The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1659 is not despicable

"In this way, things will be easy to handle." Zhang Juzheng looked very confident.Said to Zhang Fan.His hands were also beating a file on the case.In that dossier.It is the detailed content of "One Whip Method" that Zhang Juzheng has prepared for a long time.

"The teacher said it well." Regarding what Zhang Juzheng said.Zhang Fan naturally agrees.Not that kind of blind identification.It was Zhang Fan who really understood what Zhang Juzheng meant.And after thinking about it myself.That's why I made such an answer. "If it is really possible to do this, then the people will no longer have corvee. They will have more time to farm and cultivate the land, and they will earn more money. In this way, not only the people themselves will be rich. Even the tax collected by the imperial court has been enriched a lot.”

The two were discussing something about "One Whip Law".And it happened to be about silver.There is a very important content in a whip method.That is to abolish the corvee labor of the common people.It's not that the imperial court doesn't need to force people to do this kind of free labor.But today's demand is indeed not great.Not so many things require so many coolies.

certainly.Now the imperial court began to collect business taxes.Although only those who are doing business overseas are paying business tax.But these men set out on a voyage.The money that can be earned is really a lot.So today's imperial court is not short of money.But things like money.Whether it is for ordinary people or for the court.Not too much.Naturally, the more the better.

The people were liberated.But accordingly.Instead of collecting tax money.Maybe so.The money that the common people have to hand in every year is much more than before.But be aware.After corvee was abolished.People have too much time left.And during the free time.But it can create much more wealth than this.There is no need for them to do anything.Even if it's just to use the extra time to farm.The money that can be earned will definitely not be less.

"It's just that the students are a little worried." Zhang Fan expressed his doubts. "Would all the people be willing to do this? Although the corvee is indeed heavy, the people don't need to pay for it. Now that the corvee has been cancelled, will there be people who are dissatisfied with the increase in the amount of money they receive?" Zhang Fanzhi So asking this is not to find fault.But a very practical question.

The world is so big.No surprises.Although Zhang Juzheng's "One Whip Method".A lot of labor was to generate more wealth.But no one can tell that there are people who only value money.If so.At that time, I am afraid that there will be some riots among the people.

"What Yuande said is right." Zhang Juzheng said. "I have considered this matter for a long time. After all, people are different. It is inevitable that there will be a few different ideas. Maybe it is the kind of person that You Yuande just said. Tired and exhausted They are also unwilling to give money. But I think about it. There should be a small number of such people. After all, the suffering of corvee is not unusual. And if it is calculated in this way, corvee is exempted. Although more money is required. But the range is not large. I have asked someone to calculate this matter. Even so, the money that the common people can get every year will be much more than before. If you think about it this way, even if there are disagreements People. It is definitely a very small number of those. In this way, if you want to implement it, there will not be too many difficulties."

"If you think about it that way, it's really good." Hearing Zhang Juzheng's words.Zhang Fan also agreed.after all.whatever it is.Whether it is in the civil society or in the court.Make a proposal.There are those who agree.There is always opposition.And what should be done.Naturally, it depends on whether this matter is correct.If there are more people who agree.So even if there are a small number of people who oppose it.But things have to go on.This point is absolute.

"But now. These are just drafts." Zhang Juzheng said. "There are still some small details. I still need to think about it. But it's not a big deal. When the time comes, I will write a book. I still have to hand it over to the Queen Mother to read it. As for when it will be promulgated in the court. Now I don't have time here either. At the very least, I have to wait until the Liaodong war is over completely. Liaodong has stabilized."

"This student understands." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "The war in Liaodong is still going on now. But with Li Chengliang here, it is definitely not a problem. How Li Chengliang will fight this battle. He has told the students to some extent. But this one. To be honest. After what the students just heard Time. I still feel a little risky. But when I really think about it, I have to admire Li Chengliang. Besides, I want to solve Wang Gao’s troubles once and for all. That’s all.”

About what Li Chengliang should do.Zhang Fan mentioned it to Zhang Juzheng.As for Li Chengliang's plan.After all, Zhang Juzheng was also a civil servant.Even if you have read the basic military books.But there are some things that the generals who have been on the battlefield for so many years can't understand.But for Zhang Juzheng.It is enough for him to know that Li Chengliang is very reliable.

