The question asked by Wang Meng.Although very nuanced.However, Zhang Fan didn't know how to answer for a while.But it wasn't because of Wang Meng's question that stumped Zhang Fan.Although it is indeed more difficult to answer.But it is not difficult for Zhang Fan to answer.

But it's not a difficult question to answer.The answer is also easy to say.But it also depends on who the words are addressed to.And when Zhang Fan faced Wang Meng.Also hesitated a little.I don't know how to say it.

Fortunately, the relationship between Zhang Fan and Wang Meng is indeed quite good.So there were some things that were not easy to say.There is no such problem between Wang Meng and Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan can easily say it.therefore.Under Zhang Fan's uncertainty.He also asked clearly.Exactly what exactly is Wang Meng wanting to ask.

And Wang Meng didn't hide any intentions from Zhang Fan.After hearing Zhang Fan's question.He also answered Zhang Fan's question very readily.And after that.Zhang Fan also understood.And now that I understand it.This matter is very easy to handle.

Although when Wang Meng asked Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan didn't think about this aspect either.But it didn't require Zhang Fan to spend a lot of time thinking about this question in detail before he could give Wang Meng an answer.

It's been said before.about this issue.This is not the first time Zhang Fan has said this.certainly.I said it before.When Zhang Fan was talking about this question.Also always start with the big picture.Not too much nuanced consideration.Or what kind of impact the variables will have on the people living in Liaodong.But not mentioning it does not mean that Zhang Fan has not considered this issue.He just didn't expect Wang Meng to ask such a question.

only.Although Zhang Fan had considered it.Many possibilities also came to mind.But when he was really answering Wang Meng.But he didn't say any of the possibilities he had considered.Not because I don't want to say it.But it was especially for Wang Meng.

It wasn't because Zhang Fan wanted to hide it from Wang Meng on purpose.Or have some other purpose.if you can.Zhang Fan would naturally tell Wang Meng everything that was in his mind.After all, Wang Meng is his subordinate.And the relationship between the two is quite good.Although Zhang Fan knew that Wang Meng was not the kind of person who would act on his own will.It will definitely not affect the daily behavior because of the troubles in the heart.But compare.He also naturally hoped that Wang Meng would not be disturbed because of this kind of thing.Even Wang Meng was very calm.But it's better to have no mind than to think wildly.

The reason why he didn't say anything about Wang Meng.Totally because.Although Zhang Fan thought about it.But those are just considerations.If it's just talking about the overall situation.That doesn't matter at all.And Zhang Fan is also confident.himself on this matter.Especially judgments on the overall situation.That can never go wrong.

But nuanced places.For example, when the time comes.Different situations will affect the people living in Liaodong.Even down to what Wang Meng cares about.Will his master's tribe be affected by this?These Zhang Fanke can't guarantee that he can really be accurate.

Although Zhang Fan is also very concerned about the affairs of Liaodong.I also learned a lot about the current situation in Liaodong.But he understood.compared to others.For example, people like Li Chengliang who have been stationed in Liaodong for ten years.My own understanding of Liaodong is too superficial.

Since it doesn't count as understanding.So if you make a wild guess.Then there must be something wrong.If only Zhang Fan thought about it casually.Even when chatting with other people.Say it casually.This kind of casual thinking will naturally not cause any problems.

But things are not the same today.The situation today.It's not that Zhang Fan is thinking about it by himself.Or a relaxed situation like chatting casually with someone.Now it is his subordinate Wang Meng.Asked him in a very worried tone.And not only that.Zhang Fan himself also understood that this matter was for Wang Meng.Significance.It is definitely not the kind of casual talk that can be dismissed.

No.That's not true either.In fact, if Zhang Fan really said something casually, he would indeed be able to send Wang Meng away.After all, Wang Meng respected Zhang Fan very much.At the same time, he also understood the question he was asking.It would indeed make Zhang Fan a little embarrassed.I don't know how to answer.So if Zhang Fan really fooled him.It's not that he can't understand it.certainly.He would never blame Zhang Fan for dealing with him like this.After all, he knew he had asked a question that was not very easy to answer.

But therein lies the problem.Zhang Fan will not do what Wang Meng thinks about this matter.Although it is said that the relationship between the two of them is subordinate and subordinate.But Zhang Fanke didn't just regard him as a subordinate.Whether it's him or Liang Chao.He treats them both as friends.

That's why.After what happened to Hong'er.Zhang Fan was so concerned about this matter.Not just because the impact is huge.more importantly.This matter really concerns Liang Chao.This is also the reason why Zhang Fan cares so much about this matter.

And now.The question asked by Wang Meng.Although it has nothing to do with Wang Meng himself.But it was Wang Meng who was very concerned about him.therefore.It was also impossible for Zhang Fan to ignore this matter.

And Zhang Fan really has no way to accurately predict how this matter will affect the people there.What exactly will be the impact.So finally.Zhang Fan could only tell him what he really thought in his heart.

Really think.In fact, he didn't know it at all.I don't know what will happen in the specific situation.Although this is a very helpless thing.But at the same time it is true.Zhang Fan really didn't know what kind of changes the variables would have on the people living in Liaodong.So what he told Wang Meng was the truth.And it is.He also didn't know what would happen.

It is indeed helpless.

But Zhang Fan also said it.It's useless to think about it now.So Zhang Fan also told him.He can only let go of this matter now.Wait for the resolution at that time.And pray that Li Chengliang can be captured.Or simply kill Wang Gao.

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