The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1666 Unexpectedly

All of a sudden, something happened that I didn't expect and didn't want to happen. No matter who it is, his mood at this time, including the expression on his face, will definitely not be calm, even As if nothing had happened.

Zhang Fan is not a powerful person, after all, he is just an ordinary person, so after encountering this situation, Zhang Fan can only open his mouth wide, as if he didn't know what to do.

Thinking about it, this is indeed the case. After all, although there is such a relationship between Zhang Fan and Wei Yaoyao, the relationship between the two is also very complicated, and it is not so easy to get it right. understandable.

However, no matter how complicated the relationship between the two is, the most important point is that between the two of them, no matter which one they are, it is absolutely impossible for them to think that they will give birth to a child. This is absolutely impossible.

For Zhang Fan, maybe he didn't think about this issue before, but now he has to face this issue because of his identity. He started to think about it, before he faced such a thing, he should start thinking about one thing, and that was the issue of the illegitimate child.

You know, this kind of thing can be big or small. To put it mildly, it's just a man's irresponsible performance, and even if it causes any problems, you need to bear it yourself. For Zhang Fan, it's not a problem. In terms of wealth, Zhang Fan can fully afford it.

But on a bigger scale, it is not so easy. This kind of thing, especially for a person with Zhang Fan's status, if this kind of thing happens, it is definitely possible to get into some very troublesome things in the future because of it. Yes, although it is not realistic at all to let him think about what will happen when he sees it in order to take precautions, but it will cause trouble, which is certain.

Therefore, from Zhang Fan's point of view, even if he doesn't consider so many issues, but just thinks from his own, very selfish point of view, he doesn't want it to become like this.

Of course, although there are a lot of troubles, there are many situations to deal with such troubles. Perhaps for Zhang Fan, this matter is just a trouble, and it is not something that cannot be justified.

But even if Zhang Fan could ignore this matter and not care about it at all, obviously Wei Yaoyao couldn't do that. Having a lover outside has added some personal negative news, and even worse, it is a scandal, but this has no effect on Zhang Fan's political affairs.

But Wei Weiyao is different. Wei Weiyao's identity does not mean that she is just a commoner, or that she is a weak woman who can only let men control her life. It is really pitiful And so on, these are not important, the most important thing is Wei Yaoyao's identity, that is a widow who lost her husband.

Perhaps this feudal society has always been biased towards men, but women can only become vulnerable groups. Sometimes, women really don't have much say, even if they are like a Hedong lion, but what is really involved is very serious Women still don't have the right to speak out.

This is especially true for a widow like Wei Weiyao. No matter who said it or when it started, the three obediences and four virtues of a woman are the most basic conditions for a woman to become a person. Obey the father, marry the husband, and obey the son when the husband dies.

With regard to the first two items, it can be said that Wei Weiyao did a very good job without any omissions. Before she became a monk, she was naturally very obedient at home. In addition, she was born in a scholarly family, and her ancestors also had officials. , so there is absolutely no problem with her upbringing, and it will be the same after she gets married. It's not that she is too weak in character and is used to being submissive. Whether it is at home or her husband's family, they never criticize her too much.

But Wei Leiyao, who was very lucky at first, finally embarked on an unhappy path, or Wei Leiyao's good luck ran out. Originally, she should have a good life, loving her husband, and There is no shortage of food and clothing. When the time comes, I will have two more children and live this life peacefully and beautifully.

But what no one expected was that when she was still young, her husband passed away suddenly. This was a fatal blow to Wei Yaoyao. After all, she lost her husband at a young age It's not just that she's going to be widowed at a young age, but also that she's destined to be a widow for a lifetime. After all, she and her husband are very affectionate. Now that she suddenly lost her lover, she has nothing to do accept.

And Wei Yaoyao is not only because of grief and love for her husband too much, the education she has received since she was a child obviously does not allow her to continue to find another husband's family.

All in all, Wei Yaoyao at that time felt that she had to spend her life alone like this.

