The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1647 is not over yet

Just returned to the capital.Even the day has not passed.So much has happened.This made Zhang Fan extremely tired.Plus it's no small thing what's going on.Those are things that have a lot to do with him.And the people involved.It is also extremely sensitive in this regard.Therefore, Zhang Fan was thinking about how to do this matter.It is also extremely difficult.I thought of many ways.

Although the final result.Still a little unsatisfactory.But so far.That's all there is to it.Maybe I will come up with a better way in the future.But that's all for later.It doesn't help at all right now.

Liang Chao was the biggest victim in this incident.He did nothing.Didn't do anything wrong.But unfortunately, it happened to him.about this point.Guess no one will be happy.But it actually happened after all.Even if you don't want to.But that's all there is to it.

Zhang Fan asked Liang Chao to rest at home for a while.He also knows the pain.It takes a long time.Maybe he will never forget it for the rest of his life.But fortunately.Liang Chao was not affected by this incident.certainly.This influence is called external.It has nothing to do with him.

all in all.Liang Chao was very miserable.True love has been found.married a wife.It never occurred to me that this would be the result.

After such a day.Zhang Fan was exhausted physically and mentally.When he was planning to go home and take a good rest.But never thought of it.This matter is not over yet.The impact is still there.And they're already at his home.

here.Zhang Fan felt a different atmosphere just after returning home.When you walk in, it's still the same as usual.It's no different.But when Zhang Fan walked towards the backyard.But it was different.The atmosphere obviously became dignified.

At this time, Zhang Fan hadn't thought of any connection between this matter and what he encountered outside today.He thought it was just a small incident at home.After all, such a big home.There are so many of them.Who would be bothered if something happened.This is really a normal thing.

But when Zhang Fan knew why.He started to have a headache.He really didn't think of it.what's going on outside.Now it has actually affected my own home.

At first it was just on the road.Zhang Fan heard that his mother actually asked about this matter.That is to say, the family already knows what is happening now.But even so.Zhang Fan didn't care too much.This thing has happened.Although it won't be advertised.But there is no need to hide it.I'm afraid we will have to make a fuss about this matter at that time.Convict Wang Gao or something.But Zhang Fan didn't expect it.It was because the family also knew about it.But another trouble arose.

In fact, the cause of this matter.There is nothing strange.It wasn't someone who sent the news in on purpose.After all, it was Jin Yiwei's business anyway.It has nothing to do with Zhang Fan's family.Even a caring person would not do this.

The reason for the thing is.Before Zhang Fan hadn't come back.Although there is news at home.But they don't know exactly when Zhang Fan will come back.It is precisely because of this.So during that time, Hong'er would often come to visit.Of course, her main question was to ask when Liang Chao would be able to come back.

It's not a big deal.Even now Hong'er has been arrested.But before that.The members of the Zhang family also didn't know Hong'er's identity.

But therein lies the problem.Hong'er's visit.It also made a person in the Zhang family think about it.That's right.That person is Xiangmei.

Xiangmei has feelings for Liang Chao.Perhaps it was just the first sprout of girlish feelings at that time.Let Xiangmei feel that Liang Chao is really good.So it has a place in my heart.But Xiangmei's feelings did not fade with time.On the contrary, it made her care more about Liang Chao.

only.Liang Chao didn't notice her feelings.And Xiangmei is a woman no matter this era.It is natural for men to actively pursue women.But let women take the initiative to pursue men.It is intolerable to outsiders.

therefore.Xiangmei buried her feelings for Liang Chao deeply in her heart.certainly.The so-called deep burial is nothing but feelings.But Xiangmei likes Liang Chao's matter.It can be said that everyone in the Zhang family knows about it.Even Zhang Fan knew it.

On the day Liang Chao and Hong'er got married.Xiangmei cried a lot.Although no one saw it.But there are many people who know about it.In short.This incident has indeed dealt a big blow to Xiangmei.then.Many people in the family.Especially Zhao Shi and Ru Xue.It also comforted Xiangmei for a long time.