"We want to win this station in Liaodong. It's not a big problem." Zhang Juzheng nodded. "The key is what happened after the war. But these two days I heard Yuande you talk about these things. Although you didn't tell me clearly. But I think you already have a general idea in your heart. As for what it is. I also I don't intend to ask.

"I'm just a little worried. Liaodong in the future. After experiencing the chaos of Wang Gao, I'm afraid it won't settle down so quickly. I think it will still be chaotic for a while. At that time, I'm afraid Li Chengliang will need to guard there. Okay. I'm just worried. Will there be any more problems with Li Chengliang? After all, I have heard about Li Chengliang's affairs. "

It seems.Regarding the matter of Li Chengliang.It can be said that everyone in the DPRK and China knows it.

"This point. When the students went to Liaodong this time, they told Li Chengliang about it." Zhang Fan said. "Li Chengliang was indeed too lawless before. And the student told him very clearly this time. He didn't save any sympathy. They all told the truth.

"However, Li Chengliang did not have any hostility towards the students. Thinking about it, he also understood his situation. It is impossible to continue like this. In fact, he was the one who took the initiative to ask the students to help him. Fortunately, he told him in front of Queen Mother Li. A couple of good words or something. But the student told him clearly. Just saying good things is useless. It depends on him.

"In this way, if you wait until the battle in Liaodong is over, the situation in Liaodong is unstable. Li Chengliang is still needed. If Li Chengliang can restrain himself at that time, then the students will speak to the Queen Mother. I want to keep him in Liaodong The position of the general soldier should not be a problem. In this way, the Liaodong in the future will not have to worry too much."

"That's it." Hearing Zhang Fan say this.Zhang Juzheng obviously relaxed a lot.The future Liaodong.It is indeed a place that can make people feel headache.The key question is.If there is no Li Chengliang at that time.Put on a new guy.Just getting used to it takes a long time.In this way, I don't know when he can play a role.What has Liaodong become?

In short.Things about Liaodong.It was able to make Zhang Juzheng feel relieved.

"There is really nothing to worry about in Liaodong," Zhang Fan said. "The students think that instead of worrying about Liaodong, the teacher should worry about the court.

"This time the teacher's "One Whip Method" is different from the last test method. The students still remember the last time. The teacher also deliberately released the "Test Method". In order to see those people in the court What do you think about this matter? But this time, the teacher didn't do it."

Zhang Fan naturally knew Zhang Juzheng's intention in doing so.After all, there is something in this "One Whip Method".Compared with the "Tao Cheng Fa", it will be more difficult for those in the court to accept.Especially some of the provisions.Those who have many fields at home will definitely lose a lot of money.

So this time.Zhang Juzheng was not like last time.Get the content out early.The reason is that those people will cause strong dissatisfaction.certainly.If only intense dissatisfaction.Naturally, Zhang Juzheng would not have any worries.He is afraid of what to say now.Will give those people a lot of time to think about how to stop themselves when the time comes.

Although the news that Zhang Juzheng is going to make a big move now is nothing new in the court.Many people can see it.But obviously.If you don't say it.These people are only limited to knowing that Zhang Juzheng has plans.And I don't know what the specific plan is.

so.If only that's the case.There is no way for these people to make any plans against them.And wait until the time comes.When Zhang Juzheng promulgated the content of the new law.These people may immediately want to understand the disadvantages of this.But in such a short time.Let them figure out what countermeasures to oppose.Bring out unfavorable factors.This is impossible.

And wait until then.Empress Dowager Li has also seen it.And agreed.In this way.Even if they disagree.But as long as you can't ask a question.Then there is no problem.That is.This "One Whip Law" can definitely be implemented.

Wait until it is actually implemented.If you want to change here again.Even if it was really a huge loophole that they thought of.But there is no possibility.

Zhang Juzheng was thinking about this.Although it sounds a bit mean to do so.But once anything is involved in the government.There is no such thing as despicable or despicable.As long as it can be successful.That's the most important thing.As for other things.There is no need to think about it now.

Zhang Juzheng thought so.And Zhang Fan also agrees with him very much.And Zhang Fan also intends to help Zhang Juzheng complete his plan.

It was discussed with Zhang Juzheng that day.It also reassured him a lot.But when he got home.But he received the news from Sichuan.It belongs to Fang Yueling.

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