fan still hoped to get it done sooner, so Liang Chao had just come out, and Zhang Fan asked him to start writing. He didn't look cheerful, but at the very least, he didn't say he didn't want anything. According to Zhang Fan's instructions, he picked up the pen and wrote down the divorce letter.

Although Liang Chao didn't say he was unwilling or refused anything this time, and just started writing like that, Zhang Fan could still tell that Liang Chao's hands were still trembling a little during the writing process. Weidu can always understand, but there is no way to say anything to comfort him.

After Liang Chao finished writing, he returned to his previous expressionless appearance again, as if someone who was extremely important to him just disappeared.

And the further this matter went, the more Zhang Fan had no way to comfort him. After watching him for a long time, many things he wanted to say came to his lips and he couldn't speak. In the end, Zhang Fan could only He said, "You... you can go back and rest today,"

"Xiaozhi understands, I'm resigning," Liang Chao said without any emotion in his words, turned around and left without saluting.

Faced with Liang Chao who looked like this, Zhang Fan could only continue to sigh helplessly and shook his head. Zhang Fan put away the divorce letter written by Liang Chao, and it might never be needed. But once it is needed, it will be extremely useful, not to mention Hong'er's matter, although there is no need for interrogation at all, but at the very least, Liang Chao still needs this thing if he wants to clear up the relationship between her and her. of.

Of course, Zhang Fan also hopes that he will never use this thing again in the future, because once it is necessary to take it out, it will not only remind Liang Chao of this sad thing, but also mean that the matter It has become very serious. It's best that this thing has been kept like this, and it's better not to be needed again.

Although it is said that Zhang Fan's affairs are over and Hong'er has been arrested, but this matter is not over yet, Dongchang also knows about this matter, although Dongchang also has eyeliner in Jinyiwei , presumably Feng Bao already knew the news that Hong'er was arrested, but Zhang Fan still had to tell him, not to mention there was something about Liang Chao that needed to be talked about, so he couldn't just say nothing.

But that's easy and not a hassle.

As for the Empress Dowager Li, it is even simpler. Although the Empress Dowager Li already knew about this matter, the Empress Dowager Li would not know it in such detail, because the people below would not know it when they talked about it. What I said was so accurate, so the Empress Dowager Li only needs to say that the matter has been finished. Even if the Empress Dowager Li really asked what happened, Zhang Fan has already figured out how to speak .

Other things are not so troublesome. Liang Chao's side must be very painful now, but fortunately there is nothing important here, so Zhang Fan intends to let him rest for a few more days. It may take a long time for things to recover, and the few days that just happened will definitely be the most uncomfortable days for Liang Chao, so he must give him a few days to slow down.

However, Zhang Fan thought of a problem. He didn't know how Liang Chao planned to solve it. Back then, Hong'er was a brothel girl, so Liang Chao's mother became a huge obstacle in order to marry her. Zhang Fan also helped a lot in solving this matter.

The final result was that Liang's mother not only agreed to the marriage, she was also quite satisfied with Hong'er as a daughter-in-law.

As for Liang Chao and Hong'er's life after they got married, although Zhang Fan didn't ask too much, he also knew that Liang's mother and Hong'er, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, also got along very well, and there were no conflicts.

This is not a big deal, after all, Hong'er regards all of this as a gift from heaven to her, so she will never complain too much, so this family can be said to have a very happy life.

But now, suddenly, Hong'er and Liang Chao were taken to the Yamen, but when they came back, Liang Chao was alone, and Hong'er did not come back.

It is definitely not normal for a married woman not to return home at night, and Hong'er has no relatives in the capital, and she has not said that she is going to go far away. In this way, Liang's mother will definitely ask what is going on. In this case, how should Liang Chao return.

If he told his mother the facts, it would be true that the harm to Liang's mother would be much less. After all, it meant that Hong'er made all the good things in the past on purpose, in order to make her happy. Get close to Liang Chao, and get some news. In this way, losing a daughter-in-law that I love so much, Liang's mother may feel a pity, but it will not be painful.

But Zhang Fan didn't think that Liang Chao would say that. This kind of thing might be very unreasonable, but in fact it was like this a lot of times. On Liang Chao's side, Zhang Fan might not know what Liang Chao was thinking in his heart, but Even if it was true, Liang Chao might not be willing to tell his mother Hong'er's real identity.

People are like this. They know how to do things to minimize the harm of things, but even so, people are still willing to be hurt in order to keep some good things. Maybe only people in this world can do it Such an irrational thing, but people are inherently so contradictory, even if they will be hurt, but in order to keep those beautiful things, they are still willing to do so.

As for how Liang Chao would tell his mother about this matter, Zhang Fan didn't know, but Zhang Fan also believed that Liang Chao would do what he thought was the best way.

Now Zhang Fan can't think of anything else, his only thought is that this war can end as soon as possible, that would be the best.

Going to Dongchang, Feng Bao was still waiting here, as if he knew what Zhang Fan was thinking, and knew that Zhang Fan would definitely come to him for a reason.

Zhang Fan told him the news that the matter had been settled, and as expected, Feng Bao also asked about how Liang Chao should deal with it.

"I understand what my father-in-law means," Zhang Fan said, "I also know the way we do things here. When this kind of thing happens, who will care whether you do it or not? It will only depend on whether you are related. Once there is a relationship, Then there is no need to say anything, but I still hope that my father-in-law can be lenient about this matter. After all, Liang Chao really doesn't know anything, and he absolutely doesn't want this kind of thing to happen. Being by my side not only saved my life, but also captured those two assassins alive, which is enough to show that he has nothing to do with this matter. I hope that father-in-law can think about it, "

"Our family also understands what Mr. Zhang is thinking," Feng Bao said with a sigh, "after all, no one wants this kind of thing to happen, and our family also knows what Mr. Zhang said is right. Liang Chao really has nothing to do with this matter. Direct connection, but Hong'er is his wife after all, it is impossible to say that there is no involvement at all, and this kind of thing, Mr. Zhang should also be able to imagine, there will inevitably be some troubles in the future, and there is even a possibility It might endanger Mr. Zhang, but if there is any way to completely put aside the relationship between Liang Chao and this matter, then our family can not pursue it."

Hearing that Feng Bao had reached this point, Zhang Fan also sighed helplessly, took out the divorce letter from his pocket, and handed it to Feng Bao for review.

After Feng Bao got it and looked at it, he nodded, returned the divorce letter to Zhang Fan, and said, "If this is the case, then everything will be easy to talk about, so that in the future even if someone knows This matter, if you want to use this matter to trouble Jin Yiwei or Mr. Zhang, then our family can help. If it is close, the Queen Mother will not ask. If you ask, it will be good to have an explanation. "

"I still need to trouble my father-in-law for this matter." Hearing what Feng Bao said, Zhang Fan knew that Feng Bao had agreed, and he was relieved, "This matter, plus the previous ones, is what I owe. Father-in-law and father-in-law are in favor, if father-in-law needs help in the future, it’s okay to ask, as long as I, Zhang Fan, point it out to the best of my ability, I will definitely not refuse,”

"Since that's the case, let's make a note of it," Feng Bao was not embarrassed by Zhang Fan's straightforwardness.

Although it is a sad ending, but in the end, this matter has come to an end,

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