The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1652 More Peace of Mind

Xiangmei is worried about Liang Chao.Zhang Fan already knew something about it.And Zhang Fan also went to comfort Xiangmei.But in Zhang Fan's imagination.Xiangmei was easy to comfort.After all, she was only worried about Liang Chao.And as long as Zhang Fan told her Liang Chao was fine.That's fine too.

But at the end of the day.These things are not the point yet.The point is Xiangmei's feelings for Liang Chao.Even until now, I haven't given up much.She still likes Liang Chao very much.What made Zhang Fan feel a little strange was that.He always felt that Xiangmei was concerned about the current situation.While worrying about Liang Chao.Still a little happy in my heart.It's not that Xiangmei is cold-blooded.This kind of thing happened to Liang Chao.She will still be happy.But be aware.After all, this incident gave Xiangmei a chance.

certainly.Even in this case.It was just Zhang Fan's own idea.Or maybe it's just how he feels.Not sure.what is going on.Maybe not.It's just a feeling.

But this thing.Zhang Fan didn't pay much attention to it in the end.After all, this matter is not what Zhang Fan needs to care about right now.Or in Zhang Fan's opinion.In the end, this matter was nothing more than an innocuous matter.He doesn't need much attention.Even in Zhang Fan's heart.This is not necessarily a good thing.certainly.Whether it's a good thing or not.Now there is no need to ask.

all in all.Zhang Fan had just returned from Liaodong.This is when the first day is not over yet.He has already encountered such a thing.And it's a very difficult thing to do.This incident made Zhang Fan extremely tired.There are just too many things to take care of.It made him feel out of breath for a moment.

And at this time.This matter is finally over.This also made Zhang Fan slightly relieved.Although it's not over yet.Zhang Fan still has a lot of things to do tomorrow.But at least today.He was able to rest well.

When people are tired.Maybe always thinking about it.But for Zhang Fan.So did he.When night falls.Let go of the complicated affairs on your body.Zhang Fan began to remember something again.Now he is home.And although the war in Liaodong is not over yet.But there is no suspense anymore.

But after returning home.Not everyone at home is there.Fang Yueling will go to Sichuan.It has been such a long time until now.But there is no news.Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling worried.think about it.Fang Yueling was called back by her father.Zhang Fan felt a little strange about this matter.certainly.It's not a reason to be surprised by Fang Zhenqian.After all, this is something in the Five Poisons Sect.Even now the two have formed an alliance.But the affairs of the parties.Others are not qualified to intervene.Maybe something happened in the Five Poison Sect.Fang Yueling, the leader, must go back and deal with it.

Although he can't ask.But he still took the time to send a message to Sichuan.Let the people over there watch carefully.See what's going on over there.Although you can't ask each other.But it's an alliance after all.And Jin Yiwei is powerful.So Jinyiwei also has its own people stationed in the Five Poison Sect.It is not a problem to let them pay attention to the movements of the Five Poison Sect.

Anyway.Just go home.Not only the family members at home are waiting for themselves.His own children are also Zhang Fan's nostalgia.go home.Really good.

the next day.Zhang Fan was the same as before.Woke up early and went to court.Morning is still the same as before.The young emperor Zhu Yijun sat on the dragon chair.Accept the worship of hundreds of officials.And Feng Bao just stood aside.Not much to say.Just quietly listening to the discussions of the ministers below.

Because Zhang Fan just came back from Liaodong yesterday.In addition, the war in Liaodong is now going on.So he returned to the morning court today.Naturally, he needs to open his mouth to say what is going on.Zhang Fan told the story of Liaodong.certainly.There were some things he didn't say.For example, let's say you were assassinated.Although it is said that Zhang Fan encountered an assassin.It is impossible to hide it after thinking about it.I am afraid that many people in the court already know about it.But Zhang Fan didn't bother to say it.After all, some people don't know it.Well those who don't know had better not know.After all, Liang Chao was involved in this matter.Zhang Fan didn't want too many people to know about it.And ask questions.

As for those who say they already know.Zhang Fan also considered it.Those people might deal with Zhang Fan because someone in Jin Yiwei married Xie as his wife.But it will not have any influence on Liang Chao.certainly.That kind of thing doesn't happen today.Even if there is, it will be a long time later.

And the protective measures that Zhang Fan did for Liang Chao.In fact, it is to be prepared to deal with some very special situations.If there is any situation in the future because of this incident.Most of them will target Zhang Fan.If only that's the case.Zhang Fan wasn't worried about anything.

