The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1650 Something Strange

Zhang Fan returned home after dealing with the affairs in the yamen, thinking that he could finally take a rest, but he never thought that he had just returned home when he discovered that this matter was not over yet. Liang Chao and Hong'er were taken away. After entering his own yamen, and what happened to Hong'er, under a series of coincidences, the people in Zhang's mansion found out unintentionally, but for most people in Zhang's mansion, this did not matter. What, at most it was just a sigh. Anyway, Liang Chao, as Zhang Fan's capable subordinate, was familiar with the people in the Zhang family. Now that something like this happened to him, it was inevitable that he would feel a sigh.

But there is only one person who is really troubled by this matter, and that is naturally Xiangmei. After all, Xiangmei has feelings for Liang Chao, and this feeling is quite deep. You know, Liang Chao is a sweetheart. When Mei Qingdou first opened, she was the first man to remember in her heart.

For women, especially women in this era, perhaps the first man they have a crush on when they first fell in love may not become their partner in the end, but it will make them remember it for a long time, The same is true for Xiangmei, even if Liang Chao married another woman, for Xiangmei, she should stop thinking about it as soon as possible, but obviously, Xiangmei is too obsessed with Liang Chao Even so, she still couldn't forget Liang Chao.

And it is precisely because of her inability to forget that this situation has happened now. When she learned that Liang Chao had done something, her whole heart was suspended, and she couldn't let it go at all. She was always worried, worried that Liang Chao would Nothing will happen, but she is just a servant girl of the Zhang family. Although it is said that she is taking care of Mrs. Zhao, she is only a servant girl in the end, not to mention her, not even the rest of the Zhang family. Way to find out what is going on now.

Therefore, before Zhang Fan came back, Xiangmei was always worried about what happened, and even cried a lot.

The people in the family have been comforting her, Ru Xue and the others, and even Mrs. Zhao have told her to reassure her, but to no avail.

After Zhang Fan came back, after knowing what happened, he immediately went to Xiangmei and told her about it. After Zhang Fan told Xiangmei clearly, only Hong'er was arrested. , and after Liang Chao had nothing to do, Xiangmei really settled down.

But even so, Zhang Fan knew that Xiangmei had settled down now, but her problems would never end. After all, he just said that Liang Chao was fine, and he just said that he was fine now, and seeing Xiangmei like this Caring about Liang Chao, I'm afraid she won't give up until she finds out the truth.

As for this problem, Zhang Fan is also quite troublesome. After all, although he has already made plans for what will happen to Liang Chao in the future, in the final analysis, it is also a matter of the future, even if Zhang Fan has already done well. I'm ready, but I don't know what will happen when the time comes. If Xiangmei asks, Zhang Fan actually doesn't know how to answer.

But it is impossible for him not to answer Xiangmei's question. After all, if he wants to reassure Xiangmei completely, he can't do it without saying it. But it may not be true. Although Zhang Fan feels helpless about this point, there is nothing he can do about it.

"It's really all right," Xiangmei asked again, although Zhang Fan had already told her that Liang Chao was really all right, and Xiangmei knew that Zhang Fan would not lie to her, but after all, this matter was hers. She was extremely concerned, so even though she understood what Zhang Fan said, she still believed what Zhang Fan said, but she still had to ask again to make sure.

Zhang Fan naturally knew what Xiangmei was thinking, so even if Xiangmei asked repeatedly, Zhang Fan would not blame him for anything, but just told her very patiently that she was really fine.

And after knowing the news, getting a double answer, and confirming that this is indeed the case, Xiangmei was obviously much calmer than before, but then she asked again: "Then... is that so?" Said it would be fine from now on."

Although Zhang Fan knew that Xiangmei had deep feelings for Liang Chao, he never expected that Xiangmei's feelings for Liang Chao would be so deep. After going through so many things, Xiangmei still missed Liang Chao so much. So now, her concern for Liang Chao has obviously gone far beyond that ordinary feeling.

Zhang Fan even began to think about why he didn't see this at the beginning, or it was too late. If he had seen this at that time, he would have made plans earlier, and things would not have evolved to this point today. Hong'er would not marry Liang Chao, so these things would not happen, and Liang Chao would definitely not get into any trouble because of such things.

