At Zhang Juzheng's home, Zhang Fan discussed some matters with him about the "One Whip Law". How much content there is, but after such a long time, it has been considered almost, so today, although I still came to Zhang Juzheng's home to discuss this matter with him, but in fact, I couldn't think of too many things for a while. .

Zhang Fan didn't have anything to do, but he didn't want to disturb Zhang Juzheng's house, so he left here. After leaving, Zhang Fan didn't have anything to do today, and he didn't have anything to deal with when he returned to the Yamen. Zhang Fan, who had nowhere to go, naturally wouldn't wander around like this, so he returned home.

It was around Shen time, and only half of the afternoon had passed. Zhang Fan, who had nothing to do at first, planned to write after returning home, but it was best not to let himself be idle.

But when Zhang Fan returned home, he found that there was a class at home. No, in fact, when Zhang Fan just arrived home, he didn’t know about it, and no one came to inform him. This shows that the guests are not important. Very unusual people, or they didn't come to see Zhang Fan.

But when Zhang Fan arrived at the backyard and walked in, he saw the maids at home carrying tea. The pots were different, some were for his own family, and some were for guests, so Zhang Fan only had to take a look. The teapot in the servant girl's hand knew that there was a visitor in the house, and it was obvious that it had something to do with being invited to the backyard, so Zhang Fan asked who it was.

It's okay not to ask, but after asking, Zhang Fan was a little surprised to hear that the person who came was actually Wei Maoyao.

Ever since they got acquainted with Wei Weiyao, Yingyue and Zhaoxue would often invite her to their home as guests, and of course the members of the Zhang family also treated her very kindly.

But when Zhang Fan and Wei Yaoyao had that kind of relationship, it was not normal. From then on, as long as Zhang Fan was still in the capital, Wei Leiyao would tell him in advance if he came to the Zhang residence. Let me say that this was not done as a precaution, nor was it a rule between the two of them, it was just a mutual practice.

But today, Zhang Fan didn't know that Wei Maoyao was coming. In fact, Wei Yaoyao hadn't told him any news that Wei Maoyao was coming. But when Zhang Fan returned home today, he heard that Wei Maoyao was coming. Being a guest at home made Zhang Fan a little confused. Of course, he just couldn't figure it out, because Zhang Fan never thought that the things between the two of them would be revealed. People who know something will never say it, Zhang Fan completely believes in this.

And Zhang Fan himself would not say it, that is to say, if he knew, only Wei Maoyao would take the initiative to speak up, but Zhang Fan did not think that Wei Leiyao would take the initiative to talk about it, although he and Wei Lei The time between Yao was not too long, but Wei Yaoyao really gave her true feelings for Zhang Fan, which also made Zhang Fan know her very well.

All in all, although I don't know the specific reason why Wei Leiyao came here today, but it is definitely not because the matter between the two of them has been exposed, but since it is not such a matter, why did Wei Leiyao come here before? She didn't tell herself, maybe there was some special situation, Wei Maoyao couldn't find Zhang Fan's people for a while, and she came here, or she was pulled here by Yingyue and Zhaoxue.

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out, so he went to ask someone again, and only then did he realize that his guess was right. Wei Yuyao really wouldn't come so suddenly. The reason why he came today is completely It was because Yingyue and Zhaoxue who were visiting her suddenly pulled her here. As for the reason, this person didn't know, but it seemed that something serious happened.

After hearing this, Zhang Fan immediately felt relieved. In fact, he was not afraid of anything. If the matter between the two of them was revealed, there would be no trouble. However, Zhang Fan at home was rather embarrassed. , not because of anything else, after all, Wei Yaoyao is a widow, and her own identity, but to do such a thing, I am afraid that the first person who will be angry with him at that time will be her mother Zhao, this is Zhang Fan. The last thing you want to see.

In short, without this worry, Zhang Fan would be much better, but he still couldn't figure out why Yingyue and Zhaoxue insisted on pulling her home today, and he had no idea what happened.

Although, he already knew that it would not be the kind of situation that he least expected to happen, but now Zhang Fan wants to know what the situation is, he just needs to go over and ask to understand. Besides, he and Wei Yaoyao It is not the first time that people have faced this situation at the same time, and it is no big deal.

But today's Zhang Fan has not gone for a long time, maybe it is because of some special reasons, all in all, Zhang Fan always feels that it must be abnormal for Wei Yaoyao to suddenly appear without any news today, there must be something wrong When something happened, Zhang Fan was always worried.

