The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1661 Abnormal Trouble

About Fang Zhenqian's reason for letting Fang Yueling go back.Before that, Zhang Fan was always worried.But after receiving the news from his own people.Knowing that Fang Zhenqian did not have any conspiracy.It's really because the Five Poisons Sect has something going on in it now.This is why Fang Yueling, the leader, must go back.Zhang Fan felt relieved now.

None of what he feared happened.Nature is a good thing.But for Zhang Fan.As long as Fang Zhenqian doesn't use any means in this matter.Zhang Fan believes that no matter what the situation is.He is capable of solving them all.

But obviously.Zhang Fan's reassurance did not last for a while.Just because of what the letter said, I was troubled and worried again.Because the letter said.Now Fang Yueling's health is not very good.

Honestly.Regarding the matter of Fang Zhenqian calling Fang Yueling back.Zhang Fan can be said to have thought about countless possibilities.He thought about what tricks Fang Zhenqian might play.I also thought about the unexpected situations that might happen.Although it can be said that Zhang Fan has always occupied a very favorable position in this matter.But at the same time, he also considered in case there was a situation that he could not solve.What should we do then.

It can be said.Zhang Fan had already thought through all the things he could think of.But no matter how he thinks about it.It was really unexpected that there would be a sudden problem with Fang Yueling's body.

Speaking up.Birth, old age, sickness and death.This is something that no one can escape.It doesn't matter if you are a poor beggar.Still a nobleman.Can't get rid of these.

Although Fang Yueling is just an ordinary person.But there are also differences.After all, she is a martial artist.I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child.Perhaps Fang Yueling's skill is not considered top-notch in Jianghushan.It can even be said that there are many people who are better than her in martial arts.But that's not what's being discussed right now.The reason why I say this is to prove a point.At least Fang Yueling's body is healthy.And it feels much healthier than the average person.Not the type to get sick easily.

Plus Fang Yueling was born when she was a child.The identity is not the child of ordinary people.Her father is the leader of the Five Poison Sect.Anyway.Also extremely powerful.And now.She entered the gate of Zhang's house.Zhang Fan dotes on her very much.It is impossible to do anything to her.

Moreover.Even if some unexpected serious illness came suddenly.But this is also too abnormal.After all, it's only a few days.If we say that such a huge change has taken place in just a few days.Zhang Fan really couldn't believe it.And on Fang Yueling's way back from the capital.She is not alone.There is Yu'er by her side to take care of her.Perhaps the relationship between Zhang Fan and Yu'er is very bad.But Zhang Fan knew.Yu'er really cared about Fang Yueling very much.With Yu'er's care.Nothing will happen to Fang Yueling.

so.This sudden news.Zhang Fan immediately became very nervous.He couldn't figure it out at all.What happened to make Fang Yueling suddenly ill.

And what made Zhang Fan most anxious.And that's not all.Although this letter said that Fang Yueling was not in good health recently.On weekdays, most of them stay in the room and do not come out.And even when the time came when she had to come forward.It was also obvious that her expression was different from before.Obviously a little uncomfortable.

But.That's all it says in this letter.But what exactly is it.But it didn't mention it at all.What's wrong.I don't know; why I'm sick.Did not say.This made Zhang Fan really anxious.

And now.Zhang Fan knew that Fang Yueling was not doing very well recently.Once again, he fell into the situation that made him helpless.That's right.He now knew that Fang Yueling was really bad.But the problem is.The distance between the two is thousands of miles.One is in Beijing.One is in Sichuan.Zhang Fan had no choice but to go over to see her right away.No way of knowing what happened to her.

Zhang Fan can't ask for it either.Said that since Fang Yueling was ill.Just let her come back.If this is said.Fang Zhenqian would never agree.Or because the distance between the two sides is too far.Bumps along the way.Don't make it worse.

And it is impossible for Zhang Fan to go to Sichuan to see her now.This back and forth will take at least a month of work.Although it is true that Zhang Fan doesn't have much to do in the capital now.But a month's time.There was no way he could be free anyway.

all in all.This news brought endless troubles to Zhang Fan.And he couldn't figure out what to do in such a short while.

certainly.This is actually a phenomenon caused by the method Fang Zhenqian used at the beginning.Because of that special drug.The love between Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling has reached the point where it can't be added.Naturally, the two care about each other.No matter what happened to the other party.Even if it's just a little problem.The other party will show a gesture of great concern.

