The matter has just ended here.As for what will happen in the future.That's for the future too.At least now you don't have to bother to ask.And next.Zhang Fan has already returned to the capital.Although the battle in Liaodong is not over yet.But for Zhang Fan.Now there is not much need to continue to pay attention to this matter.As said before.It has now been determined.Li Chengliang can definitely win.That being the case.Then there is no need to worry any more.It is enough to just wait for the results at that time.

That is.Zhang Fan can now relax again.It's just Zhang Fan who is idle.There is really nothing to do.Although when you are outside.That is something that is always concerned about the family.But really wait until after going home.The momentary excitement was over.It has also become the usual appearance on weekdays.What's more, for Zhang Fan.There is still Fang Yueling who lives in Sichuan.No news either.I don't know when I will be able to come back.

Speaking of Fang Yueling.Zhang Fan was always worried.Although the agreement between the two parties has already been established.Even Fang Yueling married Zhang Fan.But she is still the leader of the Five Poison Sect after all.If something happens in the Five Poisons Sect, the leader must come forward.Fang Yueling still needs to come forward.But even so.Zhang Fan didn't believe that Fang Zhenqian couldn't read the atmosphere like that.It is absolutely necessary to call Fang Yueling back at this time.

Of course.Maybe there's nothing wrong with it at all.It's not that Fang Zhenqian is playing any tricks.Maybe it's because something really serious happened in the Five Poison Sect.But if that's the case.Zhang Fan couldn't help worrying about Fang Yueling.

And after he came back from Liaodong.But there was still no news of Fang Yueling.Although in terms of time.It was only a few days before Fang Yueling set off from the capital to Sichuan.You must know that the distance from Beijing to Sichuan is so far.And Fang Yueling left on the same day Zhang Fan left for Liaodong.

Zhang Fan went back and forth to Liaodong.That is, it took such six days of effort.And during that time in Liaodong.Although it was because of some changes on Wang Gao's side.As a result, it was delayed for a few days.But there are actually not a few days.

Count the days.Now Zhang Fan has returned to the capital.And Fang Yueling should have already arrived in Sichuan.But it won't be many days.

And when Zhang Fan came back yesterday.He ordered to go down.Let the people at the Five Poison Sect see the situation.Let's see what happened to the Five Poison Sect.Fang Zhenqian had to call Fang Yueling back.

But still because of the distance.The capital is too far away from Sichuan.Even if the news is spread quickly.It will take several days to go back and forth.Today's Zhang Fan.Although I was a little worried.But there was nothing he could do.All I can do is wait.

There is nothing wrong with making Zhang Fan wait like this.But let him just hide this on his mind.He couldn't stand it either.So Zhang Fan had to find something to distract himself.

Speaking up.There is nothing going on in the court now.It's only April and May now.Summer hasn't arrived either.There have been no droughts or floods throughout the country.Of course even if it happened.It's also not Zhang Fan's turn to take care of it.However, the imperial court successfully conquered the Bo people last year.It has already made all parts of the country more stable.certainly.Except for today's Liaodong.

this time.No one in the country is engaged in any uprising anymore.Even across the border.Because of the negotiation with me.It's also a lot calmer.Nothing happened.

Even in the imperial court.Because now Queen Mother Li is in charge of the government.And there are only a few people who really deal with state affairs.And no one dared to come out and sing the opposite.Even Feng Bao himself.It's all settled down now.No more fuss.

Even now, the affairs of Liaodong are still unfinished.But in fact, things happened in Liaodong.It didn't affect this side at all.After the court received two good news from Li Chengliang.Almost everyone has settled down.It is determined that Li Chengliang will definitely win.And even if someone cares.But he will never care about winning or losing.

That is.Seriously.In addition to Zhang Fan, there are routine things in the court and the government office every day.There is nothing else for him to worry about.

But if this is the case.Now Zhang Fan will have a lot of free time.But this is definitely not what Zhang Fan wants.To know when he calms down.Just like to start thinking about something.And think about it.He will think about Fang Yueling.Regarding Fang Yueling's matter.Zhang Fan knew that he was worried.But there is no way.But once you think about it, you start to think about it.

so.Zhang Fan needed something to distract himself.Let yourself not focus your mind on this matter.But now.There is indeed nothing too worthy of his attention in the court.After much deliberation.Zhang Fan decided.It's better to help Zhang Juzheng finish what he's going to do next.In this way, he will not pay too much attention to this matter.

