The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1658 Extremely Favorable

at this time.Zhang Fan needed to find something to do.It's not about paralyzing yourself.It's just that I don't want to make myself feel difficult because of some things.So Zhang Fan at this time.Need to find something to distract myself.

Zhang Fan is not here.Or busy time.Zhang Juzheng has already made a deal with others about the new law.But on this matter.No matter how perfect you are.It will always appear insufficient.therefore.As long as it is not promulgated and implemented.No matter how much preparation is made.It's not too much.

As for Zhang Fan's desire to help.Zhang Juzheng was naturally very happy.It's not that Zhang Juzheng feels that Zhang Fan has much say in this matter.In other words, they know very well about folk affairs.The most important thing is actually one thing.That is, strength in numbers.When there are more people.Many things come to mind.Think of many details.on this matter.Zhang Juzheng strives for perfection.It's best not to have any trouble at all.So there are more people.Just bring up whatever comes to mind.If the question raised really needs to be considered.Then we have to consider how to modify it in the new law.

all in all.This thing has to be perfect.And Zhang Fan wanted to join in and help.Zhang Juzheng was naturally very happy.

then.With the help of Zhang Fan.The new law is still being formulated and amended slowly.As for when it will be promulgated.It's still unknown.After all, the war in Liaodong is not over yet.Even the officialdom has calmed down.But Zhang Juzheng still needs to figure out what will happen after the promulgation.See if there is anything that must be noticed.all in all.This is a huge project.

Speaking of the new law.Then I have to mention the situation in the court.Although it is said that Zhang Juzheng is in charge of the government now.And Zhang Juzheng's ruling.I don't want Xu Jie and Gao Gong to be so extreme.It's moderate.So even if someone in the court is dissatisfied.And definitely won't say much.certainly.Zhang Juzheng also had to maintain this mildness to a large extent.Just don't start any disputes.

but.Zhang Juzheng will do this.It also shows that there are indeed people in the court who oppose him.And actually.Naturally, there are people who oppose Zhang Juzheng.Not a lot.This is not something that is incomprehensible.No matter who is in high position.out of this place.Will find a large number of people's jealousy for no reason.This is impossible.

But Zhang Juzheng understood this.I am also very careful in doing things on weekdays.As long as the people below don't touch the bottom line.Zhang Juzheng would never try to control him too much.But these are just the current situation in the court.Even so.But that's all there is to it.

But on this matter.But there are still some differences.At the beginning, Zhang Juzheng formulated the "Testing Method".And promulgate and implement.then.Zhang Fan also helped Zhang Juzheng complete many things in the "Testing Method".

that time.Before the "Testing Law" was promulgated and implemented.Actually something happened.Inside the imperial court at that time.Gao Gong had just been expelled.And Zhang Juzheng has just become the first assistant university scholar of this cabinet.Zhang Juzheng's reputation has been circulating in the court for a long time.Everyone in the court knew how Zhang Juzheng was.And because of this.Almost everyone knows it.After Zhang Juzheng came to power like this.It will definitely come out with something different.

This is different from the three fires when a new official takes office.It's to build momentum for yourself.but because.Zhang Juzheng's thoughts.Many people in the court already knew about it.These people may not know what Zhang Juzheng's specific plan is.But they clearly knew that Zhang Juzheng definitely had some plans.What a big move.

therefore.After Zhang Juzheng came to power.The people in the DPRK have already started to inquire about it.I want to know what Zhang Juzheng's plans are.

Only then.Zhang Juzheng took the matter of "Taochengfa" very seriously.At the same time, I also know that once the "Testing Law" is issued.It will definitely cause a discussion among people in the DPRK.then.Only Zhang Juzheng knew.People who will oppose his "Testing Law".There are more than half of the people in the court.Not to mention the other things he didn't know about.

all in all.This matter is quite difficult.But in the end. The "Testing Law" was successfully promulgated.And it was implemented successfully.The reason is that at that time Zhang Juzheng was already a scholar of the first assistant university of the cabinet.And the "Testing Law" thing.Not just the whole cabinet.Even people like Zhang Fan and Feng Bao agree.Even Queen Mother Li agreed.

These people add up.The number of people is indeed very small.Not even ten people.But have a look.What are the identities of these people.The cabinet is the place where the country is governed day-to-day.And the six grand scholars in the entire cabinet all agreed with this matter.It is equivalent to that they agree that this is the law of governing the country.That alone already carries a lot of weight.

