Zhang Fan had just returned home, and saw that Wei Yaoyao was actually a guest at home. This alone already surprised Zhang Fan, and what surprised Zhang Fan even more was that the news he heard, That really made him feel at a loss for a moment, Wei Yaoyao was actually two months pregnant.

This matter has come to this point, there is no need to ask at all, Zhang Fan knew very well in his heart that what Wei Yaoyao conceived must be his flesh and blood, but although it is easy to say, things are not so simple. It was nothing to Zhang Fan himself, but to Wei Leiyao, it couldn't be regarded as nothing happened.

You know, what is Wei Weiyao's identity, she is a widow who has lost her husband, and her husband has been dead for several years, but now, she is pregnant, so it is obvious that she is married to someone else Men have an affair.

If Wei Maoyao married another man after losing her husband, even if she was just a child, no one would say anything even if she was pregnant, but the education Wei Yaoyao received since she was a child made her also It was impossible to walk on such a path. Even after losing her husband, her life was very lonely, but she could only suffer like this.

However, she is pregnant now, that is to say, she has done more excessive things than she could do originally. What should I do? Although she lost her husband, her family is not empty. If her family Now, what should they think of her? Even if outsiders know about it, even those outsiders who have nothing to do with her, I am afraid that when the time comes, these people will definitely have a kind of anger that has nothing to do with her at all. In short, this matter is definitely not a good thing for Wei Yaoyao.

Of course, as I said before, this matter did not have much impact on Zhang Fan, but this impact was only considered from the outside, but in fact, how could it have no impact on Zhang Fan at all.

Although he didn't have much affection for Wei Yaoyao when he had this kind of relationship with Wei Yaoyao, but after such a long time, the affection has always been there, and now, although he dare not say how much Deep, but not shallow.

Regardless of other things, Zhang Fan also has to consider for Wei Yaoyao, consider her mood and feelings, and also consider her practical problems. In short, this matter has already happened, and it is a very difficult matter. .

After listening to what Ru Xue said to him, Zhang Fan opened his mouth wide open, he was beyond surprised, he never thought that things would turn out like this.

But Ru Xue, she didn't see anything. After all, this matter is a very important matter in this era. Even if an unrelated outsider hears it, even if she shows such an extremely surprised expression, it is very important. It's normal, so when she saw Zhang Fan's surprised expression, she didn't feel anything strange, she just thought it was a very normal thing.

It's not that Ru Xue's mind is not delicate enough, so she didn't expect this kind of situation to happen. Normally, Ru Xue can be said to be meticulous in this respect, especially for Zhang Fan, she knows quite well. An expression, a movement, needless to say, even if Ru Xue can't guess the specifics, she can get a general idea, but this matter, Ru Xue is completely unexpected, so this is the kind of feeling towards Zhang Fan. Surprised expression, the performance is completely normal.

"This..." Zhang Fan was surprised, but at the same time he was telling himself in his heart that he had to say something quickly, "How is this possible... is it possible...but...you know who it is,"

Shaking her head, Ru Xue sighed lightly, frowned and said, "I don't know yet, we asked Sister Wei just now, but she refused to say who it was. I'm afraid Sister Wei is unwilling to say it, but this matter... It doesn't mean that it can be useful if you hide it. It's really difficult for Sister Wei to say that, "

Faced with what Ru Xue said, Zhang Fan could only nod his head in agreement, but in fact, Zhang Fan didn't say a word at all, and Zhang Fan didn't know what to say at all. In short, As far as Zhang Fan was concerned, his mind was completely confused now. He could only listen to Ru Xue's words, and then he kept agreeing with him. Apart from these, Zhang Fan had no idea at all.

"Then... what do you think about this matter?" Zhang Fan finally could only ask this question, which actually showed that he didn't know what to do.

However, in the same way, he just said these words in a pleasant way. In fact, he himself knows best what is going on. However, at this time, he naturally cannot say it. He can only ask some questions to let Ru Xue sounds like she knows that this matter has nothing to do with him. Of course, this is the only way Zhang Fan can think of to deal with this kind of thing. For Zhang Fan, he can It's very confusing, I can't think of a better way at all, I can only use this seemingly extremely clumsy way to solve this matter.