Of course, these are all hindsight, and it's useless to think about it now, and can't change anything, but that's how Ninja is, often when things don't develop to the point they yearn for, they will inevitably remember how they were at the beginning , or if it would have been better to do that in the first place, although it doesn't help, it still makes people want to think about it.

"No one can say for sure what will happen in the future," Zhang Fan said. Although he is a little omnipotent, at this moment, he can only say so, "If this thing wants to happen, it will never happen in the future." It's too much trouble, but it can't be said that there will be no trouble at all in the future.

"Although Liang Chao is only a thousand households now, he is a thousand households of Jinyiwei after all, and he is also my right-hand man. I can't explain to you all the things involved in it, but I definitely won't. No, so now you ask me to say whether there will be trouble or not in the future, I can't say that, but you can rest assured Xiangmei, although I don't know if there will be any trouble at that time, but I am ready Well, even if there is any trouble at that time, don't worry about it, I will help him, "

For Zhang Fan to be able to say this to Xiangmei, she is already benevolent, and to Xiangmei, she is not the kind of person who does not know how to be satisfied. It's good enough to tell him.

And just from the aspects Zhang Fan said, she is already satisfied. At the very least, she now knows that although Liang Chao has been affected by today's events, nothing has happened, and for the future Come, Zhang Fan also told her that she had already made preparations. Xiangmei naturally trusted Zhang Fan very much. Since Zhang Fan said so, she also believed that Zhang Fan would never deceive herself.

However, Xiangmei didn't intend to stop there, she still wanted to ask about some things.

"Then...then..." Although Xiangmei wanted to ask clearly, but when the words came to her lips, she couldn't speak for a while, she was coy, but in the end, she still said, "Then How is he... now?"

"Oh, what else can I do?" Speaking of Liang Chao's current situation, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sighed, "This incident just happened today, and so many things happened in just a few hours. The matter of Hong'er alone already made Liang Chao a little out of breath, not to mention... In short, he must be in a bad mood right now, so I told him to go home first and rest more Let’s talk about it in a few days, but now we still need to give him more time.”

"Then can I..." Xiangmei still wanted to ask, but this time she was more coy. Although there was no shyness on her face, she was obviously reluctant to say these words, "Can I go and see?" he,"

"This..." Zhang Fan really did not expect that Xiangmei would ask such a bold question.

You know, this is not something a girl can say easily. Even if Liang Chao is not married, it is really impolite for a woman like Xiangmei to come to her door. As a result, even though Zhang Fan asked him to write a divorce letter, this still cannot change the fact that he has already married a wife. In this way, it is really inappropriate for a woman like Xiangmei to come to ask about the situation.

What's more, in the current situation, you must know that Liang Chao is deeply lost, after all, he just lost his beloved wife. Of course, Hong'er did not die, but this separation is worse than death. It must be uncomfortable, not to mention that Hong'er became in this situation because of this kind of thing, and the current Liang Chao must be very, very uncomfortable in his heart.

It would be extremely inappropriate to ask Xiangmei to find him now, even if it was just to comfort him.

Therefore, when Xiangmei said these words now, Zhang Fan didn't mean that he didn't know how to reply, but that he didn't expect Xiangmei to ask such a sentence at all, which surprised Zhang Fan.

In addition to being surprised, even Zhang Fan didn't know how to answer her about this matter. For Zhang Fan, he didn't have a good answer to tell her what to do, it was just a feeling.

"This matter..." Zhang Fan hesitated, "It's not that I don't agree, but it's not appropriate for you to do this. After all, Liang Chao's side has just happened now, so it must be Liang Chao himself is also very disappointed, if you go now, I'm afraid it's not suitable."

"This... I know this," Xiangmei said a little coyly, "I'm just worried about him, I understand, I won't be too abrupt about this matter, I know how to measure it,"

"It's fine for you to know this, and I can't help you," Zhang Fan said, "But you have to look at the situation a little bit, otherwise, things won't go wrong, but it will make people feel that something is wrong. , it still depends on how you handle yourself, "

"I understand," Xiangmei nodded.

Xiangmei has already been appeased, but Zhang Fan feels that this matter is a bit strange, especially the matter of Xiangmei,

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