good.Zhang Fan has had a lot of troubles recently.And face these troubles.Zhang Fan also really had no choice.Can only wait.Waiting for the trouble to resolve itself.Or wait for someone else to do him a favor.Of course, this is not in line with Zhang Fan's usual style of doing things.But in the face of today's situation.There was nothing he could do about it.I can only wait like this.

But fortunately.Wang Meng brought him a message today.It made him feel very good.At least.Compared with those troublesome things that he can't do anything about now.It was at least a sign of one of his concerns.Now it is about to be resolved.That is about the war in Liaodong today.

This battle in Liaodong.Many people have already expected it.And especially Li Chengliang who bears the brunt.He has been preparing for a long time.

And when this war just started.Li Chengliang is definitely in the upper hand.It's not just the vanguard army that wiped out Wang Gao.Let the enemy's morale is not to say.more importantly.Nothing to lose here either.Greatly inspired the morale of the army.And not just that.Li Chengliang has been preparing for this war for a long time.So this side is well prepared.And Wang Gao's side wanted to make a surprise attack.The result is that after he combined the other two films.The sudden lack of preparation led to a hasty attack.

all in all.This war is just beginning.All the advantages come from here.

But after.Not so anymore.Although Li Chengliang has the advantage.But this advantage only supported him to fight a few battles.And after that.It took a nosedive.Although it didn't just let Wang Gao press down and beat him.There were not many casualties here.But the advantage is gone.

The two sides turned into a state of confrontation.And this situation.It also caused a great change in the attitude of the people in the court towards Li Chengliang.

It's been said before.The relationship between Li Chengliang and China is not so good.A lot of people don't like that he doesn't talk.Along with other people who had no past with him.He didn't dare to associate with Li Chengliang too much.

certainly.Li Chengliang didn't care about this.It's just that it doesn't matter if he doesn't care.But those people in the DPRK are not just unaccustomed to it.If things get bigger, it will cause more trouble.

And this time.At the beginning, when Li Chengliang was in an advantage.Naturally, no one will say anything.certainly.Those who have a bad relationship with Li Chengliang.He would never praise Li Chengliang for anything.After all, Li Chengliang has been preparing for this war for so long.Being in an advantage after the war is what should be done.It's no wonder these people who have a bad relationship with Li Chengliang think so.In fact, this is the case.

but now.However, Li Chengliang gave up the advantage he had originally held in his hands.This made these people unable to hold back.But one thing to say.This is not because these people have a bad relationship with Li Chengliang.After all, it took so long to prepare.But this advantage only lasted for such a short while.Not anymore.Not to mention these people who originally had a bad relationship with Li Chengliang.Even if you have a good relationship with him.I'm afraid there will be some sense of blame in my heart.

Of course.Now the war has been fought.No matter how much those people in the court have prejudice against Li Chengliang.No matter how upset he was about Li Chengliang giving up his advantage.But now that it's started.Then they have nothing to do.It is also impossible for them to ask for an immediate substitution.Replace Li Chengliang with another person.if it is like this.It will only make the trouble worse.

but.Why is this happening.Only a few of these people know why this is so.And Zhang Fan is one of them.

The reason why the war situation became like this.It's not because Li Chengliang is talking big.Or lack of preparation.Or some other reason.It's because this is exactly what Li Chengliang planned in advance.Originally, the script should proceed according to this appearance.

Li Chengliang must pull the battle situation to what it is now.It is necessary to let Wang Gao not taste any sweetness.But there must be no way to make him feel that this battle is impossible.In this way.Wang Gao will feel it.Perhaps Li Chengliang could have the upper hand at first.But he was at a disadvantage.It's not because he can't win this battle.It's just because Li Chengliang was lucky.In this way.Wang Gao will definitely work harder.Use all the power you can mobilize.It's all piled up to the front.Want to be able to break the achieve your purpose.