Speaking of Zhang Juzheng's new law.That's the "One Whip" thing.Zhang Fan has also participated in it for a long time.But Zhang Fan only participated in the beginning.Then it's because there's something to do on the way.That leaves.And after that.Zhang Juzheng didn't just rely on himself to do it.But there are other people to help him do this.

Say someone.In fact, those who are now in the cabinet.For example, people like Zhang Siwei.Zhang Juzheng is now the chief minister of the cabinet.And Zhang Juzheng has the overall situation in his hands.members of his cabinet.Naturally, they are all those who share the same philosophy as Zhang Juzheng.And each of these people is well-educated.There are definitely advantages in this regard.and.These people not only share the same philosophy as Zhang Juzheng.The most important thing is what these people want to do with Zhang Juzheng.Also very much agree.It is because of these factors.That's why these people would very much agree with Zhang Juzheng's idea.And they help out.Absolutely no effort was spared.

With the help of these people.Zhang Juzheng's "One Whip Method" is now nearing completion.This is a big project.It's been said before.Because Zhang Juzheng's new law is not to deal with the situation in the DPRK and China.It was done for the people.

Although the situation in the imperial court is indeed more complicated.But for today's government.On the contrary, it will become easier.But the folks are different.different regions.There are different folklore.There are also different relationships with each other.But I want to make all the people agree with one law code.This is really difficult.

and.Although it has not been announced yet.But this kind of thing.Even if it doesn't need Zhang Fan, who has the knowledge of later generations, to say it.Everyone else knows it too.any era.But whoever wants to promulgate this new law.There will be a lot of resistance.But for Zhang Juzheng.This situation is much better.Because the current government is in charge of the Queen Mother Li.But Empress Dowager Li trusted Zhang Ju very much.In other words, Zhang Juzheng now controls the this case.Zhang Juzheng wanted to promulgate a new law.Even if someone feels wrong in their hearts.want to object.Absolutely dare not say it.It's no use even saying it.

And as long as no one objects.This new law can be implemented.And Zhang Juzheng also has absolute self-confidence.This decree is the beginning of the time.The people did not buy it.But not for long.They will also realize the benefits of doing so.

And wait until then.I am afraid that even in the future, someone will want to abolish it.But the people themselves will not agree.So Zhang Juzheng is not worried about these.He just needs to use his advantage now.So that this matter can be done as soon as possible.In this way.Then you can follow the order.developed easily.

only.There is one thing that Zhang Juzheng may not have thought of.Or it can be said that he is now.There is no way to foresee it.

Zhang Juzheng did not understand people's views on this matter.In his expectation.There will certainly be resistance.But under his current coercion.Even with different voices.It will definitely not let the implementation of the new law go smoothly.certainly.Zhang Juzheng was not wrong about this.According to the current state of affairs.And indeed it will be.

But there is one thing that is different.That is the future.Zhang Juzheng might have expected it.This matter will offend many people.But he didn't expect to offend far more people than he expected.Zhang Juzheng felt that maybe this matter would make many people hold grudges.But at least when it arrives.Hate also gets thinner.And at that time, it was already the end of the world.Even if he objected, it would have no effect; but Zhang Juzheng didn't expect it.How much hatred these people will have for this matter.You must know that this matter will cause them to lose a lot of things.And this hatred.But I don't know when it will subside.

Zhang Juzheng's only accurate calculation.That's what the people think of the matter.Perhaps some people will find this matter very difficult at the beginning.And very reluctantly.But when they tasted the sweetness.I no longer want to change.Only this.Zhang Ju was right.

These.It is the original history.Zhang Juzheng's promulgation and implementation of the "One Whip Law" will have an impact.But now.These things are already different.Because now there is one more Zhang Fan.

Perhaps Zhang Juzheng's method now.Many people in the court could not understand him.But be aware.The power in Zhang Fan's hands is almost the same as that of Zhang Juzheng.But Zhang Fan is not so hated.

That is.This matter will still have to be found on Zhang Fan's head in the future.

But for this matter.Zhang Fan would not refuse either.Because he knows the benefits of doing so.Since it is beneficial.Zhang Fan will naturally do it.But for Zhang Fan.trouble.There will always be.But it won't be worse than this one.

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