The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1662 Very Worried

Now the battle situation in Liaodong is not as happy as before.After Li Chengliang won two games in a row.In Wang Gao's third attack, he became conservative.It's not as proactive as before.On the contrary, it turned into resisting Wang Gao's attack.

And after all.Li Chengliang had already made a lot of preparations before the war started.So even this resistance.But for Li Chengliang's side.It is also absolutely doable.therefore.Even Wang Gao came in menacingly.And here turned to defense.But it still won't let Wang Gao taste more sweetness.

But even so.Some people in the DPRK and China have begun to feel dissatisfied.Because no matter how you look at it now.It's all Li Chengliang's side that has the advantage.But Li Chengliang has the advantage.But it doesn't take the initiative to attack.Just so blindly defensive.This is for people in the DPRK.Even those who don't know the art of war.For someone who has never led a war.It is also wrong.

so.Now the DPRK and China have a lot of repercussions for this matter.Many people are asking why Li Chengliang didn't attack.But it is to give up the great advantage.Turned into such a passive situation.only.The upper echelons of the imperial court did not speak about this.So no matter what the people below say.There is no intention of spreading the news.

But behind this whole thing.Zhang Fan is an insider.He went to Liaodong.Discussed many things with Li Chengliang.At the same time, he also knew more or less what Li Chengliang was planning.So Zhang Fan knew.Now Li Chengliang deliberately put on such a defensive posture.Instead of taking the initiative to attack.This is exactly what Li Chengliang planned before.even.This scene today.It was also what Li Chengliang wanted.

In fact, even if you don't know.It can be seen from one point.From Li Chengliang's order, he turned to defense.And began to confront Wang Gao's army.You can understand it by looking at the battle situation during this period.Start with this situation.until now.It's been a few days too.And this time.Casualties on both sides can be said to be pitiful.But take a closer look.You can find the difference.

During the period when the confrontation began.There was no death on Li Chengliang's side.At most, there are injured people.And Wang Gao's side.There were not many casualties.There are many people who are injured every day.But few really died.But after all, there are indeed dead people over there.

In this way, it can be seen.This situation was simply done on purpose by Li Chengliang.If it is not the time when it is necessary to do so as a last resort.Under the confrontation of so many military forces.Conflict happens every day.But no one died as a result.This is completely impossible.

sometimes.something in detail.Compared with the overall situation, it is easier for people to grasp the main direction.But those people in the court.Always keep your eyes on the big picture.Thus ignoring this detail.therefore.Now Li Chengliang is doing this.It made everyone think that Li Chengliang would not be able to take on the job at all.

Only Zhang Fan is the most optimistic about Li Chengliang.Because Zhang Fan knew Li Chengliang's plan.Except for Zhang Fan.There are also people who do this.But those people.Or it was because of Zhang Fan's face.Or it was because of the vow Li Chengliang had made.But these people did not have as much confidence in Li Chengliang as Zhang Fan did.

all in all.This is the situation in Liaodong today.In seemingly unfavorable circumstances.In fact, secretly everything is in accordance with.It was planned beforehand.It can be said that it went smoothly.

so.In comparison, worry about Liaodong.Or in Li Chengliang's case.Zhang Fan still cared more about Fang Yueling's affairs in Sichuan.

Tangled to tangled to go.In fact, Zhang Fan is worried about this matter now.The news came suddenly.Although everything is fine.But it happened that Fang Yueling was ill during this time.Even worse.The news only said that Fang Yueling had been ill recently.But exactly what is wrong with it.But not a word was mentioned.This made Zhang Fan even more worried.

Speaking up.some things.Things have to be made clear.otherwise.It was obviously just an ordinary wind and cold.drink some medicine.Just a good night's sleep.But just because I didn't make it clear.Just said he was sick.This can be worrying.

certainly.Zhang Fan was just in a hurry.He had no intention of blaming the man who had written the letter.After all, the letter was written before word of him got around.It is considered that the people below take the initiative.That being the case.Then there is no need to be harsh.Moreover.The letter also made it clear.Not because I don't want to say it.It's because you just don't know.

Although the two have now formed an alliance.And Jin Yiwei even sent people to stay in the Five Poisons Sect.Coupled with the relationship between the two sides.Jin Yiwei's status is always higher.So that side is also very polite to the people here.But be polite.Some things don't mean that you can be unscrupulous if you are polite.Some people's housework.Naturally, it is not good to ask too much.therefore.It's understandable that the man didn't find out what happened to Fang Yueling.

