morning.It was time again when only Zhang Fan spoke.This is not the first time this has happened.And Zhang Fan has long been used to this situation.And now.What Zhang Fan said was only what he saw in Liaodong.So no big deal.easy thing.

And after Zhang Fan finished talking about these things.The people present also had a general understanding of the battle situation in Liaodong.And after understanding.It wasn't much of a worry at first.It became even more indifferent.Originally, these people did not take Wang Gao's rebellion seriously.Not to mention that now after listening to Zhang Fan's explanation of the matter in Liaodong.I don't care even more.

But Zhang Fan didn't care about these people.What he cares about is actually Zhu Yijun's affairs.Zhu Yijun told him about it yesterday.And this.Zhang Fan is also very concerned.After he explained it to Zhu Yijun.Tell him that nothing will happen to Nurhachi.Out of trust in Zhang Fan.Zhu Yijun was also relieved a lot.But that peace of mind is only superficial.He still has some worries in his heart.

But now.After hearing what Zhang Fan said above the court.Coupled with the relaxation shown by the ministers present.This also made Zhu Yijun relax.At least.This situation also made him really feel.The situation in Liaodong is under control.Even if Nurhachi stayed there.Nothing will happen.

But Zhang Fan felt relieved when he saw Zhu Yijun.He himself was relieved a lot.It's not that Zhu Yijun is troublesome.I just hope Zhu Yijun doesn't worry too much about this matter.Nurhachi is his friend.This was more or less completed under Zhang Fan's arrangement.Zhang Fan's purpose is to.I hope that Nurhachi, the future leader of Jianzhou Jurchen.If you become friends with the emperor of Ming Dynasty.Coupled with Zhang Fan's actions in it.In the future, there will be no major problems in the Northeast.

And now.Zhu Yijun really regarded Nurhachi as his confidant and friend.And develop according to this situation.What will the future look like.It's really something that no one can say for sure.

But let's not talk about that.About Nurhachi.Zhang Fan has already made a lot of preparations.The general road has also been paved.So on this matter.Although Zhang Fan's appearance is completely opposite to Zhu Yijun's.Zhu Yijun is always worried about Nurhachi's safety.But what Zhang Fan showed was a look of not caring.But actually.Zhang Fan had the same thoughts as Zhu Yijun.even in comparison.He wants Nurhachi to be safe even more than Zhu Yijun.It would be best not to get into any trouble because of it.

therefore.For Zhang Fan.Compared with Zhu Yijun.Zhang Fan hoped that Nurhachi would be safe.Although the source of his idea is naturally different from Zhu Yijun.But there is nothing wrong with it.That's what he wanted.

A little.He didn't tell Zhu Yijun.Before he left Liaodong.He once told Li Chengliang repeatedly in private.He must think about Nurhachi's safety.And Li Chengliang nodded in agreement.

about this point.Zhang Fan didn't mention it to Zhu Yijun.It's not that it's something that can't be said.It's because Zhu Yijun is young.But the mind is not naive.As soon as Zhang Fan said these words.It can indeed make Zhu Yijun feel at ease a lot.But there's no guarantee that Zhu Yijun won't have any other ideas.Perhaps he would think that there might be other reasons for Zhang Fan's explanation.

certainly.This possibility is really too small.But it is not completely absent.sometimes.Can't be too overrated.But again.It must not be too underestimated.Since worry.Then it's better to be cautious.So Zhang Fan did not tell him these things.Moreover.Let Zhu Yijun maintain a little nervousness.Only then can he cherish the friendship between the two even more.Although it will make Zhu Yijun worry about Nurhachi's safety.But Zhang Fan felt that this might also be a test for Zhu Yijun.

In short.That's the case with Liaodong.And next.Zhang Fan still wanted to go to Queen Mother Li.Tell me about Hong'er.Originally this kind of thing.It's fine for Zhang Fan to deal with it himself among Jinyiwei.but now.Empress Dowager Li also knew about this.Then it's not that simple.

Zhang Fan already told Feng Bao about this matter yesterday.And what Feng Bao meant was.He was just helping with this matter.In the end it was up to Zhang Fan himself.So after Zhang Fan dealt with that matter yesterday.I still have to talk to Queen Mother Li today.

Zhang Fan has already considered it.He considered that Empress Dowager Li might intervene in some of this matter.For example, the matter of Liang Chao.So Zhang Fan is also prepared in this regard.certainly.Not necessarily.Perhaps Empress Dowager Li would never have asked about Liang Chao.After all, it is just a thousand households.For the empress dowager.It doesn't matter at all.But Zhang Fan still needs to be prepared for these two moves.

