That's easy to say.After all, everyone has something to say.But something happened.Can it still be done as it is said.That's the problem.Although Wei Yaoyao asked Yingyue about a temptation.Of course.Wei Yaoyao finally got the answer she wanted.But after she calmed down.But also understand.What Yingyue said may not be taken seriously.

Perhaps Yingyue really had this kind of thought in her heart.Otherwise it's just nice words.Yingyue's feelings cannot be expressed.And Yingyue's outpouring of emotion.Wei Yaoyao is not an unworldly person.She could see this kind of thing at a glance.And it is precisely because of this.Only Wei Yaoyao felt embarrassed.I feel that I am really sorry for Yingyue for this kind of temptation.And Yingyue's answer reassures her at the same time.But it still made her worry a lot.

Just in such an instant.Wei Yaoyao even thought about it.Since Yingyue has already said so.Then she will tell her the truth now.if it is like this.I don't know what Yingyue will think.Of course.This is just Wei Yaoyao's idea.She didn't intend to do that.

But no matter what.Does it mean that Yingyue really thinks as she said.That would be the best.But even what she said.And wait until she knows the truth.I don't think so.It doesn't matter.Now that I can say that.At least I already have this idea in my heart.But for Wei Yaoyao at this stage.She knew that this was enough.

Yingyue came to comfort Wei Yaoyao early in the morning.Although it is said that the mood towards Wei Yuyao has become much more stable overnight than yesterday.There is indeed something strange in my heart.But she didn't intend to ask the current Wei Yaoyao.What's more, Wei Yaoyao has become like this.It's much better than it was yesterday.This is what Yingyue likes to see.So she didn't want to spoil Wei Yaoyao's mood.

The two talked again.Then Yingyue said goodbye and left.

After Yingyue left.Wei Yaoyao herself couldn't help but start to think.Still for this reason.Although Zhang Fan had agreed to her last night.But Wei Yaoyao was still worried.Even if she tried Yingyue's opinion on this matter just now.And Yingyue's answer was what she hoped to hear.But even so.Wei Yaoyao was still worried.

And face this worry.Wei Yaoyao couldn't do anything by herself.We can only wait for the news from Zhang Fan.

After Yingyue left Wei Leiyao's place.Even though it's still early.But she didn't go anywhere else either.Just went back directly.And on her way back.She is also constantly thinking about this matter.

What Wei Yaoyao worried about was completely different.What Yingyue said just now.But it was her sincerity.She did exactly what she said and thought.I really think that if this matter is really related to Zhang Fan.That's good.And what she said.Regarding Wei Yaoyao's words.It is also sincere.

even.Although Yingyue didn't have any thoughts because of what Wei Maoyao asked just now.But she was still thinking about it in her heart.She is still thinking.If this matter is really as she thought.Then everything will be fine.

I have been thinking about this in my heart.As a result, Yingyue never thought about how to help Wei Yaoyao solve this matter along the way.Of course.This matter is for her.Or for the fact.It really is like this.certainly.Yingyue herself did not know this.

And maybe it's a coincidence.Yingyue is on her way home.what she thinks.It won't be long before it becomes a reality.Because of this time.Joanna and Luo Linger at home have already told Ru Xue about this matter.And Ru Xue also planned to tell Yingyue first.So that she can be prepared.Now I have sent a servant girl to wait in front of the door.Wait for Yingyue to come back and call her over.

Maybe it's a coincidence.Or maybe not.But coincidence or not.In short, this incident makes people feel that there is more hope.

When Yingyue just stepped into the house.Then she met the servant girl sent by Ru Xue to wait for her.Tell her that Ru Xue has something to say to her.Ask her to come over right away.

When I heard Ru Xue said that she had something to do with her.first timing.Yingyue wondered if it might be about Wei Maoyao.But also immediately.Yingyue denied this idea.It's not that Ru Xue doesn't care about Wei Yaoyao because she doesn't have much to do with her.It's because Ru Xue even has something to say.For better or worse.Things I just found out yesterday.No new developments are possible today.Not to mention that she just came back from Wei Yaoyao.Haven't heard any news yet.

That is.Almost instantly.Yingyue ruled out the possibility that the incident was about Wei Maoyao.Think instead.Maybe Ru Xue asked her to discuss some family matters with her.

certainly.She also didn't ask the maid sent by Ru Xue.Instead, he went directly to Ru Xue's place.

When Yingyue came to Ruxue's room.But was surprised to find out.It's not just Ru Xue here.Even Joanna and Luo Linger were there.Zhaoxue is not here, of course she understands.After all, Zhaoxue is pregnant now.There are many inconveniences.And Yingyue who saw this scene.It is also firm that this time Ru Xue came to her not because of Wei Yaoyao.But because of the idea of ​​things at home.

But when she heard what Ru Xue and the others told her.Yingyue's eyes were wide open.

When she just heard that the matter was related to Wei Yaoyao.It was already a little surprised.certainly.This kind of surprise is only because it exceeded my expectations.It's no big deal.What's more, she is also worrying about Wei Yaoyao now.If Ru Xue and the others can do anything good.That couldn't be better.

But when she continued to listen.When I heard that it was actually about the man who had a relationship with Wei Yaoyao.Yingyue felt even more incredible.After all this matter.But she couldn't figure it out.certainly.Even if it feels incredible.But Yingyue still calmed down.After all, there are so many people.Maybe someone really knew something by accident.This is also nothing.

But in the end.When she heard that that person was Zhang Fan.Yingyue's mood can only be described as shock.

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