The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1654 Lure the enemy to go deep

When Zhang Fan just walked into Qianqing Palace, he saw that the maids and eunuchs serving here were all relaxed, and when he got close to Zhu Yijun, he could clearly hear Zhu Yijun's happy laughter.

Hearing this, Zhang Fan felt a lot more relaxed, and he didn't think it was strange, Zhang Fan knew it was inevitable that Zhu Yijun would be like this, and Zhang Fan also knew the reason why Zhu Yijun would be like this.

Just now when Zhang Fan came out of the Palace of Mercy Ning and walked towards the Palace of Qianqing, he had already heard the news. The news came from Liaodong, and since it was this time, the news from Liaodong also It must be related to the war that is happening in Liaodong now, and it is actually the case, and the news that came this time is still good news, that is to say, it is now in Liaodong, just when Zhang Fan left from there. Now, in just four days, Li Chengliang has won another battle.

Under the circumstances that Li Chengliang had already arranged, the [-] vanguard army sent by Wang Gao, which united his Jianzhou Jurchen Department, Tumote Department, and Taining Department, was simply a little The effect was not played, and the army that had been ambushing was completely wiped out by Li Chengliang's departure, and not only that, it was not only that it was not good for Wang Gao's side to start the army, but that battle made Li Chengliang take advantage of the problem and grow Not to mention the momentum on his own side, it also made the soldiers no longer fear Wang Gao's side.

Of course, the effect of annihilating the vanguard of the enemy army that time was more than just that. As I said before, Wang Gao would send vanguards to harass Daming in the past, although every time he sent The vanguard army that came would suffer heavy losses, and even be completely wiped out, but almost at that time, every time Wang Gao did this, he gained a lot.

But this time it didn't happen. On the contrary, it was completely wiped out by Li Chengliang's army, which also increased the morale of Li Chengliang's side. This can be said to be worth the candle for Wang Gao, and this time the problem for Wang Gao is also relatively big Yes, after all, the vanguard he sent this time was not only his Jurchen people, but also people from the Tumed and Taining tribes who came, but now these people are all dead.

And this point not only dealt a blow to Wang Gao, but even the two tribes who had just cooperated with Wang Gao began to worry about the correctness of this cooperation with Wang Gao.

But they were worried, and there was nothing they could do if they wanted to stop. If they just reached an agreement with Wang Gao, it would be nothing. It's a big problem, but it's completely different now. After all, they also sent soldiers to attack Daming. Although they were completely wiped out and there was no Warring States, no matter what, the fact of attacking Daming will not change in any way.

Therefore, it can be said that these two tribes are completely tied to Wang Gao now. No matter how unfavorable the situation in front of them seems to them, they have no way to escape, they can only be so hard. On the scalp.

Of course, for these two tribes, although there is no other way to do this now, it is not impossible. If it is really an irreparable situation, they can still lose their cars and keep their handsome, so that they can survive After all, after all, they were only here to help Wang Gao, and this attack on Daming was proposed by Wang Gao. Even if the two of them participated, they never said so. , these two families will definitely abandon Wang Gao.

But these two families may still have a way out in the face of this situation, but Wang Gao really has no way out. What he did this time is very big, and he didn't leave any room for himself at all. Naturally, he wanted to attack aggressively and hurt Daming, so that he would not only be able to stabilize for a long time, but also obtain great benefits.

But at the same time, doing so is also risky. Once his plan fails and Li Chengliang defeats him, then for Wang Gao, the situation will become the most desperate for him. It has been decided from the beginning. Since you want to do something big, you also need to bear the big risks that this big thing will bring.

It's not that Wang Gao doesn't understand this truth in his heart, but in his heart, he didn't think too much about this issue. In his opinion, although there is a great risk, it will only happen when this risk really happens. Only when he had to worry about it, but for Wang Gao, his idea was that he would be able to win and get what he wanted, so he didn't feel that this kind of situation was possible at all.

Arrogance, absolute arrogance, although he is very confident, but his confidence is too inflated, and he thinks too much of himself, which has become arrogance.

Of course, arrogance is not necessarily a bad thing. In the face of the absolute advantage of own occupation, there may be no harm in being arrogant, and there may even be some benefits.

