Ru Xue is concerned about this matter.Obviously agree.But the reason why Ru Xue would agree.It is different from Luo Linger and Joanna.It's not all that different either.It's just different in some places.

For Joanna.It's been said before.She can be said to be familiar with this kind of thing.And it is precisely because she has seen more of this kind of thing.So I also sympathize with those women who are abandoned by men with status.Now let her see this kind of thing again.And it still happened to me.Joanna couldn't help but think about it.She sympathized with Wei Yaoyao very much.not to mention.She is also more concerned about Zhang Fan's affairs.That's why she agreed to help.

And Luo Linger.Her experience may not have so many storms and waves compared to Joanna.But she has seen a lot of to Joanna.Luo Ling'er also felt more sympathy for Wei Leiyao's situation.Plus.She was also more concerned about Zhang Fan's affairs.So after she heard from Joanna what happened between Wei Yaoyao and Zhang Fan.She also immediately made up her mind to help.

But Ru Xue is different.The reason why she agreed to help Zhang Fan on this matter.It's not because she sympathizes with Wei Yaoyao.certainly.It's not that Ru Xue doesn't have any sympathy for Wei Yaoyao's affairs.After all, she is also a woman.She is also married.She even has children.Although Ru Xue is living a very good life now.But again.She also thought about what if she lost Zhang Fan.what will happen.In addition, the relationship between her and Wei Yaoyao is also good.So she naturally sympathized with Wei Yaoyao very much.But I sympathize with Wei Yaoyao.It wasn't the main reason why Ru Xue agreed to help Zhang Fan.Or maybe it's just a very small factor.

The real reason why Ru Xue would agree to do this.The most important thing is actually because of Zhang Fan.After all, she is Zhang Fan's wife.She is also the eldest wife of the Zhang family.Although women are not the kind of roles that should be in public for a long time.But she also has a responsibility to the Zhang family.She must not let the Zhang family lose face.And even Zhang Fan's identity is very unusual.But on this matter.Being unusual might not be a good thing.

By the time.If this matter gets out.People will naturally be because of Zhang Fan's identity.So I will not and dare not say anything in the open.For example, Zhang Fan seduced a widow or something.Absolutely no one dares to say that.But it is precisely because no one dares to say so on the bright side.So in the dark.I'm afraid there will definitely be many people who say that.

Ru Xue doesn't want to see this kind of thing anyway.Of course.If we take Wei Yaoyao into the house.Naturally, outsiders will also know about this matter.But if that time comes.Things have changed.Even if someone would say it.But can't find much evidence.After all, Wei Yaoyao was already in Zhang's mansion at that time.Those who want to come outside.Even if it is to give them a few more courage.He didn't dare to break into Zhang's mansion to confirm anything.

Maybe it's a little unreasonable to do so.But the bare minimum.Compared with the previous situation.This is already much better.Moreover.It all happened.No matter how.That's the only way to do this.

so.under weighing the pros and cons.Ru Xue naturally chose the most beneficial method for the Zhang family.

certainly.So to speak.It sounds like Ru Xue is really reluctant to do so.But don't get me wrong.Ru Xue did this.It does sound forced.But she definitely didn't mean to hate Wei Yaoyao.On the contrary, it is quite the opposite.The relationship between her and Wei Yaoyao is also very good.Only this time.She is right about things and not about people.

In short.That's it.After knowing this matter.Ru Xue also immediately made a plan.I plan to help Zhang Fan.

certainly.Until now, Joanna has not said that the whole matter was actually discussed between her and Zhang Fan.So it doesn't matter if it's Luo Ling'er or Ru Xue.Neither of them their thoughts.Zhang Fan shouldn't be able to say such a Xue is the decision.When Zhang Fan didn't know what to do.I need to help him here.

only.Although the three of them already knew about this matter.But what exactly should be done.In fact, there are still many difficulties.

First point.How to let the remaining people know about it.certainly.This so-called left over.In fact, he was referring to Yingyue and Zhaoxue.

