The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1695 No revealing

Yingyue came to look for Wei Yaoyao early in the morning. Although Wei Leiyao was a little surprised by this, it was within her consideration, so Yingyue's arrival did not make Wei Leiyao feel too much. Unexpectedly, of course, not only Yingyue's arrival, but even what Yingyue would say to her after she came, in fact, Wei Leiyao could more or less guess in her heart.

Perhaps some of the details in Yingyue's words were indeed unexpected to Wei Leiyao, and she was also very surprised, but this does not hinder anything, anyway, those are just Yingyue's words Some things, and those things actually did not become reality at all, although Wei Leiyao was shocked, but after knowing that it didn't happen, let it be.

But at the end, Yingyue said a word, which didn't seem like she said to Wei Yaoyao, but more like a kind of soliloquy, but no matter what it was, Yingyue's words Wei Yaoyao heard the words.

"What is my sister talking about?" Hearing Yingyue's nonsense, Wei Yaoyao was just a little curious, so she asked, "Just now my sister said that it would be fine if things are as you think, what exactly do you mean?"

"No, it's nothing...just..." Wei Yaoyao heard her words, or her mistakes were heard by Wei Yaoyao. In short, Yingyue was a little flustered, and when she was flustered, her first The reaction was to hide this matter and not let Wei Yaoyao know, but when she looked at Wei Yaoyao again, she changed her mind again. Perhaps in Yingyue's eyes, her thought was just It's just a hypothesis, so even if she said it, it doesn't matter at all, "I have some ideas about my sister, but now that I think about it, it's just my delusion, it's impossible.

"Yesterday, since I found out about my sister, I have been thinking about it, especially the identity of that man. Although I do hate him a little bit, I thought about it last night. Who is the man, my sister must like him, I think my sister is also a smart person, and I won't be deceived, but now that something like this happened, he refused to show up, there are two situations, Either he already knew about his sister's pregnancy, but there were other reasons why he refused to show up; or he really didn't know, and it just happened to be absent now.

"Sister, sister, I understand your thoughts, I understand that you don't want to implicate him, especially... I think my sister also loves that man, but this matter is not your own trouble, but now it is to My sister has to bear it alone, and I really can't see it.

"Last night, I also thought about it carefully, and I also understood that this matter is really difficult. However, when I was thinking about this matter last night, sometimes I couldn't help thinking, if this man's identity, if If this man is the husband, how wonderful it would be, "

"What, Zhang...Master Zhang," Yingyue's words immediately surprised Wei Leiyao, " could you think so?" Although this was something that had to be denied, Wei Leiyao was really surprised No way, she never expected that Yingyue would guess that the man's identity was Zhang Fan. Of course, this guess was not wrong at all, that man was Zhang Fan.

Although last night, after Zhang Fan discussed with her, Zhang Fan said very strongly that he would make this matter public, let Wei Yaoyao live in Zhang's house in an upright manner, and let her have a safe and secure life. For Wei Leiyao, although she refused verbally at the beginning, she naturally hoped so in her heart, so Wei Leiyao didn't insist too much, and finally agreed to Zhang Fan.

But even if she has promised Zhang Fan to do that, and she also believes that Zhang Fan can handle this matter well, even if Wei Weiyao has a great heart for Zhang Fan, she will never think that Zhang Fan was able to complete this matter in such a short period of time.

Therefore, Yingyue's sudden remark naturally made Wei Leiyao startled.

Of course, Wei Yaoyao was extremely surprised when she heard Yingyue's words, but at the same time, Yingyue didn't know anything, and she just said it casually as a wild guess of her own. The attitude of speaking, so in her own prediction, she also knew what the consequences would be if she said her words, so she had already expected that after hearing these words, Wei Yaoyao Naturally, she would be very surprised, so Wei Yaoyao's surprise did not make Yingyue feel that there was anything strange.

And Wei Yaoyao's reaction was not unpleasant. Although she was very surprised when she heard Yingyue's words just now, and thought that Yingyue already knew something at that moment, she also reacted immediately. Come here, it's not that Zhang Fan has told her the matter, nor is it that she guessed something and tried it out, it's completely Yingyue's random guessing, and she just said it casually.

So after understanding this point, Wei Yaoyao immediately changed her expression and forcibly suppressed that surprised look.

"This... this..." However, even though she suppressed this pressure-reducing expression, Wei Laiyao didn't know what to say. If it was impossible or something, although Wei Laiyao could deceive today's Yingyue, but since she and Zhang Fan have already discussed what to do, if she said that, she would be deceiving Yingyue completely. What face is there to see Yingyue again, not to mention that she may live under the same roof in the future, it will make her feel even more ashamed.

"Sister, you don't need to say anything." Although Wei Yaoyao didn't know what to say at this time, it didn't matter to Yingyue at this time. She also knew that she said something to make Wei Yaoyao There was no way to answer, so from Yingyue's point of view, it was normal for Wei Yaoyao to say nothing, "It's all my fault, she said some strange things, which made my sister embarrassed,"

Hearing what Yingyue said, Wei Leiyao felt at ease, but Yingyue's words gave Wei Leiyao a new idea, and what Zhang Fan told her last night , and she didn't want to do nothing.

After Wei Yaoyao figured it out, she said, "Yingyue, I have something to ask."

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