The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1687 Difficult to answer

"Where is Li Chengliang's army now?" Zhang Fan asked the question he is most concerned about now. After all, this is the most critical question. It is not only enough to say that Zhang Fan has heard the news that Li Chengliang has started to move. Yes, the most important thing is that he needs to know where Li Chengliang's plan has progressed.

Of course, it's not that Zhang Fan is worried about Li Chengliang's plan. After all, he already knew what Li Chengliang planned to do in this battle. Of course, even Zhang Fan was not all the generals at that time. I understand the details, and there are many things that Li Chengliang did not fully tell Zhang Fan, not because Li Chengliang did not believe Zhang Fan, or for any other reason, but because this matter is of great importance, and Li Chengliang absolutely does not allow any accidents That's why he was so cautious, and Zhang Fan also understood this truth, so he didn't mean to blame him.

However, even if Li Chengliang did not tell Zhang Fan all the details, Zhang Fan still understood very well what Li Chengliang wanted to do in general. Although the war was indeed very tense, in this matter, Even though Li Chengliang didn't tell Zhang Fan all the details, Zhang Fan still understood, and after understanding, Zhang Fan also knew that this matter, according to Li Chengliang's plan, was very effective, even Zhang Fan I fully believe that Li Chengliang's method can accomplish his plan, so Zhang Fan can be said to have absolute confidence in this matter.

But even so, even though Zhang Fan has absolute confidence in Li Chengliang's plan, he will still be very concerned about whether the matter can be carried out smoothly and whether it can be successfully completed before the matter is settled. previously predetermined goals.

So for Zhang Fan, it was not enough just to know that Li Chengliang's action had started. The most important thing was that the war criminal wanted to know how Li Chengliang's plan was being implemented.

However, perhaps it was because Zhang Fan was troubled by many things recently, so at this time, because he heard about this matter, he was not as slow and calm as before, and he was thinking about the things he cared about. Afterwards, Zhang Fan immediately asked Wang Meng how things were going over there.

And Wang Meng, after hearing Zhang Fan's question, immediately showed a very confused expression, because he never thought that Zhang Fan would ask such a question.

Asked by Zhang Fan, Wang Meng showed a perplexed look, a little puzzled, but Wang Meng was also confused by Zhang Fan's short-term question, and he recovered immediately So, Wang Meng quickly calmed down and said, "My lord, we... our people just found out the news, although it will take some time to get the news from there, but it is almost time One day's work, but this day's time, we don't know what it looks like over there now, besides, our people just came to report when they found out about General Li's actions, so that side has just started moving now. Bing, there is no news yet."

In fact, Wang Meng didn't need to explain so many things. He only needed to say that there was no movement and it would be resolved. However, Wang Meng explained so much, not because of anything, but because Wang Meng saw Zhang Fan's unusual appearance. Wang Meng, who thought Zhang Fan had something special, was a little worried, and this explained so much.

However, Zhang Fan didn't notice anything. On the contrary, after hearing Wang Meng's explanation, he realized that he was indeed impulsive. , but as a Shangguan, he still needs to retain a lot of majesty, so Zhang Fan did not show any expression that should not be shown. Now, people who want to come to us will definitely not pass on such a point, let’s talk about it, what’s going on over there, "

"When our people came back with the news, General Li's army had just left," Wang Meng said, "Although General Li had told your lord about this before, he didn't tell you the details. , we all understood that he had dispersed the 1 elite soldiers in his hands into ten units and hid them nearby. Speaking of this matter, he really wanted to admire General Li, and he wanted to come to the court to be able to lead troops. Only he can do this in Liaodong. If he is not very familiar with the situation in Liaodong, it is absolutely impossible to disperse these [-] people and hide them so well in such a small place. , and even our people were deceived.

