I heard Yingyue say suddenly.She hoped that this matter was really Zhang Fan.This really surprised Wei Yaoyao.But Wei Yaoyao is also a smart person.It is not because of such a little fright that he just went to calm down.Plus this thing today.Wei Yaoyao can be said to be the most relevant.And how much she cared.Compared with Zhang Fan, there are even more.So on this matter.any small aspect.She also had to think carefully about it.

therefore.Although Yingyue's words did make her feel temporarily.Somewhat surprised.It was almost a slip of the tongue.But the end result.Wei Yaoyao woke up immediately.certainly.She didn't lie to Yingyue anything.Just fooling around.And Yingyue was just thinking wildly.So I didn't take it to heart at all.In short.Even if this matter is over.

But the end is only for Yingyue.In her opinion.It's just my own random thinking.But her wild thoughts don't sound like that to Wei Yaoyao.not to mention.In fact, that's what happened.Yingyue's wild thinking is really a guess.

Nature.It is impossible for Wei Yaoyao to tell the truth just because Yingyue guessed it.If so.I don't know how troublesome this matter will become.

But these are not what Wei Yaoyao cares about now.She has real thoughts.Although this matter is just the result of Yingyue's wild imagination.But what she thought.And it's not what Wei Yaoyao hoped for.Not to mention last night.After Zhang Fan told him about it.Even Wei Yaoyao objected at the time.But in fact, how could he not think about it in his heart.And after a night of thinking.Needless to say.This idea is getting stronger and stronger.

And now.Although what Yingyue said was the truth.But at the same time, it was her own cranky thinking.But this was heard in Wei Leiyao's ears.But it has changed.She felt suddenly.Maybe this is a rare good opportunity.therefore.Wei Yaoyao intends to try it out.Ask Yingyue something.Even doing so doesn't help.But at the very least, it can make her have an idea in her heart.

"Sister, what do you want to ask?" Naturally, Yingyue didn't know what Wei Yaoyao was planning.She just felt Wei Yaoyao's current situation.No matter what it is, it is necessary to help.So Wei Yaoyao didn't care what he asked.She will answer.

"What did you mean by that just now?" Wei Yaoyao asked. "It's fine to say it's Mr. Zhang. My sister, don't get me wrong. I just think it's a little strange. This kind of thing. Although I have no right to say it. But this kind of thing. It doesn't sound good to put it anywhere. But my sister... Why would my sister say that?"

Although Wei Yaoyao added the paragraph later.If someone else heard it, it might mean that there is no silver 300 taels here.But now Yingyue still completely believes in Wei Yaoyao.So she didn't have the slightest doubt.

Moreover.this matter.It is very normal for Wei Yaoyao to have doubts.So she asked.Yingyue didn't think there was any problem at all.After all this matter.Even if it's just the result of Yingyue's own wild imagination.But for her.It is also very incredible.

"This..." But despite the words.But when it came time for her to answer.Yingyue was still a little embarrassed. "I'll say it. Sister, please don't laugh at me. I think so. Although it's a wild idea. But it's really what I said. If it's my husband...that's fine. After all, Xianggong I know best about his personality. Although he is...he is a bit... a little... Although he can't be regarded as a womanizer. But he is not the kind of noble person. But put aside these words, the husband is good There is nothing to say. Especially for family members. Xianggong has always been extremely gentle. Even if he is an older sister, Xianggong will not neglect his sister.

"And even if you don't talk about Xianggong's side. My sister's side. Whether it's me, Zhaoxue, or someone else, the relationship with my sister is good. If we really become a family, then there is nothing wrong. Even... Actually Not hiding anything from my sister. I feel it sometimes. If it's true. That would be great."

Hearing Yingyue's words.Wei Yaoyao didn't know what to say for a moment.Such a split second.Wei Yaoyao even felt a little despicable.Although she didn't want to use this opportunity to achieve anything.Just wanted to ask.Give yourself a mental preparation.Or to test Yingyue's reaction to this matter.

But when she finished listening to Yingyue's words.This is how Yingyue sees herself.Perhaps in the past.good.Since they met.The relationship between them is very good.But at that time.Even until just now.Before Yingyue could say these words.In Wei Yaoyao's opinion.the relationship between them.Even if you can call it a close friend.But even so.even though.But Wei Yaoyao couldn't treat them as a family.Even if this kind of relationship happened between her and Zhang Fan.Even to the present state.Even after what she said to Zhang Fan last night.

But even so many things happened.But Wei Yaoyao has not yet confirmed the matter.It was still impossible to treat Yingyue that way.

only.What Yingyue said just now.But it made Wei Yaoyao understand something in an instant.turn out to be.Maybe she didn't treat Yingyue as a family.But for Yingyue.No matter what the actual situation is.But she treats Wei Yaoyao like a family.

Wei Yaoyao knew this.Suddenly it felt awkward.And embarrassing at the same time.There is still so much guilt in my heart.I feel really sorry for her.even.She felt that Zhaoxue and Yingyue might have the same thoughts.

Not to mention others.These two people treated her like this.But she still has some guards in her heart.

certainly.Now Wei Yaoyao is just a little guilty about this matter.But while she was feeling guilty.She also got a piece of news.That is, Yingyue obviously doesn't dislike that kind of assumption.

This is naturally good news for Wei Weiyao.Of course.But that's not necessarily the case.Sometimes it may be easier to say it with your mouth.But it happened.But not like that.But at least.Now for Wei Yaoyao.It is indeed good news.

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