Although this way of acting.It should look very reasonable to outsiders.After all, the two love each other so much.If there is something wrong with one party.The other side is concerned.No matter how you look at it, it is a matter of course.But actually.There are some differences in this.this concern.It is a lot beyond what it should have been.It's just because of the close relationship between the two before.This fact is downplayed.So it makes people feel that it is not the same thing.

all in all.Zhang Fan is now quite concerned about Fang Yueling.But the reality made it impossible for him to respond to this concern.He can't see her.At most, it's just for people to visit.But he was also afraid that Fang Yueling would worry carelessly because of this.

this matter.In such a short time.It was constantly tormenting Zhang Fan.It made him very uncomfortable.He couldn't find anyone to talk about it either.There is no way to share my sorrow.I can only hold it in my heart alone.It is really uncomfortable.

at last.Zhang Fan could only let people pass the news.Ask to see what's going on.What happened to Fang Yueling?As for what to do next.Zhang Fan has no idea yet.In other words, we still have to wait until we know the exact news before making plans.

this matter.Zhang Fan began to become depressed.Even the family members could tell that Zhang Fan had something on his mind.But Zhang Fan didn't take the initiative to speak.The family didn't know anything either.I thought that Zhang Fan encountered some troubles in the court.And Zhang Fan would never bring home the affairs of the court.First of all, the family can't help much in this regard.Second, after talking about it, it will only make the family more this case.The family members could only comfort Zhang Fan with words.

For Zhang Fan.That's all he can do.

When Zhang Fan became annoyed by Fang Yueling's matter.The war in Liaodong has also undergone new changes.

Before Li Chengliang met Wang Gao's aggressive attack.quite successful.Let Wang Gao lose two games in a row.Although these two games did not cause a lot of losses to Wang Gao.But it greatly hit Wang Gao's momentum.And here.Whether it is civilians or soldiers in battle.Seeing that Wang Gao's army, which was invincible in the past, lost so easily.They also became more confident about this war.I also believe more in what Li Chengliang said before that he will surely win. this case.They also fought harder.

But there will always be unexpected situations.Just when everyone felt that the favorable situation had turned to Li Chengliang's side.But there was a different situation from the original.

Although Wang Gao experienced two failures.And in terms of momentum, he also suffered a lot of blows.But obviously.Such a blow.It did not affect Wang Gao himself.It can even be said.Wang Gao himself also lost two games in a row.Made him irritable.On the contrary, it has become more aggressive than before.

After these two failures.the third time.Wang Gao once again assembled an army to launch an attack.And this time.Although the number of people is no different from last time.But Wang Gao didn't know what method he used.Let these people under his command become extremely irritable.It's completely menacing.

And that seems to have had an effect.this time.Wang Gao's men have rushed to a place closer to this side than the previous two times.And Li Chengliang's side.Although because of winning two games in a row.The momentum is good.But it fell short for a while.

in this case.The two sides have turned into a tug-of-war confrontation.There is no defense here.Prepared to defend to the end.On the other side, it looked like it was trying to attack with all its strength.But because the opponent's defense is in place.So there is no way.

Although Li Chengliang has an advantage here.But in this situation of confrontation.It is also really difficult to compare quickly.Seeing.The previous advantage is gone.Now it has become like this.This is what no one thought of.

Especially those in the court.The original war against Liaodong.Knowing that Li Chengliang has won two games in a row, he is not ready to worry anymore.But the current situation.It made them worry again.

Even those who had a bad relationship with Li Chengliang started talking again.It is said that Li Chengliang has prepared for such a long time.Just won these two games.Without causing too much damage to the opponent.And now.But it became like this again.

But face this situation.Although there was chaos in the court.But nothing was said above.It's as if it doesn't matter.certainly.This is also a reassurance for Li Chengliang.But the DPRK and China will do so.Apparently it was because Li Chengliang had already made a guarantee.He even made a promise like a military order.therefore.Today's court.Even without saying anything.But for the war in Liaodong.I'm also a little worried.

But Zhang Fan, who really knew the reason, understood it.This situation will appear in Liaodong now.This is exactly what Li Chengliang wanted.It was planned by him before.

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