The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1717 Important Factors

When Yingyue told Wei Leiyao that things would be troublesome for Zhaoxue, Wei Leiyao immediately became nervous. After Wei Leiyao heard Yingyue's words, her first reaction was to Zhaoxue. I don't agree with her and Zhang Fan's matter, and if the matter is really like this, this situation is the most difficult thing for Wei Yaoyao that she doesn't want to see.

But how could Yingyue not know how worried Wei Maoyao was in her heart at this moment? There was a change in expression, Yingyue knew exactly what Wei Yaoyao was worried about at this time, so Yingyue immediately opened her mouth to explain.

After listening to Yingyue's explanation, although Wei Yuyao did not completely dispel her worries, she felt a little more at ease. After all, it's not that Zhaoxue disagrees, but that Zhaoxue doesn't know about it at all. Wei Weiyao's peace of mind lies in knowing that Zhaoxue doesn't know yet, but it can't completely dispel her worry because she doesn't know how Zhaoxue will react after she finds out, whether she agrees or opposes.

"Sister, you don't have to worry," Yingyue continued. It is too easy to guess what Wei Yaoyao is thinking in her heart now. Yingyue understands it without asking, "This matter is not what my sister said. It is so troublesome to think about it. If it is about family members, the three sisters have different opinions. Sister Linger is not too concerned about family affairs. Although it is impossible for her to think about this matter at all, she is No objection.

"It's the same with Sister Joanna, and I always feel that Sister Joanna is very active in helping Xianggong this time, as if she has already thought about it. That’s what sister Joanna said, she must have thought about it for a long time, oh, sister, don’t get me wrong, the reason why sister Joanna knows is that she said that this kind of thing is too common in her hometown, and she didn’t ask about it from somewhere arrived.

"As for Sister Ruxue, I think that Sister Ruxue may not agree with this matter in her heart, but now that it has happened, there is no way to restore it, so for Sister Ruxue, this is a different There was no other way but to do this, but no matter what, they had already agreed.

"As for Zhaoxue, she doesn't know about it yet, and she doesn't know what she will do when she finds out, but I don't think it should be as troublesome as my sister thinks. You know, compared to Zhaoxue, I treat my sister I'm afraid it will be deeper, even if I only consider my sister's affairs, she will agree if I think about it."

Yingyue's words are not unreasonable, and it's no wonder that Yingyue has experienced too many things before meeting Zhang Fan, and every time she is in danger, she will also learn to More things, in terms of judging people, I am afraid that even Zhang Fan is inferior to her. It is not surprising that Yingyue can see the attitude of the family members towards this matter.

But even so, it is still the same sentence. When there is no result, no matter how apt the guess is, it is unreliable. Although Zhaoxue's reaction after knowing this matter is likely to be As Yingyue said, but no one can tell if it will be like this at that time, so what Yingyue said is actually more of a comfort to Wei Leiyao.

However, even if it is just comfort, even if Wei Leiyao knows in her heart that this is comfort, but to Wei Leiyao, she will still feel at ease because of Yingyue's words.

"Besides, I think the most important issue is not Zhaoxue's side," Yingyue continued, "Zhaoxue is pregnant now, and it has been for a while, so everyone doesn't want to tell her, for fear that after she finds out, she will be in trouble." If you get excited, what's in case, the day before yesterday she knew what happened to her sister after she was pregnant, and my sister also saw it, but this matter has to be told to her, and it can't be too procrastinating, now we are all trying to find a way.

"Zhaoxue doesn't need to worry too much, in fact... not only me, I'm afraid the people in the family are most worried about what mother thinks about this matter.

"Although Sister Ruxue is usually in charge of family affairs, this matter is not a trivial matter, and even if Sister Ruxue approves, if there is no mother's nod, no matter how much you think about it, even if you are a husband-in-law. There is no way to make things happen, and now my mother doesn't know about it, and now no one knows what my mother will think of it after she finds out.

"Mother, although she doesn't usually ask about the affairs of the family, she is only taking care of the children now, but if something important happens in the family, no one will dare not to listen to her words. In short, the most important thing about this matter is here. , if mother nods in agreement, then everything will be easy to handle, but if mother disagrees, then it will be really troublesome, "

"This..." Yingyue's words made Wei Leiyao think deeply. In fact, Yingyue's words could be said to be on the point, but Wei Leiyao really didn't think about this point.

This can't be blamed on Wei Weiyao's lack of consideration, it's because she didn't need to think about this issue at all before. Before this matter happened, although she and Zhang Fan maintained that kind of relationship, Wei Wei Yao has never thought about what will happen now, and she will never think about whether she will be able to live in the Zhang family in the future.

And after she knew that she was pregnant, although she appeared calm on the surface, in fact, her heart was already filled with turmoil. After Zhang Fan told her about it, she also began to think about it , but at this time, Wei Yaoyao was very confused in her heart, and the matter was not complete at all when she thought about it. She just thought about what Ru Xue, Yingyue and others would think in Zhang Fan's house, but she didn't think about it. Zhang Fan's mother is the factor, and in fact, this is the most critical part of this matter.

"Now we are also trying to find a way to see how we can tell mother about this matter," Yingyue continued, "but fortunately, mother does not hate sister Wei, on the contrary, mother also likes sister Wei very much, But no one can tell, after all, things are really different now,

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