The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1649 So comforting

It wasn't until Zhang Fan returned home that he realized that the trouble was far from over. Of course, although the trouble was not over, it was not a major trouble. Trouble does make him feel very difficult, but it is not too important, and it is not unsolvable.

Today's matter is related to Liang Chao, and because of this, Zhang Fan is indeed very troubled about this matter, but Zhang Fan is negligent. The people who care about Liang Chao are not only those he thinks, but also others She's here, and she's from her own family, Xiangmei.

Of course, things have priorities, not to mention that Zhang Fan really couldn't think of Xiangmei's influence on this matter before, I am afraid that even if Zhang Fan thought of it before, he would not have the time to take these things into consideration .

But it is different now. After all, most of the things have been resolved now, and even Liang Chao will still become very depressed because of this matter, and it will last for a long time, but Zhang Fan also There is no need to worry about this matter any more. At this time, let him know about Xiangmei, and he still has to worry about it.

Therefore, when Zhang Fan just returned home and knew that Xiangmei had become sad because of this incident, Zhang Fan also knew that his troubles were not over yet. Sure enough, when Zhang Fan thought so, he She was called over by her mother, Zhao, just because of Xiangmei's affairs.

After explaining the matter to Mrs. Zhao, Mrs. Zhao was not the kind of unreasonable person. After listening to Zhang Fan's words, she also understood the seriousness of this matter, and it was not the kind of easy-to-talk thing. Regarding this kind of thing, Mrs. Zhao could only sigh helplessly, but at this time, Mrs. Zhao simply left the matter of comforting Xiangmei to Zhang Fan and let Zhang Fan do it.

Zhang Fan didn't think there was anything wrong with this, nor did he feel that his mother left it to him just because it was difficult. This matter was indeed difficult, after all, he wanted to persuade Xiangmei A woman, and the relationship is still like this, it is indeed difficult to say, but at the same time, only Zhang Fan can do this matter.

Maybe other people can do it too, as long as Zhang Fan tells them the whole story, they can naturally tell Xiangmei about it, so that she can relax and tell her that there is nothing wrong with Liang Chao.

But now, in this period, Xiangmei knows without even asking, it must be very sensitive, or worrying about excess, other people's words, maybe she just deceives herself because she believes they won't, but she also thinks that those are for the sake of letting others A white lie she told with peace of mind.

But Zhang Fan is different. After all, the relationship between Zhang Fan and this matter was originally unusual. The things he knows are naturally the most true, and Xiangmei will believe more in what he says, even though, This doesn't mean that Zhang Fan won't tell lies and deceive others, but at the very least, she believes Zhang Fan's words more, so it is also beneficial for Zhang Fan to comfort Xiangmei.

Of course, this is just an analysis of this matter from an objective point of view, but when it comes to reality, when it is really placed on Zhang Fan and what he is going to do next, this matter But it's not as easy as it said.

Zhang Fan is naturally very concerned about Xiangmei's feelings, otherwise he would not care about what will happen to this matter, or he would not feel any trouble because of this matter at all, and it is precisely because I care, so this will make things more troublesome. It seems that it is very easy to comfort Xiangmei, and there is no big trouble, but Zhang Fan is really asked to do this. When something happened, Zhang Fan began to feel troubled again and didn't know what to do.

However, Zhang Fan has already promised Zhao to do this matter, so even if he feels troublesome in his heart, he still has to do it. Otherwise, this is not just for Zhao. There is no way to explain things, even Zhang Fan himself has no way to let Xiangmei not ask.

Xiangmei's room is not far from Zhao's side. At the beginning, Zhao's arrangement was like this, and Xiangmei was willing to do so, saying that it was easier to take care of her. But now, after Zhang Fan came out from Zhao's , you can reach Xiangmei's place in a few steps, but this time, facing the shorter distance, Zhang Fan wants to solve the problem that is more troublesome than dealing with his mother before. Method.

Although according to what Zhang Fan said to Zhao Shi, since all of this is already the case, there is nothing to do, but logically speaking, all you need to do is tell Xiangmei everything truthfully. , even in fact, Zhang Fan now has only this way, but even so, there is already a way in front of him, and there is only this way, but Zhang Fan still finds this matter very difficult .

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan sighed again. In the past, Zhang Fan had encountered such troublesome times, but this time, it was something that was directly related to himself, and this also made Zhang Fan extremely helpless. , There is also a sense of powerlessness that can't do anything, although it is true that I don't want to be like this, but it can only be like this.