But obviously, just worrying so much is helpless, not only can't solve it, but even doesn't know what happened, so in the end, Zhang Fan still can't figure out what's going on. You can ask yourself and see what happened.

It's just that when Zhang Fan got there, he found that the scene was completely different from what he had imagined. This place was not what Zhang Fan had imagined before. There were only three people, Yingyue, Zhaoxue and Wei Yaoyao. In fact, even Ru Xue, Luo Linger, and Joanna are here.

Of course, since then, Wei Laiyao has become very familiar with the members of the Zhang family, not only the Zhao family, Ru Xue and the others are also very congenial with Wei Laiyao, and they always talk about each other.

But even if they knew each other, the current scene really made Zhang Fan feel too incredible. All of them were here, as if something big had happened, or in other words, something big had really happened.

Moreover, although Zhang Fan didn't hear what they were talking about when he came, but seeing the way they sat, wrapping Wei Yaoyao in the middle, although they didn't speak, the eyes of the others were all on Wei Leiyao , and Wei Yuyao also had some confused and unwilling expressions on his face, which made Zhang Fan very puzzled. He couldn't figure out what happened at all.

"Sir, you're here." Zhaoxue was the first to see Zhang Fan coming. Although she is pregnant now, she is still the most lively one. After seeing Zhang Fan coming, she was the first to speak. "Msanggong came just in time, but a big event happened here,"

Everyone turned their attention to Zhang Fan, even Wei Leiyao, and Zhang Fan looked from this side, and he could clearly see that Wei Leiyao was looking at him with a certain expression. Luckily, other people are looking at Zhang Fan now, or else seeing Wei Maoyao looking at Zhang Fan with such a strange expression, they might have some thoughts.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Fan hurriedly put on a smile, but also with a curious look, and said, "I'm a guest, what are you doing?" You can see it at a glance.

"Zhaoxue just said something big, what happened, explain it clearly,"

"Sir, come here." At this moment, it was Ru Xue who stood up and pulled Zhang Fan out the door. Obviously, although he didn't know what "big event" happened, the impact was definitely serious, or Even if he knew it, it was inconvenient to say it in front of Wei Leiyao.

And just that, it made Zhang Fan feel very bad.

"What happened?" Zhang Fan immediately asked Ru Xue after he came out.

"I was no longer a concubine before, but I heard that it was about the same," Ru Xue said, "This afternoon, Zhaoxue and Sister Yingyue went to Sister Wei to see her. It was nothing, but who knew that Sister Wei suddenly She was unwell for a while, and I could see it just now, Sister Wei, she looked like she couldn't wake up, and she was a little dizzy, and she didn't have much strength. I heard Zhao Xue said that she was a little nauseous and wanted to vomit before, and Zhao Xue is now too. She is pregnant, so she understands it very well in her heart, but after all, Sister Wei... Anyway, it is not convenient to say it face to face, or she is afraid that she will make a mistake and cause some misunderstanding.

"In the end, the two of them had to invite two of them to show Sister Wei. It's okay if you don't look at it, but there is a big problem after seeing it. Sister Wei is pregnant, and she has been pregnant for two months... ..."

Although Zhang Fan is a man, he is not very clear about the situation of women, but after all, he is a man who has a wife and concubine, and has children, so even if Ru Xue just said the beginning, Zhang Fan I have already understood.

But I understand, I understand, but Zhang Fan was stunned by this incident. Wei Yuyao was pregnant for two months. It happened just after Zhang Fan came back from Sichuan. Don't think about it. Wei Yaoyao's own problem, that is to say, what she is carrying in her belly now, no matter whether she will be born a boy or a girl in the future, it must be Zhang Fan's flesh and blood.

How could Zhang Fan not be surprised? When he had a relationship with Wei Yaoyao, it was not because of emotional problems at all, and even now there is a relationship between the two, but it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to consider At this level, he never thought that this thing would happen.

But now, this matter has obviously happened, and it was diagnosed by the doctor, there is absolutely no mistake, that is to say, Zhang Fan has never thought about it, and even if he thought about it, he would never want to The situation that happened is now indeed appearing in front of Zhang Fan's eyes.

The most unwanted situation appeared in front of his eyes now, and facing this matter, Zhang Fan opened his mouth wide for a moment and was completely stunned.

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