Early this morning.Zhang Fan went out.last night.He and Wei Yaoyao have been discussing this matter for a long time.Although in the end what is the result after doing it.Don't know yet.But the two of them have already taken into account everything that can be considered.

But even so.Zhang Fan was still a little worried.After all, he is not around.I don't know what's going on with this thing now.This feeling is not incomprehensible.In fact, it was replaced by anyone.Encountered this situation.I'm afraid it will be very worrying.Even if it is already planned.Even if he clearly knows that he is away now.Even worrying can't do anything.But I still worry about it in my heart.

So this day.It can be said that Zhang Fan has never let go of his heart.Always feel restless.Even up to court.He wondered what was going on at home now.certainly.Zhang Fan's performance was not obvious.At most, he just kept his head down and said nothing.In addition, there are indeed not many things that require him to speak in the court.Therefore, in fact, no one could see what was wrong with Zhang Fan.

And today's court meeting is over.After Zhang Fan returned to Yamen.He was more obvious.But this time.What's on Zhang Fan's mind.The people under him will not ask anything because of this.Moreover.What happened to Liang Chao was happening before his eyes.Maybe they thought Zhang Fan was still troubled by this matter.certainly.It's not that Zhang Fan doesn't ask about this matter anymore.It's just that there are still things on his body that have not been resolved.Therefore, he simply has no time to take care of so much.

It's just obvious.He sits here alone thinking.It will also have no results at all.What's more, it's impossible for him to go home now to see what's going on.So he can do it.I was the only one sitting here thinking.

but.sometimes.Think too much.Also useless.And now.These are not the only things that Zhang Fan needs to worry about.There are still many things that need his attention.For example.Just when Zhang Fan was troubled by family matters.Wang Meng was carrying a message.A piece of news came that would divert Zhang Fan's attention.

"Your Excellency, the matter in Liaodong has made new progress." Wang Meng said. "We have news from our people. There has been movement from General Li."

Although Zhang Fan was worrying about things at home.But he will not forget these business matters.So after hearing what Wang Meng said.Zhang Fan also came back to his senses immediately.Quickly asked: "How is it? What's the situation over there now."

"General Li has already prepared for it before." Wang Meng replied. "Although even on the side of the adults, he didn't reveal too much. But we also know his general plan. Presumably he has planted an ambush somewhere. Now Wang Gao is confused by him. Will he be able to All the troops mobilized were piled up near the capital of Liaodong to confront the army under General Li.

"After so many days, there is finally movement from General Li's side. Our people have sent news. They say that a large army has already marched to Jianzhouwei. It will not take long. This battle in Liaodong will be over. gone."

"Sure enough." Hearing Wang Meng's report.Zhang Fan's troubled mood was also swept away.After all, this is good news.No matter how.It's all something to be happy about. "It seems that Li Chengliang is going to come here very soon. I think he has been stationed in Liaodong for ten years. He has dealt with Wang Gao a lot. It seems that he is also tired of this kind of thing. This Once, he really wanted to solve Wang Gao's trouble once and for all.

"By the way. You just said that this incident was reported by our people. In other words, Li Chengliang did not report this incident. Did he just send troops silently?"

"That's true." Wang Meng nodded.Said. "This incident was reported by our people. General Li did not send a message back to the court. No one in the court knew about it."

"That's it. Don't spread the news." Zhang Fan nodded.Said. "It's best not to publicize this matter now. After all, the matter of Hong'er just happened now. Who knows if there is any secret work by Wang Gao here. Even if they know it now, it's time to pass the news back. It's too late to stop it Li Chengliang's surprise attack on the army. But this matter is of great importance after all. So it is better to be careful and delicate in everything."

"Your Excellency's words are correct." Wang Meng also agreed with Zhang Fan's words.It's just that Zhang Fan mentioned Hong'er's matter just now.It reminded him of locking himself almost at home these days.The lost appearance of Liang Chao who never left home.All of a sudden.The atmosphere became a little dull.

"By the way, my lord." It seemed to break the dullness.Wang Meng also asked. "Your Excellency said just now. This time, General Li intends to settle the matter of Wang Gao once and for all. But the situation in Liaodong... this time, Wang Gao is really killed. Will Liaodong really be able to settle down in the future?"