Of course, even Ru Xue couldn't see that Zhang Fan was avoiding her in a prevarication way at this time. From her point of view, Zhang Fan was still shocked by this incident, so he just It's going to be so incoherent.

As for Ru Xue coming to the club, she is also very kind to Wei Yaoyao. Although she was not the first person to belong to Wei Leiyao at the beginning, but met through Zhaoxue and Yingyue, but perhaps it can be said that Wei Weiyao Yao and Ru Xue do have some similarities, so even though they just met each other, there is a feeling of familiarity between them for a while. Many, but sometimes, this kind of feeling does not mean that it can be accumulated over such a long time, sometimes even if the time is relatively short, it will be the same.

But now, when this situation happened to Wei Leiyao, Ru Xue naturally paid close attention to it. Of course, from her point of view, the relationship between Zhang Fan and Wei Leiyao is also good. Don't get me wrong, Ru Xue naturally didn't think of that. To this point, she just felt that Zhang Fan and Wei Yuyao got along well. Of course, this was because Ru Xue was naive, or she didn't understand. Yao has met Zhang Fan "twice", why is she so familiar with Wei Yaoyao? Of course, from Ru Xue's point of view, it is only because Zhang Fan also sympathizes with her.

In short, under Ru Xue's subjective conjecture, everything Zhang Fan does now is out of sympathy for Wei Yuyao's situation, not for any other reason. After all, Wei Yuyao's It is indeed worthy of sympathy for the identity to encounter such a situation, and the two sides are familiar with each other, so in Ru Xue's view, it is normal for Zhang Fan to be so shocked by this incident.

"I think it's because of some difficulties," Zhang Fan can only say so, but speaking of it, it's a kind of irony that he said these words, it really feels like a thief shouting and arresting a thief, but this At that time, Zhang Fan had no choice but to stick to his position, otherwise it would be bad for Ru Xue to see something.

Speaking of it, Ru Xue is very generous. Think about it, after Zhang Fan married Ru Xue, he took in many concubines, but Ru Xue didn't say anything about this, even Zhang Fan Ru Xue didn't say anything about Zhao Xue.

But the problem is that Wei Weiyao's identity is different, and there is no difference in treatment. After all, Wei Weiyao's identity is a widow, and Ru Xue also lives in this era, even if she behaves better than other women She is more open-minded, but in fact, no matter how open-minded Ru Xue is, she still lives in this era, so her thoughts cannot be out of touch with this era.

And if she knew that Zhang Fan had an affair with Wei Yaoyao, and that the flesh and blood in Wei Leiyao's belly belonged to Zhang Fan, the problem became very serious.

Ru Xue might blame Zhang Fan for not being like this to a widow. If she really has feelings for Wei Yaoyao, it would be better to simply bring her into the family. Even if Wei Yaoyao is a widow, at least There is no problem with Zhang Fan's status, even if someone will make irresponsible remarks, but after all Zhang Fan's identity is there, even if someone thinks so in their hearts, they absolutely dare not say it.

Although it’s a bit of a stretch to say so, but after all, this era is also the time when men should protect women. Even if there are any gossip outside, Zhang Fan will be on the outside, and Wei Laiyao at home is She will definitely not be affected in any way, and she can be at ease.

But now, none of this happened. Since it didn't happen, it would be useless to say it. Of course, there is no way to say this kind of thing. After all, it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Fan to tell Ru Xue about this. In short, these are just empty words.

However, during this period of time, Zhang Fan gradually regained some feeling that he knew what he should do, or he had calmed down a little, so his mind was able to turn a little bit, and he knew what to think about now.

But now, the first thing Zhang Fan has to do is not to find a way to hide this matter. and what are they going to do.

It doesn't matter how much they know, after all, Ru Xue told him just now, they don't know too much news.

As for what they plan to do, Zhang Fan has no idea. He really doesn't know what this group of women are planning to do together, let alone what they can do.

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