Speaking of which, when Zhang Fan just returned to the capital, he had already asked people to inquire about the Five Poison Sect to see what happened, so that Fang Zhenqian insisted on letting Fang Yueling go back. Of course, in fact, Zhang Fan From the day Fang Yueling left the capital, he was already worried. Even in Liaodong, facing the news of Wang Gao's army attacking, Zhang Fan couldn't help but think about Fang Yueling when he was free.

In the past two days, in order not to let himself think too much about this kind of impossible thing, Zhang Fan came to Zhang Juzheng every day to help him perfect the final preparations of "One Whip Method". Of course, this was just something Zhang Fan did in order not to let himself worry too much.

And even when he returned home, Zhang Fan would not let himself be idle, unless he was talking to his family or getting together, if he was alone, in order to avoid starting to think about it again, he would even start thinking about it in his own home. The current issue in Liaodong, or the affairs of the court, or even the matter of "One Whip Law", is to prevent himself from thinking too much about things that he has no way to do now.

But even so, it doesn't mean that Zhang Fan has forgotten about it. You must know that the reason why Zhang Fan did this is precisely because he cares about Fang Yueling's affairs, and now, when he hears about When the news of Fang Yueling came, how could he not care.

The news came from the people who were stationed by Zhang Fan in the Five Poison Sect. However, this news was not because Zhang Fan explained it before, but because the people there saw something and took the initiative to pass it on to Zhang Fan. Yes, but these don't matter, the most important thing is that the news has passed.

The appearance of a letter, of course, this letter is only for Zhang Fan to read, so before Zhang Fan opened the letter, no one except the person who wrote the letter knew exactly what was written in it, and Zhang Fan also Can't wait to open it quickly.

There were no words of greeting in the letter. Obviously, even though the person had not received any news from Zhang Fan, he knew that Zhang Fan would be very concerned about Fang Yueling's affairs, so he didn't say anything at all.

First of all, Fang Yueling arrived at the Five Poisons Sect safely. The date was exactly half a month after she left the capital. During the Poison Sect, it was intact, which made Zhang Fan feel at ease a lot.

The second thing is about why Fang Zhenqian must call Fang Yueling back to the Five Poison Sect this time.

Because now, the Five Poison Sect and Jin Yiwei have formed an alliance with each other, so the reputation of the Five Poison Sect in the Jianghu is completely different. In the past, the Five Poison Sect has always been popular in the Jianghu because of its characteristic of using poison. What they are afraid of, and after being afraid, they will start to gossip. The Five Poisons Sect has been so many years, and now it has become notorious in the world, and it was almost spread as a cult.

But now, the alliance between the Five Poison Sect and Jinyiwei, and the news of the alliance has spread all over the Jianghu at a very fast speed, and the shock it caused is really not small at all.

You know, in today's arena, all sects and gangs are basically controlled by the imperial court. Of course, it can be said that they are controlled by the Jinyiwei. This is one of the few Jinyiwei. monitoring.

However, although these gangs are controlled by Jin Yiwei, the relationship between them and Jin Yiwei is more like a superior-subordinate relationship, rather than an equal relationship like an alliance, although Jin Yiwei will not trouble these gangs for no reason , or have to ask them to do something, but when it comes to some special times, these gangs still have to obey Jin Yiwei.

However, the relationship between the Five Poison Sect and Jinyiwei is different. The two parties are in a serious alliance. There is still a gap in status, but no matter what, at least in name, the Five Poison Sect is really on an equal footing with Jinyiwei.

As a result, those sects in the Central Plains were put in a very difficult situation. They claimed to be orthodox, but at the same time regarded the Five Poison Sect as a cult, but now, Jin Yiwei, who is in charge of these sects, is allied with the Five Poison Sect up.

It's not that in this way, the status of the Five Poison Sect is higher than these sects, which makes them unhappy, but because in this way, it is equivalent to completely negating a concept they had previously identified. For these self-proclaimed For the orthodox sect, it is unimaginable to suddenly want them to change the philosophy they have agreed to for many years.

If the people who want to do this are not as powerful as them, then they will attack in groups, but if the people who do this are higher than their status, they may fight, but obviously, fighting is completely useless.

Especially in the recent period, there are also rumors in the world that the reason why Zhang Fan agreed to let Jin Yiwei form an alliance with the Five Poison Sect is entirely because he married Fang Yueling, the leader of the Five Poison Sect. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this rumor, and this This matter is not a hidden secret, it is something that can be known easily. Therefore, while these sects are unhappy about this matter, they can only say that the Five Poison Sect relies on female sex to become what it is today. .