But if someone wants to target Liang Chao at that time.Then the things Zhang Fan prepared are very useful.Of course.For Liang Chao.Now that I think about it, it's kind of impossible.After all, Liang Chao is Zhang Fan's right-hand man.But Liang Chao is just a thousand households after all.Perhaps there is great power among Jin Yiwei.But practically speaking.But it doesn't matter.But Zhang Fan wanted to train Liang Chao well.It will be of great use in the future.

If so.It may be possible in the future.Someone will trouble Liang Chao.certainly.Although it is unlikely.It's best without nature.But if there is... Zhang Fan's preparations are to deal with this possible situation.

Zhang Fan finished talking about what he saw in Liaodong.The people present also discussed with each other.Although it is said that Liaodong is now fighting.And almost all people put their eyes on this matter.So now I heard Zhang Fan, who just came back from there, talk about what happened there.It is also extraordinarily attentive.

But put your heart into it.When these people have finished listening.I also felt that this matter was really no big deal.original.These people in the court are like this.But whenever there is a war.Especially domestic wars.These people don't always care too much.I always feel that the territory of the imperial court is vast.The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong.In the face of this small group of rebel forces in the country.It is not very easy to solve.But don't care if you don't care.After really fighting.These people suddenly became concerned.

And next.After these people listened to what Zhang Fan said.They don't see it that way.After listening to what Zhang Fan said.In other cases, I may not know.But there is one thing they are fully aware of.That's it this time.Li Chengliang was really well prepared.Can meet Wang Gao's attack at any time.

Although it is said that Li Chengliang's interpersonal relationship in the court is quite bad.Some people in the DPRK dislike him very much.And it is precisely because of this.It made other people dare not get close to Li Chengliang.finally.The trouble caused Li Chengliang to have no one in the court who could speak.

But even so.But there is one thing they understand.Although it talks about various things in the officialdom.Li Chengliang is indeed not good at it.Plus his temper.It will only make people hate him more.

But even hate him.There is one thing that has to be recognized.That is Li Chengliang no matter what.He definitely has a set of things like marching and fighting.And pretty good.

about this point.There is no need to look at anything else.Just watching him guard Liaodong for ten years.And these ten years.Liaodong is also constantly fighting.But as long as it is a war involving Li Chengliang.That is definitely a sure win.It can be seen from this alone.In things like marching and fighting.Li Chengliang has absolutely no problem.

And this time things.Li Chengliang had predicted it from the beginning.And he didn't just anticipate it.And also made a lot of preparations for this matter.And prepared for a long time.

Li Chengliang can be said to be prepared for any danger.Compared with Wang Gao.Although Wang Gao's plan to attack on a large scale has already been revealed.But now.Wang Gao's attacking lineup.But it was improvised.In this way.Wang Gao wants to win.Basically it's even harder.It can even be said that there is no chance of winning at all.

so down.Such a comparison.Plus it's already started.And before Zhang Fan came back, he had already fought a battle.And Li Chengliang also won a great victory.

Just from this point.You can see it.This battle in Liaodong.Definitely can win.

So these people who were originally very concerned about the Liaodong War.After listening to what Zhang Fan said.All have settled down.I don't intend to ask this matter any more.after all.Now that you have the confidence to win.Even this kind of victory is simply easy to grab.Then there is no need to worry at all.Just have to wait.

Although the ministers all hold this attitude.But Zhu Yijun was the most happy about this matter.original.Zhu Yijun was still unable to come back because of his friend Nurhachi.Don't worry about staying on the battlefield.Worried about whether he will encounter any misfortune because of this war.Even Zhang Fan had told him about it yesterday.And tell him clearly.Nothing will happen to Nurhachi.But Zhu Yijun still couldn't help worrying.

but now.Zhu Yijun was listening to Zhang Fan's words.It is not difficult to know that it is not difficult to win the battle of Liaodong.And it's time to win.Zhu Yijun is much better.Although the worry has not been completely eliminated by this.But the bare minimum.After hearing what Zhang Fan said.Zhu Yijun was also much more relieved than before.

certainly.Naturally, there must be rules above the court.Although Zhu Yijun felt relieved a lot.But there are still some doubts.But he didn't ask now.

And Zhang Fan also saw Zhu Yijun's appearance.He was also a little happy about it.Those words just said.Zhang Fan did not use any more ambiguous words.Instead, he emphasized that he must be able to win.

all in all.It can be said this time.Zhu Yijun felt relieved.

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