"Of course not." Zhang Fan shook his head without thinking.Said. "This matter has actually been settled a long time ago. Even if Wang Gao was killed this time, it would consume most of his Jurchen's strength. But the future of Liaodong will definitely not be so stable because of this.

"The so-called once and for all here is just to solve Wang Gao's troubles once and for all. After all, Wang Gao has been in Liaodong for so many years. How many troubles have been caused and how many people have died because of him. This is simply not enough. This time. As long as you can Solve Wang Gao's problem. At least the situation in Liaodong will be much better because of it.

"As for what troubles there will be in the future. None of us know now. We only know that there will be troubles. But even so, you can't stop doing it just because you know there will be troubles. Being able to do one thing well is a In this way, even if there will be troubles in the future, at least it will be much better than it is now."

"I understand this humble job." Nodded.Wang Meng said he knew.But even know it.But this matter has always been a very troublesome matter.

Although Zhang Fan also said it just now.There will be trouble in the future.It's no use thinking about it now.But everyone knows.These words are just words to comfort people.After all, even if it is the case.But who can resist thinking about the troubles that may arise in the future?Especially people in their position.Whether it's Zhang Fan or Wang Meng.It is absolutely impossible not to think about this kind of thing.all in all.This is definitely a hassle.And face this matter.There is nothing they can do.I can only suffer like this.

"By the way, my lord. There is one thing that I need to talk too much about my humble position." Wang Meng suddenly thought of something.Open your mouth and say. "My lord, I saw you last night. And today. It seems... seems a little absent-minded. Did something happen? Could it be because of the things in Sichuan."

Obviously.Wang Meng was wrong.The reason why Zhang Fan has been like this for the past two days.It has nothing to do with the troubles in Sichuan.But Wang Meng said so.But Zhang Fan immediately remembered it.Trouble with him now.Things he needs to care about now.It's not just the ones in front of you.And what happened in Sichuan.

Before.Zhang Fan was very concerned about Fang Yueling's situation.And after she went to Sichuan.Zhang Fan was also very worried.Even knowing it clearly.Fang Yueling was walking the rivers and lakes alone.It is absolutely impossible for something to happen.even.After all, the time from the capital to the other side.It really takes a long time.But Zhang Fan was still annoyed that there was no news of Fang Yueling.

And after Zhang Fan really received the news about Fang Yueling.He became even more troubled.Because of the news that came.Although let him know the news about Fang Yueling.Knowing that Fang Yueling returned to the Five Poison Sect safely.But go at the same time.It was also written on the message.Now there is news that Fang Yueling is ill.This made Zhang Fan very worried.

certainly.In fact, Zhang Fan also understood.This kind of worry of oneself.It's also really unnecessary.first.Although it is because of some reasons from the Five Poison Sect.The man Zhang Fan stationed there couldn't find any news.But one thing is certain.That is, Fang Yueling is ill.Not because of any injuries.

Second.Since it was not due to any injury, it would be like this.That is.Fang Yueling was probably ill.And if it is sick.Zhang Fan didn't need to worry at all.To know.What is the old line of the Five Poisons Sect?Although it is said that the Five Poisons Sect is famous for using poison.But Zhang Fan also learned about it from Fang Yueling.Want to use poison well.First of all, it will be detoxified.After all, poison is quite dangerous.In case you get caught.But there is no cure.That would be troublesome.

And in this process.People who teach the Five Poisons.There is also considerable research on medical skills.Although it cannot be said that it is among the Five Poisons.Those who use poison well are all famous doctors.But among them, there are really a few who are very skilled in medicine.And among them.Fang Zhenqian himself is one.

so.Zhang Fan didn't need to worry about Fang Yueling's health.Even if you get sick.Relying on their side can also be completely cured.Zhang Fan would never doubt this.

But even so.Zhang Fan is still worried.After all, Fang Yueling was the woman he loved.Now Fang Yueling is said to be in poor health.How could Zhang Fan not be worried?

Now Wang Meng said so.Instead, it aroused Zhang Fan's thoughts.But facing Wang Meng.Zhang Fan could not answer that no.So he could only nod his head.

In short.Today's Zhang Fan can be regarded as a lot of troubles.And now.He still has no way to get rid of these troubles.

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