This.It was exactly what Li Chengliang wanted.He just hoped that Wang Gao could think like this.In this way.Wang Gao will put all his military power here.

certainly.If so.The pressure on Liaodong Dusi is bound to become very high.After all, it doesn't matter if the other party is a Jurchen.They are still from Tumed and Taining.All of them are brave and good at fighting.But since this situation was created by Li Chengliang.And that's what he wanted too.Then Li Chengliang has already made full preparations to deal with this matter.

And the reason why Li Chengliang wanted to do this.The purpose is to let Wang Gao mobilize all his military power.Pulled all the mobilizable people under his command to the front line.In this way.The Jianzhou Guard where Wang Gao sits.It also becomes empty.Let your guard down.Even if it was because Wang Gao and the leaders of the two clans were assassinated in battle.Impossible without the slightest guard.But it will definitely become slack because of the battle on the front line.

That's what Li Chengliang wanted.Just like this.Li Chengliang's entire plan can be implemented.

It's all said and done here.There is no need to say any more.Those who knew knew what Li Chengliang was up to.good.He just wanted Wang Gao to mobilize all his troops to the front line.As a result, his back is empty.And Li Chengliang just took advantage of this time.Send out a surprise army.Headed towards Jianzhou Wei where Wang Gao was sitting.Go straight to Huanglong.In this way.It will be able to end this war as quickly as possible.

certainly.What Li Chengliang considered was not just the simple matter of ending this war.What he wanted more was actually to kill Wang Gao.certainly.It would be even better if it could be captured alive.This is an extraordinary feat.

Li Chengliang's plan.It looks really bold.There is indeed a risk of looking for more.

for example.If Wang Gao is not fooled.In other words, it was because Wang Gao had people from the other two races participating in the battle this time.So he can't preside over the overall situation.If all the troops are not transferred to the front line.Then Li Chengliang's plan will come to nothing.

certainly.If only that's the case.That's okay too.At most, there is still no way to catch Wang Gao this time.There may still be trouble in the future.But the bare minimum.There is absolutely no problem in winning this battle.

But for Li Chengliang.The reason why he did this in the first place.It is because he is sure that Wang Gao will do so.

Although Li Chengliang didn't have much contact with Wang Gao.But he is still very familiar with Wang Gao.Just a little.Wang Gao's desire for power is very strong.anything he's ever done.Small enough to play tricks on the street.Big enough to lead troops to slaughter and loot.These things can reflect Wang Gao's character everywhere.

now.Although it is said that this battle was not initiated by Wang Gao alone.Instead, people from Tumed and Taining ministries were added.but.Li Chengliang believed it.If Wang Gao is not sure that he can completely control the people of these two clans.He will definitely not add these factors that are unstable to him.And since Wang Gao did this.It also shows that Wang Gao has a way to control these people in this war.

certainly.As for what method Wang Gao used.Li Chengliang naturally didn't know.Or maybe he wasn't interested in knowing at all.But for Li Chengliang.He doesn't need to know this at all.It is enough for him to know that Wang Gao can do this.

therefore.When Li Chengliang was making this plan.It has been considered.He was sure that Wang Gao would definitely do this.

certainly.This is nothing more than a small risk after all.But there is a big risk with this plan.That's the case, Wang Gao acted just as Li Chengliang expected.It was really because of the surprise on the front line.So all the troops were mobilized.If so.Li Chengliang deployed the guards in Liaodong Capital.Can it be guarded.Can it be held at the same time.Don't do too much damage either.

This is a very important point.If this cannot be done.Then the whole plan becomes empty talk.

If there is no way to do this.Then it's time.Even if Li Chengliang ordered people to surprise Jianzhou Wei successfully.He even killed Wang Gao seriously.But the damage caused by Liaodong Dusi.Then you can't ignore it just because you won this war.If so.Li Chengliang is afraid that he will face more serious troubles.

So this.This is the main reason why Li Chengliang's plan can succeed.

therefore.After Li Chengliang planned to do so.Really thought about it for a long time.Actually.Li Chengliang had prepared for this war for so long.It was just preparing for the question of how to resist Wang Gao's army here in the capital of Liaodong.

but.Although this problem is very difficult to handle.But in the end.Li Chengliang still solved this problem.And now.All of this is going on according to Li Chengliang's original plan.

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