The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1655 Question 1 Ask him

In short.On the way to Qianqing Palace, Zhang Fan heard the news that Li Chengliang had won again.And behind this news.Zhang Fan also knew what Li Chengliang was planning.But Zhang Fan didn't intend to say anything.As it stands.Li Chengliang's victory this time.Whether it's a big win or a small win.It doesn't matter what other ideas he has behind it.But most importantly.Li Chengliang's victory this time.It made Zhu Yijun feel more at ease.

Zhang Fan even felt it.There was no need for me to talk to him any more to comfort him.certainly.Now that everyone has arrived.It was naturally impossible for Zhang Fan to leave.Instead, he continued to move forward.

"Teacher, you came just in time." Zhu Yijun is really in a very good mood now.After seeing Zhang Fan coming.I am very happy.Welcome Zhang Fan in. "Teacher, you don't know yet. Just now, another good news came from Liaodong. Li Chengliang's army defeated Wang Gao again. Although this time it was only a small victory, it was still a victory. In this way, it won't take long to think about it. Wang Gao was completely defeated."

"It's true." Although Zhang Fan already knew the news.But now he is so excited to see Zhu Yijun.Of course he wouldn't interrupt him.Facing Zhu Yijun who was so happy.Zhang Fan smiled.And put on a look of surprise.Said. "That's great. Although General Li is well prepared this time, it shouldn't be too difficult to beat Wang Gao. But it's really good to hear the good news." Of course, Zhang Fan didn't say that he had heard the news. Here comes the news.Naturally, he would not disappoint Zhu Yijun.

"That's it." Zhu Yijun's good mood continued. "And if it goes on like this, it seems that there is no danger for Nurhachi to stay there. In this way, I feel relieved in my heart."

Zhang Fan just watched Zhu Yijun speak so excitedly.But he didn't say anything.Just looking at it with a smile on my face.It wasn't that Zhang Fan didn't want to say anything.But now there is nothing to say.Zhu Yijun can realize this.It's a good thing for him.But for Zhang Fan himself.It's not like it's easy.

Of course.It might not be that big of a deal.I'm afraid even in the heart of Zhu Yijun today.Even if he believes that Nurhachi is very safe by Li Chengliang's side now.But it's hard to guarantee.At this time, Zhu Yijun would not have any worries in his heart.But even if there is.It's also very muted.

But for Zhang Fan.He didn't need Zhu Yijun to maintain this tension all the time.He just thinks.Let Zhu Yijun maintain such a tension.It will make him cherish the friendship between him and Nurhachi even more.This is definitely a good thing.And it was also one of Zhang Fan's plans.

all in all.Such a result.For Zhang Fan, it was the best.And in Zhang Fan's opinion.Let Zhu Yijun maintain this mood.Also a good thing.

"In this way, Your Majesty doesn't have to worry too much." Zhang Fan said. "I want to come over there. Nurhachi himself can see clearly. He knows what he should do. Regarding this matter, Your Majesty should rest assured."

"Well. I listen to the teacher about this matter." This time.Zhu Yijun easily agreed with Zhang Fan's words.And don't worry about it anymore.

"By the way, Your Majesty. Now that we are talking about Liaodong, I have a question that I would like to ask Your Majesty." Zhang Fan suddenly remembered a question.He couldn't help asking about Zhu Yijun. "Your Majesty, what do you think of the current situation in Liaodong?" Zhang Fan asked this question not out of a sudden.Or he suddenly wanted to test Zhu Yijun's views on the current political situation.He really wanted to ask Zhu Yijun as an emperor.How do you think about such things happening in your own territory?Although Zhu Yijun is very young now.But in the present situation.Age is no longer an issue.Moreover.Today's court.Managed by Empress Dowager Li.And it is certain that Zhu Yijun will be able to ascend the throne in the future.Although there are still several years to go.But start asking now.It's not early at all.

"Hmm..." Regarding Zhang Fan's question.Zhu Yijun thought about it. "Before I heard Nurhachi tell me about it. Liaodong. The situation has not been too stable since the beginning. As early as the beginning of Taizu's founding of my Ming Dynasty. I drove those Mongols back to the north. The territory of our Ming Dynasty has reached It is not stable now. In Liaodong, not only those Tartars are rebelling, but also people from many other ethnic groups are there. So from the beginning of the founding of our Ming Dynasty until now, Liaodong has never been stable.

"In the past. The imperial court also sent people there. The guards and yamen were also set up there. But it was also because the local situation was too complicated. If the officials sent by the imperial court intervened too much, it would definitely cause trouble. Let It is good for the local people to govern themselves. However, it is inevitable that there will be cover-up and favoritism. So until now, this is still a trouble.