When Zhang Fan walked to Xiangmei's room, he happened to see Ru Xue coming out of it. Obviously, there were many people in Zhang's house who cared about Xiangmei, and there were quite a few people who really took action to care for Xiangmei.

However, when Ru Xue came out of Xiangmei's room and happened to see Zhang Fan, she also knew what Zhang Fan was doing, but she shook her head slightly at Zhang Fan.

Seeing Ru Xue like this, Zhang Fan knew it. Obviously Ru Xue wanted to comfort Xiangmei, but failed. She also understood that the purpose of Zhang Fan coming here was the same as hers. , no one is more suitable than Zhang Fan, but Ru Xue doesn't have too much hope for Zhang Fan, maybe after Zhang Fan tells Xiangmei the truth, it can indeed make Xiangmei stop caring about these things Yes, but if you do this, is it really good?

Perhaps, faced with the current situation, this is the only way to do it now, but Zhang Fan always feels that doing so may not be the best way, it's just because he doesn't have so much time to think of other ways right now. .

Seeing Ru Xue like this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sighed again. He motioned to Ru Xue to let her go back first, but Ru Xue didn't intend to say anything more, so she nodded to Zhang Fan and signaled Tell him a bit, and tell him to take it easy when talking to Xiangmei, and not to be too blunt, after all, Xiangmei is not a person with such a good endurance, and Zhang Fan also nodded, expressing that he knew, as long as But Zhang Fan didn't say anything, what he really wanted to say was to try his best.

After Ru Xue left, Zhang Fan walked to Xiangmei's room door and knocked on the door.

"Sister Ruxue, just leave me alone," Xiangmei's voice came from the room, it sounded haggard and distressed.

"It's me," Zhang Fan said, "I just came back and heard something, come and have a look."

As soon as Zhang Fan finished speaking, he heard footsteps coming from the room, and he approached the door. Immediately afterwards, the door was opened, revealing Xiangmei's face. They were all beautiful faces, but now they looked haggard, and their eye sockets were also red, obviously they had cried before.

Seeing Xiangmei like this, although he didn't make a sound, Zhang Fan sighed again and said, "Let's go in and talk first."

Xiangmei has no other thoughts now, or she is really too worried about what is going on with Liang Chao, so when she heard that Zhang Fan is coming, she immediately wants to ask how Liang Chao is. Chao was taken away because of Hong'er. Although Liang Chao was taken away by his colleagues, this matter was serious after all, so Xiangmei didn't know what would happen to Liang Chao. Now Zhang Fan came back But Xiangmei knew that Zhang Fan must know what Liang Chao would do, or what Liang Chao would do would be decided by Zhang Fan.

Although Xiangmei also understands that she shouldn't ask Zhang Fan about such things, but he is too worried now, so he still can't help but want to ask what's going on and what's going on with Liang Chao now. , so when she heard that Zhang Fan was coming, she was naturally eager to ask, but when she opened the door and faced Zhang Fan, she didn't know what to do.

It was Zhang Fan's words, which brought her back to her senses and let Zhang Fan into the house.

This is the first time for Zhang Fan to visit Xiangmei's room. After all, this is a woman's boudoir, and Xiangmei is waiting to be married. Even if Zhang Fan is the head of the family, he would not do this.

But now, Zhang Fan doesn't have the heart to look at this girl's boudoir that he has never been to before. After all, Xiangmei still looks so depressed and sad over there. Anxious to know what's going on.

Xiangmei's thoughts were naturally understandable to Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan didn't know how to speak after being stared at by Xiangmei for such a short time.

But obviously, Xiangmei was really anxious, and Zhang Fan only hesitated for a while, and Xiangmei couldn't wait, and asked, "Master, what is this?" What's the matter, why did this kind of thing happen, what's wrong with Liang... Liang Qianhu?"

"You've heard about it when you think about it," Zhang Fan said with a sigh, "This matter is very troublesome now, but fortunately I have thought of a way in time. Although the matter is not settled now, at least I have already done everything I can do, and there will definitely be troubles in the future, but I think it will not be a big trouble, and I am already prepared, even if there are any troubles at that time, there will be no problems. Do not worry,"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, it was obvious that Xiangmei had relaxed a lot, after all she heard that Liang Chao was fine.

But Zhang Fan also knew that the matter would not end like this.

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