But after that.And no one took it too seriously.In their view.After all, Liang Chao is already married.And even Xiangmei has deep feelings for Liang Chao.But since they are all married.In addition, the Zhao family attaches great importance to Xiangmei.On weekdays, she treats her like her own daughter.Xiangmei also respected the Zhao family very much.There is never the slightest disobedience.Mrs. Zhao will never allow Xiangmei to be a child for others.And Xiangmei is well aware of this.

so.During the time when Liang Chao got married.Everyone saw Xiangmei's sadness.But it didn't matter at all.They felt that Xiangmei should know.It was impossible between her and Liang Chao.Before they want to come.After a while.Xiangmei's own feelings for Liang Chao should also gradually fade.Looking for a good family in the future.After getting married.You will also have a good time.There are not so many things.

but.What everyone didn't think of was.Xiangmei's persistence.That's really not normal.Although the time is not too long.But it's been a while.And for this kind of thing.This period of time is already enough.

only.Obviously.Xiangmei did not forget Liang Chao.Even if the other party is already married.She still hasn't forgotten.

certainly.Perhaps for concealment's sake.This kind of thing is always on her mind.But it can't be too explicit.So Xiangmei was doing her daily routine.Also try not to think about it.But once she saw the associated person.Even Hong'er.She will think again.

So back and forth.long down.Everyone also discovered what was thinking in her heart.After all, every time Xiangmei sees Hong'er.There is always that unnatural expression on his face.Anyone can see it.

But even so.Everyone can see it.Didn't pay too much attention to their view.Maybe it's just because Liang Chao is Xiangmei's first love.It was the man she fell in love with when she first fell in love.So this is what makes her memory so deep.Even if the other party is already married.She will still miss it so much.Anyway, it didn't matter.

But this time.Obviously, it is not something that can be solved by taking it seriously.

Hong'er will find out what happened this time.It is also a bit of a coincidence.

During this time, Hong'er has been coming over to ask Liang Chao when he will come back.It's nothing for Zhang's family to treat her like this.First, both sides know each other.Secondly, they could also see that Hong'er really cared about Liang Chao.

And early this morning.Zhang Fan is back.The news also came back.But because Zhang Fan had to go to the palace to report to Queen Mother Li first.So I didn't go home right away.

Hong'er also wanted to meet Liang Chao.But she also knew that Liang Chao must go home first.The couple haven't seen each other for so long.There is bound to be a lot to say.She is just an outsider.What does it look like to go.So Hong'er didn't go.

But in the afternoon.It's time for something to happen.Noon.After Zhang Fan went home and had dinner, he left.And here.Mrs. Zhao ordered someone to deliver some things.It's not something expensive.It's just some ordinary objects.Zhang Mansion is very big.The cost is not small.Sometimes it's too much preparation.But Mrs. Zhao is not a wasteful person.Not a stingy guy either.

Other officials and eunuchs may look down upon him.But Mrs. Zhao wouldn't do that either.She was just given to a few subordinates who were familiar with Zhang Fan.

Of course Liang Chao was among them.But Mrs. Zhao also understood Xiangmei's thoughts.So it was sent by other servants in the family.

But this time is a coincidence.When the servant went to Liang Chao's house.It happened to be the time when Wang Meng took people there.

Liang Chao is Zhang Fan's subordinate.If there is something wrong in Weizhong.Let him go there.That's nothing more than normal.But this time.Because of that.So Hong'er followed suit when she was called.When the servant was talking to Mother Liang.I heard Mother Liang say that inadvertently.

original.It's not a big deal either.At least the servant himself didn't think it was a serious matter.Just thought it was something else.So I didn't take it to heart.

After he returned to the Zhang Mansion, he didn't care about it.But when chatting with others.Speaking of this matter.But coincidentally.These words were heard by Xiangmei.

For those who have nothing to do with it.This is nothing more than gossip when's not a big deal.But for Xiangmei who thinks about it day and night.This is no big deal.After she heard this unusual thing about Liang Chao's family.I felt something was wrong.Trying to figure out what's going on.But it was not convenient for her to ask.

Xiangmei's awkward appearance.In the end, it was Zhao Shi who saw it.After asking to understand.Mrs. Zhao also asked Zhang Fan's subordinates to see what was going on.Originally, Mrs. Zhao didn't think anything would happen.This is just to make Xiangmei feel at ease.But who knows.Such a question actually revealed such a thing.

All of a sudden.Xiangmei couldn't sit still.

And the matter of Zhang Fan returning home.It is also such a time.

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