For Wang Meng's heart disease.At the same time, it also included those things that Wang Meng was worried about.Zhang Fan actually had no choice.Although it is not impossible for him to make things clear to Wang Meng.But those things.Even Zhang Fan himself didn't think that would be the case.If you just say these uncertain things like this.I'm afraid that even if Wang Meng can calm down for a while, things will not be like this when the time comes.What should Wang Meng do?How should Zhang Fan face Wang Meng...

therefore.Zhang Fan didn't say those nonsense or random guesses.And he really told the truth that he couldn't accurately predict.Tell Wang Meng.These are not Zhang Fan's nonsense.It was really because there were many things that Zhang Fan couldn't easily understand.So that's all he could say.

And obviously.Even if Zhang Fan can make up his mind to say this.But it also depends on who you say it to.If it is said to others.I'm afraid it won't be so easy to handle.But after all, this time it was Wang Meng.And Wang Meng is Zhang Fan's most familiar and trusted subordinate.Zhang Fan understood that Wang Meng could not only accept what he said.The most important thing is that Wang Meng can calmly accept what he heard.Even if Wang Meng heard something he didn't want.But Wang Meng will definitely not show anger because of this.Or something like losing his mind.It will still be a rational expression.

certainly.It was not for this reason that Zhang Fan said that to him.If only this is the case.That's just bullying honest people.Although this is only one reason.But it is not the main reason.The main reason is because of the relationship between Zhang Fan and Wang Meng.Let Zhang Fan not want to lie to Wang Meng.I want to let him know the most real situation.therefore.Even if the real situation is that Zhang Fan has no way to answer Wang Meng.But he still wants to say that.

In short.After Zhang Fan told Wang Meng about the situation.Although Wang Meng did not get the answer he hoped for.But he also understood that Zhang Fan could only tell himself that now.So Wang Meng also accepted.

Actually.This all stemmed from Wang Meng's own worries.He really couldn't let go of this question.That's why I asked this question.But in fact, even if he doesn't ask.He already had an answer in his heart.If Wang Gao is caught.Or simply die.Then the situation in Liaodong will naturally be much better in the future.But even so.There will inevitably be troubles in the future.

And Wang Gaoruo escaped.That would of course be more messy.

only.Although these are just the reasons for looking at this matter from the overall situation.But practically speaking.But it can also be reflected in small places.

If Wang Gao was arrested.Even Liaodong will have troubles in the future.It won't be as chaotic as it is now.In this way.The lives of ordinary people will naturally be much better.

But if Wang Gao escapes.There will inevitably be great disturbances in Liaodong in the future.If the whole Liaodong is in chaos.Then those ordinary people who live there.How can you escape this fate?

It's not that Wang Meng himself doesn't understand this truth.It's just because he felt a little uneasy about this matter in his heart.That's why he couldn't help but ask.But actually.He simply understood even if he asked.It is also impossible to get an accurate answer.It doesn't matter whether Zhang Fan is willing to answer him or not.Is it true or false.The result is the same.

But he didn't think of it either.Zhang Fan really told him the matter like this.This made Wang Meng feel a little different.Although the relationship between him and Zhang Fan is really good.He also knew how Zhang Fan viewed him.But he didn't expect Zhang Fan to treat him like a friend seriously.So told him the truth.

Although I didn't know the answer I wanted to know.But for Zhang Fan's answer.Wang Meng was somewhat moved in his heart.

In short.Although this matter is for Wang Meng.There are many imperfections.But Wang Meng didn't feel depressed.On the contrary, it reassured him a lot.

If Zhang Fan really said so.It also shows that Zhang Fan really thought about it carefully.And Wang Meng, who had been by Zhang Fan's side for a long time, knew Zhang Fan very well.He knew that if things really turned out to be the worst.Zhang Fan would definitely not just ask questions.At that time, Zhang Fan will definitely find a way to solve this matter.

Maybe it will be more troublesome.But for Wang Meng Wang Meng.He just needs to know that Zhang Fan has this kind of thought.

In short.This matter has only just gotten news now.But for Zhang Fan.This matter is now.Just know the situation.He can't do anything either.

And Wang Meng is concerned about the problem.Zhang Fan has no way to give him any answer now.But for Wang Meng.He is also well aware of this situation.So he didn't mean to blame Zhang Fan at all.

The outcome of this matter is not yet known.for them.It can only wait.

The news came back today.Indeed, Zhang Fan put aside his worries at home for the time being.But after letting go.Zhang Fan's troubles came back.

After all, nowadays.There are many other things in his family.Especially in front of you.This matter about Wei Yaoyao.It's not resolved yet.Although he had discussed it with Joanna last night.Not just the whole thing.Even some of the details.The two also discussed until very late.It can be said.The two are full of confidence in this matter.

But full of confidence is only limited to last night.Everyone knows this kind of thing.When negotiating, you can always agree on everything.Or maybe you think you've done a good job.But when it really comes time to implement it.But I started to worry about it again.

He was worried about whether Joanna would be able to handle this matter well.Even worrying about Joanna talking about it.Is it possible to see the timing.Find the right person.In the moment of speaking.Can you express clearly in some details.Let obedient people not see that this is what she said after discussing with Zhang Fan.

all in all.That's it.Zhang Fan was always worried.And while he was worried.Now he can't go home to see what's going on.

Although the news from Liaodong just now.Indeed, Zhang Fan skipped that trouble for a while.But after all, what happened in Liaodong has not happened Zhang Fan finished listening.He began to worry about things at home again.

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