After that, no matter whether she opened a teahouse or adopted those orphans, it was all because of Wei Maoyao's unwillingness to be lonely. It is no wonder that Wei Yaoyao feels lonely, so there is nothing unreasonable about the things she did. Taking in those orphans is not only because she sees them pitiful, but more importantly What's more, Wei Yaoyao, who has no children, treats these children as her own.

And the reason why she is like this is entirely because she understands that it is impossible for her to have a child of her own in this life. Therefore, this is not just a kind of spiritual sustenance. Very good, it is no exaggeration to say that it is my own.

However, even so, even if Wei Yaoyao found spiritual sustenance because of this, but some things are true and false, and sometimes, Wei Yaoyao will inevitably feel in her heart. Thinking about it, thinking that maybe she could have a child of her own, this kind of thing is quite normal for a woman, especially when Wei Yaoyao was at the time.

But later, when she got to know Zhang Fan and had this kind of relationship with Zhang Fan, Wei Maoyao's thoughts gradually faded away, not for anything else, when she was with Zhang Fan , perhaps because she knew in her heart that the two of them would only be sweet for a while if they went on like this, and there would be no result in the end, so she would not think about that kind of thing at all.

Of course, sometimes it is downplayed, but for Wei Yaoyao, she sometimes fantasizes about this situation, such as having a child with Zhang Fan and so on.

But these days, it's not a fantasy, it's actually happening.

Although Wei Yaoyao sometimes fantasized about this happening, she really never thought that her fantasy would really come true. You must know that this was not what she had thought of at all. This is also the first time for her, so in these two days, she felt a little uncomfortable in her body. Even when she hadn't had menstruation in these two months, the inexperienced Wei Yaoyao just felt that it was because of her own This is the reason why she is not in good health. She didn't think about getting pregnant at all.

But although she has no experience, other people have. For example, today, Yingyue and Zhaoxue came to visit her. Zhaoxue knew exactly what kind of reaction there would be.

But Zhaoxue also knew that Wei Leiyao's husband had passed away a long time ago, and now that Wei Leiyao had this reaction, it was naturally inappropriate, so even if Zhaoxue knew it in her heart, it might be the case, but she didn't dare to just It would be a great insult to Wei Maoyao to jump to conclusions like this, if they were wrong, so they hurriedly invited a doctor to see Wei Yaoyao.

And Wei Yaoyao didn't know what was wrong with her because of her inexperience. If she knew, she would definitely not agree to let the doctor come to see him. Not to mention, the doctors are Zhaoxue and Ying. Yue invited her here, and you must know that the flesh and blood in her body is also Zhang Fan's, and it is the same father as the one in Zhaoxue's belly now.

For someone like Zhaoxue who doesn't know what's going on, that's okay, but for someone like Wei Yaoyao who understands what's going on, it's different, although If you don't say anything, you won't express anything, but it's too embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing.

And after seeing that she was indeed pregnant, Zhaoxue and Yingyue also knew that something was wrong, and they couldn't make up their minds for a while, so this is why Wei Yaoyao had to come to Zhang's mansion, saying that it was to help her. Watch her for advice or something.

Wei Yaoyao originally wanted to refuse, after all, she knew very well in her heart, she knew who the flesh and blood in her belly belonged to, but now, she was asked to go to Zhang's mansion, how could she have the face to go, even that The people around didn't know what happened between her and Zhang Fan, but that was Zhang Fan's home after all, and what she had to face was Zhang Fan's wife and concubine, how could she agree.

However, it is clear that Zhaoxue and Yingyue are very resolute in this matter, and for Wei Yaoyao, he can't refuse this matter too much, otherwise it may make people feel uncomfortable. Feeling suspicious, in the end, she really had no choice but to nod and agree.

It's just that after arriving in Zhang's mansion, Wei Yaoyao didn't say a word at all, no matter how others asked her, she didn't say anything.

But until now, Zhang Fan has returned. Although he can hold back, Wei Leiyao's heart has undergone earth-shaking changes.

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