And Zhang Fan and Feng Bao.Although it is said that Zhang Fan is in the government.In fact, there is not much right to speak.But as long as Zhang Fan agrees to this matter.Then many people will not dare to object.After all, it was Jin Yiwei.Specifically for these officials.Since he is an official.Moreover, such a high-ranking official was mixed in.And who is really innocent.Didn't do anything wrong.If Zhang Fan caught one thing.Even if it is a small thing.That would definitely get them in big trouble.Even if it is to not make yourself uncomfortable.These people's opinions on Zhang Fan.It will also be very concerned.

As for Feng Bao, it goes without saying.Feng Bao at that time.It's not the gentle and restrained appearance now.But extremely insolent.After all, he just got Gao Gong down.Feng Baodu has already agreed to the matter of "Tao Cheng Fa."In case anyone disagrees.That end is definitely more disappointing than facing Zhang Fan's Jin Yiwei.

And even Feng Bao didn't threaten these people in this way.Feng Bao's approval is also extremely important.At that time, Feng Bao was already the eunuch in charge of seals.Also known as the Great Eunuch.The cabinet is the foreign minister.And the supervisor of ceremonies is the internal minister.then.Emperor Longqing has passed away.The young emperor Zhu Yijun succeeded to the throne.But Zhu Yijun was too young.Can't govern at all.Therefore, most of the affairs of the DPRK and China are handed over to the cabinet.And here.Empress Dowager Li is in charge of the government.But Empress Dowager Li is not a person with authority.She just hoped that before her son came to power.Just guard the family business for him.

so.Under the command of Feng Bao, this is called the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Ceremonies.It can be said that the power is monstrous.The supervisor of etiquette has the responsibility of criticizing reds on weekdays.For the emperor.If not something important.It can be completely reviewed by the Supervisor of Rites.And that's Feng Bao's power in this area is even greater.

And even the matter of the "Testing Law" is more important.It's not that Feng Bao can agree if he says he agrees.But remember what you just said.Zhang Juzheng's implementation of the "Testing Method".It's not just these guys.Even Queen Mother Li herself agrees.

In this way.It can be said that those few people who rule the country.All agreed with this matter.In this way.The people below have nothing to say.Even if you disagree.At most, it can only be played.But that playbook couldn't pass Feng Bao's level at all.

all in all.At that time, the "Testing Law" was passed and implemented under such a situation.

And now.It seems that things have returned to the way they were at that time again.Zhang Juzheng has a new plan.reform of the new law.It is aimed at the common people.

The current situation is basically the same as when the "Testing Law" was promulgated.It was also proposed by Zhang Juzheng.And this time, even the entire process of formulating the new law was assisted by people from the cabinet.Naturally, the entire cabinet also agreed.

Zhang Fan needless to say.Not to mention that he is Zhang Juzheng's favorite student.This time the enactment of the new law.It is also due to Zhang Fan's contribution.In this way.Zhang Fan would naturally agree to this matter.

Except for Zhang Fan.Feng Bao would naturally agree.But here is Feng Bao.There are some differences from the previous "Tao Cheng Fa".

first.The Feng Bao of today and the Feng Bao of that time.That's quite a difference.Today's Feng Bao.It can be said that it has become much milder.It is no longer as arrogant as before.And in this way.For many things.Even if it's what he wants to do.But it won't be the unrestrained arrogance of before.It can be said that today's Feng Bao.That is definitely a sudden change of appearance.

That is.On the matter of the new law.Even Feng Bao agreed.But it won't be like it used to be.Putting so much pressure on those who would this point.That's definitely a good thing for those people.

But even so.But it doesn't mean.In this way, Feng Bao can give those who would oppose it a taste of the sweetness.It even made it impossible for Zhang Juzheng's new law to pass.

Although Feng Bao's temperament has indeed changed.But Feng Bao's identity has not changed in the slightest.Feng Bao is still that Feng Bao.This has not changed.He is still the same Feng Bao who is in charge of the East Factory.It is still the handprint of the supervisor of ceremonies to visit the prison.There's a lot of power in your hands.

That is.Although the current Feng Bao is indeed no longer the same as in the past.What a devil to do to those who oppose him.But the other way around.He didn't even need to do that.Because he is totally okay with smiling.On the one hand, I reject what you have proposed.And there's nothing you can do about it. law thing.Although Empress Dowager Li still doesn't know the details.But Queen Mother Li will definitely agree after knowing about it.Empress Dowager Li knew that she had no talent for governing the country.So don't do it.But she believed in Zhang Juzheng.It can be said that he has absolute trust in Zhang Juzheng.So she handed over all these things to Zhang Juzheng.

Now.Zhang Juzheng proposed a new law.But among all the results.It's all reality. This matter is good for the court.That being the case.It is impossible for Queen Mother Li to object.

That is.Now everything seems to be.The situation is for Zhang Juzheng.Still a big plus.

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