But the current situation does not have any huge advantage for Wang Gao. You must know his opponent, Li Chengliang, Li Chengliang's original strength is much larger than him, and Li Chengliang has already expected it. He would come to attack, or it could be said that Wang Gao showed his thoughts too clearly.

All in all, Li Chengliang has been preparing for such a big battle since a very early time, and after such a long time, Li Chengliang can be said to have prepared everything, just waiting for Wang Gao to attack.

In this way, it is inevitable that Wang Gao will lose.

After Li Chengliang annihilated the vanguard army sent by Wang Gao, although Wang Gao said it was greatly affected by it, for Wang Gao himself, although this incident annoyed him, it was also It made him more eager to send troops to attack.

So not long after that, that is, when Zhang Fan had just been on the road for a day, Wang Gao ordered his generals to lead the army to attack.

The target of Wang Gao's attack was Liaodong Dusi, and on Li Chengliang's side, after the first victory, that kind of ambush was no longer needed. At that time, Liaodong Dusi was still under the jurisdiction of Shandong, so the two parties also A great battle broke out right on the border of Shandong.

Although Wang Gao gathered people from Tumed and Taining tribes, and these people were all experienced and brave in battle, but they were improvised after all, and they still lacked a lot of running-in. No matter how powerful the martial arts are, once they are placed on the battlefield, it still depends on the cooperation between them.

As for this, Li Chengliang has done a good job here. After all, he has prepared a lot of time for this war, and these preparations also include various trainings for the cooperation between the soldiers.

In this way, when the two armies confront each other, the superior and the superior will be judged. Relying on personal bravery may be able to take care of the momentary worries, but it will eventually come to fruition. On Li Chengliang's side, the army is well-trained and strict, and can obey Even if it is the turn of the superior commander, the momentum here will not lose to the opponent at all. In this way, the result is very obvious.

In the end, it was naturally Li Chengliang's side that won. Of course, this was not a complete victory, nor was it another annihilation. Although Wang Gao's side was defeated, they did not suffer too much damage.

Although this is the second time, Wang Gao dispatched a total of two times after starting this large-scale attack, and both times ended in failure, but this time is not as miserable as the last time.

This time both sides invested much more troops than last time, but in the end, the combined casualties of both sides were less than half of the previous battle.

Therefore, although Wang Gao failed again, the result of the final inventory is this. When the news reached Wang Gao who was sitting in Jianzhouwei, he did not feel disappointed, or he felt that Li Chengliang The last time was just a fluke, but this time it was just being prepared and unprepared, but he firmly believed that the next time he would win must be himself.

It's just that Wang Gao obviously didn't know that although Li Chengliang won this time, he didn't win too much. It was all planned by Li Chengliang. The purpose was to make Wang Gao feel that he could still taste the sweetness. The failure this time was nothing more than an accident.

In this way, Wang Gao will not shrink back because of some setbacks, and even the vanguard he sent before was completely wiped out, which is a painful lesson, but now, in this battle, he Although it is still a defeat, it is not as miserable as last time. In this way, Wang Gao will feel that even if the start is unfavorable this time, it is just that Li Chengliang's early preparations are relatively sufficient, but Li Chengliang's side It's because the stamina is insufficient, otherwise the second time won't be just this kind of victory.

In this case, Wang Gao will attack more vigorously.

Of course, logically speaking, making Wang Gao feel that it is very difficult to deal with here, and letting him retreat in spite of the difficulties, this may be what he should do to win this war.

But if this is the case, at most, what Li Chengliang can achieve is that Wang Gao dare not attack and shrink back. Knowing when, maybe Wang Gao will lead the enemy to attack again. Instead of this, it is better to wipe out Wang Gao at this time, so that he can be worry-free from now on.

Therefore, Li Chengliang made this plan, and in this way, although the idea is good, it is still very difficult to implement it. Fortunately, Li Chengliang is strict in running the army. Even with this kind of requirement, the soldiers under his command can do well. Complete, and not let the other party see any flaws, it can be said that this is the most important.

But now, although there is no movement on Wang Gao's side after losing this game, judging from the current situation, Wang Gao will definitely attack again. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, and Li Chengliang also I was waiting for such an opportunity, but as for Li Chengliang's plan, although Zhang Fan knew it in his heart, he didn't intend to say it, so let Li Chengliang do it himself.

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