Everyone knows.The relationship between Yingyue and Zhaoxue and Wei Maoyao is extraordinary.Perhaps the relationship between the people in Zhang's mansion and Wei Maoyao is very good.Even the Zhao family is no exception.But Yingyue and Zhaoxue.The relationship between the two of them and Wei Yaoyao is not ordinary.very good.therefore.If the two of them know about this matter.They will definitely be very excited.

certainly.Agitation is not a problem.It's too late to talk about it after getting excited.But the problem is.The two of them.The level of excitement is different.

Yingyue was fine.Even if she was very what.It doesn't matter.As long as you explain the matter to her properly afterwards, it will be fine.As for whether she would agree.Ru Xue is quite confident about this.Even if Yingyue finds out about it by then.But they disagree.Ru Xue is also confident.Believe that you can convince her.

The most critical issue is actually Zhaoxue.Now Zhaoxue is pregnant.And it's been several months.And when pregnant.It's not just about being finely tuned.The most important thing is to be calm.Before that, Zhaoxue was agitated because of Wei Yuyao's matter.Although nothing happened.But Ruxue is Zhaoxue's biological sister.She also absolutely wants to put an end to any eventuality.

therefore.There is a relationship between Zhang Fan and Wei Yuyao.If Zhaoxue knows about this matter.Obviously Zhaoxue would definitely be very excited.And excited.Will it have any impact on Zhaoxue?To be honest, Ru Xue really didn't dare to guess.

certainly.If Ru Xue had to choose.What she hopes most is that it is best for Zhaoxue not to know about this matter.In case something happens.But obviously.Now that is absolutely impossible.After all, things have happened.And Ru Xue absolutely did the same.And the next step is to tell Zhaoxue about this matter.

therefore.Now Ruxue is facing a problem.How can I tell Zhaoxue about this matter at the same time.Let her know about it.But at the same time, she couldn't let her show too much excitement about this matter.This is definitely a problem.It is not an exaggeration to say that it is technical work.

And after Ru Xue raised this question.Luo Linger and Joanna also fell silent.certainly.It's not that they haven't thought about it.This happens.Luo Linger and Joanna also thought about it.Even though they don't know what to do.But they didn't take it too seriously.In their opinion.Maybe Ru Xue will have a way.After all, the image of Ru Xue in their minds is a smart character.It is no exaggeration to have a way.

Only this time.Obviously they miscalculated.They never thought of it.Ru Xue faced this problem.There is no way.I don't know what to do.But even so.They can't stop there either.No matter how difficult this matter is.But now there is only such a way to go.So even this matter is very difficult to handle.But they also have to bite the bullet.

so.Now they face this situation.They still have to figure out how to do it.Only then can Zhaoxue accept this fact smoothly.

certainly.Actually thought about it a lot.They also understood.It is simply impossible for Zhaoxue to not be excited at all after hearing this.But even so.In the case where this matter must be done.They also wanted to find a way to minimize Zhaoxue's excitement.

but.Again.This matter is easier said than done.It is very difficult to do it.In fact, they thought so much.Also did not think of a good way.But they didn't give up.Still thinking about it.

"It's not a solution just to think so." In the end.Ru Xue said. "This matter is really troublesome. Zhaoxue's side we have to find a way. Not only Zhaoxue's side. Even Niang's side. But, let's settle Zhaoxue's side first."

"In my opinion, why not..." Luo Linger thought for a while.Said. "Yingyue has gone to Yaoyao's place now. It's better to wait until Yingyue comes back. Let's tell her the matter first. Then let her think with us. See if there is any way. Four people are worse than three Think more. Maybe Yingyue can think of a good way."

"That's fine." After hearing Luo Ling'er's words.Ru Xue nodded in agreement.

That's how it is.After all, this matter is more troublesome.And compared to three people.The four of them also had more ideas.Maybe I can think of a good way.

here.Ru Xue and the others are still trying to find a way.See how this can be resolved.And over there.Zhang Fan was also troubled by this matter.Even if he had discussed it with Joanna.But he was still a little worried about this matter.

But now.Zhang Fan, who was in the yamen, really didn't have the time to worry about these things.Because the situation in Liaodong has undergone new changes.And Zhang Fan also had to temporarily turn his gaze to that side.

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