"Now. The Tartars. Although their royal court is still there, there are not many people below. And the dominant family, Alda, has negotiated peace with us. Even now, there are still conflicts on the border. But it will not have any big impact. In today's Liaodong, although there are still many ethnic groups living there, and there are troubles everywhere. But now the Wang Gao family dominates there. But although there is only Wang Gao People are the most troublesome. But in fact, Wang Gao caused a lot of troubles by relying on him alone."

"Your Majesty's words are correct. It is true." Regarding Zhu Yijun's words.Zhang Fan nodded in agreement.Although the situation in Liaodong.Zhu Yijun said the same thing just now.He heard it from Nurhachi.But even so.Zhu Yijun was able to listen to these words seriously.And keep it in mind.So as to have a general understanding of the situation in this point.For Zhu Yijun now.It's already done very well. "Then I will ask Your Majesty again. What do you think of this current battle?"

Although Zhang Fan was only a subject.But so frequently asked.But Zhu Yijun didn't care.He even liked to talk about these things with Zhang Fan.

"This battle. Isn't the situation very obvious now?" Zhu Yijun took it for granted.Said. "Prepare for the haste. Li Chengliang has been preparing for this battle for a long time. Whether it is the situation in Liaodong or his soldiers, Li Chengliang is extremely prepared.

"And the situation on Wang Gao's side. Although Wang Gao's attack this time has been planned for a long time. But in fact, Wang Gao himself did not make too much preparation. He is a member of the Jianzhou Jurchen Department Although everyone is brave and good at fighting, Wang Gao relies on this. He doesn't restrict his soldiers at all. He just looks at individual bravery. Personal bravery is of course important. But if you are on the battlefield, you will face thousands of troops. But if you only know how to use your own strength, then it is useless at all.

"That's why this time the battle. Although Wang Gao is aggressive, he also gathered troops from Tumote and Taining. But in my opinion, they have no chance of winning against Li Chengliang, who has been prepared for a long time. No. Although the battle has just begun. And it only took two battles. But Li Chengliang won all of them easily. In this way, we can see the end."

"Your Majesty's analysis is good. Today's Liaodong is indeed like this." Zhang Fan nodded.said with a smile.What Zhu Yijun said this time.No one told him.Instead, he analyzed it himself based on the situation reported by Liaodong.Although it is said that people in the court.As long as you can get the news.It is easy to analyze these things.But Zhu Yijun's age is there after all.for to analyze to this extent.It is already very difficult.As for the unsaid.It can't be blamed that Zhu Yijun couldn't think of it.but something.It is indeed hidden behind.Hard to be detected.

"That's it. I have one last question." Zhang Fan said. "How does Your Majesty view Liaodong after this battle?" Zhang Fan asked this question.He wanted to know what kind of plans Zhu Yijun had for his vision of the future.

"I haven't given much thought to this matter," Zhu Yijun said.But there was no embarrassment on his face.Apparently he didn't intend to avoid the question.Think about it.Zhu Yijun said. "This matter. After Wang Gao was defeated this time, I am afraid that the matter will not end like this. Now Liaodong is dominated by Wang Gao's family. And he is too conceited. That's why he dared to attack. But this time Wang Gao must Will fail. And after he fails, I am afraid that the situation in Liaodong will not improve. It will even become more chaotic.

"Wang Gao may fail. But other clans won't. In this way, those people will also regard Wang Gao's failure as a lesson from the past. So they dare not get too carried away. But in this way, we have no reputation." There is no time to take the initiative to deal with them. It will be troublesome in the future.

"The best thing is that we can find a powerful family in Liaodong. Let them help us. As long as there is another family in Liaodong who can negotiate with us, it will not be a problem at all in the future. Even if there is something at that time Friction. It is absolutely simple to solve. This is my idea."

"Your Majesty is right." Zhang Fan nodded with certainty.Said. "Actually, this is what I want to say. After we defeat Wang Gao this time, I am afraid that the Jurchens will not die out. And the Jurchens are indeed very powerful in Liaodong. We have to find a way to find someone to come To lead them. And this person has to have a good relationship with us."

Zhang Fan's words.It made Zhu Yijun think about it.He didn't speak.Although Zhang Fan did not explain clearly.But he believed that Zhu Yijun had already heard the overtones in his words.But Zhang Fan didn't intend to tell the whole story now.He wants to keep some.Let Zhu Yijun think for himself.Moreover.There is still a lot of time these days.

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