Of course, these people would never dare to attack Zhang Fan for lusting after women.

All in all, the current Five Poison Sect is really extraordinary, and it has also gained fame in the Jianghu, and although the sects in the Central Plains are very unhappy about this matter, the Five Poison Sect has followed the agreement it made with Zhang Fan at the beginning, and will not go to the school. Most of the people involved in the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains, that is, some disciples of the Five Poison Sect want to travel in the Central Plains, and occasionally they will use the reputation of Jin Yiwei as an ally, and they have not done anything big by relying on it. All in all, there is no problem.

But the scope of Five Poison Sect's benefit from this matter does not only include the Central Plains, even in Sichuan, and even the entire Southwest, their alliance with Jinyiwei has brought countless benefits to the Five Poison Sect.

Since last year, after the imperial court wiped out the Bo people, all the ethnic groups in the southwest began to be in a state of war, and in the southwest, there are also countless sects of the rivers and lakes, and most of these sects are formed by the local ethnic groups. Founded by people, so in this special period, these gangs in the southwest will also avoid extreme tension.

But at such a time, the sudden appearance of a Five Poison Sect that is allied with Jin Yiwei, or in the eyes of these people, is simply an alliance with the imperial court, the meaning of this is quite different.

In the past, these sects have more or less done things against the Han people. Now they are afraid that the Han people will take advantage of this opportunity to attack them all. Now, the Five Poison Sect has suddenly formed an alliance with the court. In other words, no matter what happens in the future, at the very least, the Five Poison Sect will never be affected by this incident, which also makes the Five Poison Sect in this period an indestructible fortress.

In this way, these sects in the southwest have their own calculations. Those sects that used to be friends with the Five Poison Sect, or have a good relationship, now want to make friends with the Five Poison Sect, and do everything possible. , In this way, even if there are any changes in the future, these sects will not suffer from it.

And those sects that have nothing to do with the Five Poison Sect, and have even had a bad relationship with the Five Poison Sect in the past, are now about to start worrying.

The Five Poison Sect is the largest sect in the Southwest. Even if it is only based on strength, these sects alone cannot challenge the Five Poison Sect. Now, the Five Poison Sect has the support of the imperial court behind them. Thinking about it, I would definitely not dare to go against the Five Poison Sect.

Even if you can beat them, you have to consider whether Jin Yiwei will retaliate against them. Don't think that this is impossible. Think that Jin Yiwei will not stand up for the Five Poisons Sect. You must know that the leader of the Five Poisons Sect is Zhang Fan's woman. This is something that everyone knows now, for the sake of his own woman, and in such a situation where there is an absolute gap in strength, any man will take it for granted, and for those who have never met Zhang Fan As far as people are concerned, as long as they know that Zhang Fan is in charge of Jinyiwei, then they feel that Zhang Fan will definitely do this.

In short, today's Wudu Sect can be said to be flourishing, compared to any time since its founding to the present, it is more beautiful, and it is precisely because of this that many sects in the Southwest have followed the Wudu Sect. The sect threw an olive branch, some hoped to form an alliance, some hoped to cooperate, and some even simply hoped that their sect would be merged into the Five Poison Sect.

Of course, for this kind of situation, the Five Poison Sect would naturally like to see it, but because they still have to maintain such a gap, they will never agree to such a thing easily.

And at this time, Fang Zhenqian is going to come out and deal with these sects. It seems that Fang Zhenqian is also very interested in this matter. In short, he thinks this kind of thing is more interesting than the previous kind of fighting. .

However, this is not the point. The point is to hesitate about the changes of the Five Poison Sect. Nowadays, there are more and more sects gathered on the Five Poison Sect. As a result, there are some things that Fang Zhenqian, the former leader, said. It can be counted, even if his words have more weight than Fang Yueling, but Fang Yueling is the current leader of the Five Poison Sect after all, and in some situations, the leader Fang Yueling still needs to come forward.

In other words, this time Fang Zhenqian asked Fang Yueling to go back, there was nothing Zhang Fan needed to worry about, and there was no conspiracy, it was entirely the needs of the Five Poison Sect.

Seeing this, Zhang Fan was relieved a lot.

But then, there was another point written in the letter, and this point also made Zhang Fan start to worry.

The letter stated that Fang Yueling's health has not been very good recently.

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