"From the humble point of view, General Li did this not just to prevent others from finding out, and even this surprise attack was part of it. The 1 people were scattered, and each share was no more than a thousand , 1 people are completely enough to deal with the empty Jianzhou Guard now, but if 1 people go to Jianzhou Guard so grandiosely, there is still a distance from there. If Wang Gao's people find out, he Those hoarding on the front line may not be unable to turn around and save them.

"I think General Li also understood this point, so he divided his force into three parts. In this way, each team has more than a thousand people. Although the size of more than a thousand people is not enough to make the enemy ignore it. , but after all, Liaodong Dusi is facing each other now. If there are only a thousand people, I am afraid that they may not care about it. Even if they send people to stop them, the number of people will definitely not be many.

"Although the people assigned by General Li had just left when our people came back through the news, I believe that General Li has already considered it, so each team of thousands of people will definitely not take much time. They will be able to gather together. I feel that General Li should let them all rush to Jianzhouwei and meet on the road. After all, this method requires speed. If the speed is not fast enough, the other party will notice it. , and if the troops are transferred back to the defense, not only will the plan fail, but the 1 people will definitely never return."

Although it is said that Wang Meng has only joined the army and fought in battles, at most he led a hundred people to act in the army, but this does not mean that Wang Meng cannot understand the overall situation, especially when he is entering Jinyiwei, After becoming a thousand households, he experienced a lot of things, which made Wang Meng able to understand a lot of things. In this way, even if Wang Meng was not able to command thousands of troops to fight like Li Chengliang, Qi Jiguang, and Liu Xian, , but at least he can talk on paper, at least he can see how the battle will develop.

Don't think that talking on paper is just a derogatory term. It is used to describe those who can only talk on paper. If you want to be a qualified general, you can't just take practical actions. If you can't even talk on paper, it is useless .

And Zhang Fan, after listening to Wang Meng's words, also agreed with his point of view, Zhang Fan is not a general, even he can still remember it clearly in his mind, when he was studying, he was idle I don’t have anything to do, I just avoid books like Spring and Autumn and Sun Tzu’s Art of War as a way to pass the time and relax, but if he is really asked to lead troops to fight, or even just let him tell why, I’m afraid Zhang Fan may not be able to do it, but he at least Yes, with these foundations, Zhang Fan can understand some things just by listening to them.

As for what Wang Meng said, Zhang Fan thought about it from the beginning, and he found that things are indeed as Wang Meng said, at least if they develop according to what Wang Meng said, Li Chengliang's plan can be successful. The odds are the greatest.

Of course, maybe what Wang Meng said was wrong, maybe Li Chengliang also had other ideas in this matter, maybe Wang Meng guessed the beginning correctly, but guessed the wrong ending, etc. It doesn't matter to Zhang Fan, he just needs to know that this battle, or the direction of the mobilization of troops, is of great significance to the direction of this war and Li Chengliang's own future. He also believes that Li Chengliang must It was done after a detailed plan.

Although many different things may happen during this process, as long as the ending can achieve what Zhang Fan thought, that is enough. As long as the goal can be achieved, what is the process like and how is it achieved? It doesn't matter anymore.

"It seems that Li Chengliang is very confident," Zhang Fan nodded.

"My lord," Wang Meng asked suddenly, "My lord thinks that after this battle, it will be fine if Wang Gao dies, but what will happen if Wang Gao is captured alive?"

Hearing Wang Meng suddenly ask this question, Zhang Fan was a little puzzled, he frowned slightly, and looked at Wang Meng: "Why did you suddenly ask this question?"

"Humble job is just a little curious," Wang Meng said, "Your Excellency also knows that although Humble Job is not from Liaodong, it has some relationship with that side, so I also have some doubts about it in my heart, and I want to ask my lord's opinion."

Zhang Fan naturally understood what Wang Meng meant, but he did not forget that Wang Meng's master lived in Liaodong, and he was not a Han Chinese. This battle was probably of great significance to Wang Meng's master.

However, this incident made it difficult for Zhang Fan to answer.

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