After the early morning is over.Zhang Fan went to the Palace of Compassion and Ning to meet Queen Mother Li again.this time.Empress Dowager Li also asked how the matter about Xizuo was resolved.And Zhang Fan answered truthfully.When Queen Mother Li heard.The problem has been solved.With the help of Feng Bao and Dongchang.It has also been found out who the spy is.And it was picked up yesterday.

To this.Empress Dowager Li was naturally relieved a lot.And Empress Dowager Li didn't bother to ask about Hong'er.After all, she is the queen mother.Some things may need to be asked.But there is no need to understand all the details of the matter.She just needs to know that this matter is now settled.As for what happens next.Including how to interrogate and deal with.Although she didn't say anything about this kind of thing.But it's obvious.It means that it is completely handed over to Zhang Fan.

Not too many questions were asked about Empress Dowager Li.Zhang Fan naturally felt a lot more relaxed.

but.Things are obviously not going to make people so proud.Zhang Fan thought that Queen Mother Li had finished asking these questions.When I thought this matter would end without any risk.Empress Dowager Li spoke again.

"The Ai family has heard something." The Empress Dowager Li said that she didn't care too much.Looking at Zhang Fan, he asked. "I heard that the arrest was a secret operation. She is the wife of a thousand households under Zhang Aiqing's subordinates. But there is such a thing."

What Empress Dowager Li said surprised Zhang Fan.He really did not expect Queen Mother Li to ask such a question.Perhaps Zhang Fan had figured it out a long time ago.I also know that Queen Mother Li already knew about this situation.But Zhang Fan did not expect that Queen Mother Li would ask such detailed questions.This made Zhang Fan feel a little difficult.

"Go back to the Queen Mother. There is indeed a matter." Although I didn't expect Queen Mother Li to ask such a question.But since it has been asked.You can't just say nothing. "This is my negligence. Please punish the Queen Mother."

"Don't talk about punishment or anything," Queen Mother Li said. "After all, you are the victim of this matter. But what Aijia means is that this kind of thing. You should be careful in the future. Don't let this kind of thing happen again. It's okay if you say something else. But this kind of thing .Not only will it harm people. It will also cause a big mess.

"The Ai family still wants to ask. How did Zhang Aiqing deal with that subordinate of yours?"

Queen Mother Li has already asked the question here.And this.Although Zhang Fan really didn't want it.But he was still prepared: "Back to the Queen Mother. This matter... Although it is said that this is his wife, he did not participate in this matter. Even when Wei Chen encountered an assassin, he still tried his best The one who saved Weichen. Although it is said that his wife is a secret agent, he didn't know about this matter. What's more, it was Weichen who agreed to the two of them getting married. So if this matter should be held accountable. It still has to be counted on Weichen's head."

"Zhang Aiqing. Are you showing favoritism to your subordinates?" Although Queen Mother Li's tone did not change.But he said something like this.

"No. Empress Dowager. I have absolutely no intention of doing so." Facing Empress Dowager Li, she asked this question.Zhang Fan was not worried.Or he was already prepared. "If I want to be relieved wholeheartedly, but I can push all the things on others. I just feel that if I do this, it is really against justice. And he is young. The future is very bright. I don't want him to do it because of this I have ruined my life because of something that was impossible to predict. I hope the Queen Mother will forgive me."

"Aijia understands what you mean." Queen Mother Li didn't keep asking.On the contrary, he graciously forgave Zhang Fan's words. "The Ai family knows about this matter. Since this is your own judgment, Ai Qing, then do it according to Ai Qing's wishes. The Ai family does not intend to ask about this matter anymore. But there is one thing. You have to ask Ai Qing Guaranteed by everyone. In the future, such matters must be investigated in advance.

"Aijia also understands your difficulties. I also know that I want this kind of thing to never happen in the future. That's impossible. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable. But at the very least, you have to do everything you can. In the future. If If there is any important person under your command who wants to get married. Or something else, you have to check it out before. To avoid this situation from happening again. Do you understand. "

"Please don't worry, Queen Mother. I understand. I will obey the Queen Mother's order." Zhang Fan said immediately.

"Well, that's good." Queen Mother Li nodded with satisfaction. "Some things cannot be stopped after all. But even if there is a problem, it cannot be due to lack of preparation in advance. If so, then it is dereliction of duty. Let this matter be handled like this.

"By the way. The emperor just came to greet Ai's family. Ai's family saw that he was much more stable than the previous few days. But he still seemed to be a little worried. Aiqing will go to the emperor's place later. Enlighten him. He is young I have been so troubled since I was a child. After I am in charge in the future, how will I lead the country.”

"Wei Chen understands." It turns out that Queen Mother Li has seen Zhu Yijun's problem.

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