However, Zhang Fan immediately sent someone to pass on the news.Let the people over there inquire about this matter in the name of Zhang Fan.In this way.There is no reason not to answer there.

But for Zhang Fan.His purpose is also very simple.He's just trying to figure it out.What happened to Fang Yueling?Just know what's going on.Let him know it's okay.In this way, Zhang Fan can feel at ease.

in other words.In other words, Zhang Fan did not get any definite news.Before knowing what happened to Fang Yueling.Then Zhang Fan couldn't feel at ease.

But even today's Zhang Fan is very impatient about this matter.But he is still rational.And Zhang Fan told himself his ideal.Fang Zhenqian would never refuse his request.Because Fang Zhenqian should understand.What does Jinyiwei mean to his Five Poison Sect.But now the Five Poison Sect can have such a glorious situation.It was all because of being honored by Jin Yiwei.

But all the same.Jin Yiwei can make the Five Poisons Sect infinitely beautiful.It can also make the Five Poisons Sect no longer exist.And obviously.Zhang Fan's concern for Fang Yueling.Naturally, it is absolutely greater than the treatment of the Five Poisons.So if Fang Zhenqian is playing any tricks on this.Zhang Fan would never let him go easily.certainly.Naturally, it would not be possible to make the Five Poisons Sect into something.But all kinds of harassment.It will definitely not let the Five Poisons Sect get better.

Think about it.It's not that Fang Zhenqian himself doesn't understand.In this way.Zhang Fan even asked someone to ask about Fang Yueling's situation.If she hasn't said it yet.That Fang Zhenqian made it clear that he wanted to find fault.all in all.No matter how Zhang Fan thought about this matter.Fang Zhenqian wouldn't be so confused.

And now.Zhang Fan fell into the same situation as before.The former he didn't know what happened to Fang Yueling now.And he knew that there was nothing he could do about this worry.So Zhang Fan found a lot of things for himself to do.Let yourself not pay too much attention to this matter that he has nothing to do now.

But now.The news has come.It's just that the news that came over was not the good news that Zhang Fan wanted to hear that everything was safe.Instead, it was bad news that he hadn't expected.But even this bad news.Zhang Fan was extremely concerned.But he still couldn't help it.He couldn't visit Fang Yueling.I don't know what happened to Fang Yueling.

And in this case.Zhang Fan still couldn't do anything.Just pass on the news.Let someone help him find out what happened.But he couldn't be too worried about this matter that he didn't understand at all.In the end, I made myself become it.Zhang Fan can only do the same as before.He just had to find something to distract himself.

But still that thing.It's about the "One Whip Method" that Zhang Juzheng is planning now.Although Zhang Juzheng's new method has almost been completed.But it's still the same as before.There are still many details that need to be considered completely.

But for Zhang Juzheng.This matter is his top priority.It is even more important than before the promulgation of the "Testing Law".It can even be said.The original "Testing Method" was completely used as a foreshadowing for the current "One Whip Method".So in Zhang Juzheng's view.As long as the "One Whip Law" has not yet been promulgated.It doesn't matter how much preparation you have made.And the loopholes in those details.It is even more to find out that one is one.Every time a small loophole is found.and complete it.Zhang Juzheng will feel more at ease.

therefore.During this time.Zhang Fan put almost all his energy into this matter.After waking up in the morning, go to court.After retreating.He was going to see Zhu Yijun in the palace.And in the afternoon.It was time for Zhang Fan and Zhang Ju to discuss this matter.

As for the evening.When Zhang Fan returned home, he was also free.He is forcing himself.Or think more about what else can be improved.Or simply read and write.At most, just talk to family members.even.Zhang Fan also thought of some other ways to help him solve his problems.He doesn't give himself any free time at all.So as to let oneself cranky.

The family members are very concerned about Zhang Fan like this.In addition to doubts.I am also worried.But they also knew that Zhang Fan was not the kind of person who would tell them easily.So they didn't ask any more questions.

at last.Zhang Fan was just looking forward to it.Sichuan can send news to itself as soon as possible.Tell yourself that Fang Yueling is fine.It's just that I get sick occasionally.There is nothing to worry about.Zhang Fan only knew the news.Only then can he feel at ease.

all in all.Zhang Fan pushed himself to the point where he would never think wildly.And he hoped that this time would pass sooner.

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