The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1718 Serious Situation

Yingyue came to Wei Maoyao's place again today.And what she said to Wei Yaoyao.It also surprised Wei Yaoyao several times.indeed.I don't know from Wei Yaoyao's imagination.To Yingyue showed that she already knew what was going on.That alone.It was enough to surprise Wei Yaoyao.

And after that.Yingyue also talked about some family matters.Although the situation at a large extent.It was all after Joanna and Zhang Fan discussed it.A deliberate appearance.But such appearances are not those things that deceive others.It is Yingyue didn't tell the whole story.But it was enough for Wei Yaoyao to understand.What is the current view of the Zhang family on this matter?

even though.The situation is the same as Wei Yaoyao's rational thinking before.Not very optimistic.Fortunately, the members of the Zhang family looked at things calmly.In their view.Now that this matter has developed to this point.So even if you don't agree, there is nothing you can if you don't think so in your heart.But the fact of the matter.But it forced them to make such a choice.This is also impossible.

But for Wei Yaoyao.Even if this happens.It was entirely because of a kind of helplessness.For the sake of having to.But for Wei Yaoyao.It is the most important thing to be able to solve this matter this is the case.But for Wei Yaoyao.It is already very good.

And next.Yingyue continued to talk about several of a kind.It is among the people about the Zhang family.People who don't know the situation now.One is Zhaoxue.One is Zhang Fan's mother.Zhao.

Zhaoxue's side.After Wei Yaoyao heard what Yingyue said.I also understand.Not that they've seen it.After Zhaoxue knew about this, she would definitely object.That's why I didn't tell Zhaoxue.It was because of Zhaoxue's current situation.But it is really inappropriate to be told these things.After all, Zhaoxue is pregnant with Liujia now.And it's been a while.Really can't stand a little stimulation.That's why they dare not tell her now.Now.Zhaoxue was just at the time when she was quite excited after she found out that Zhaoxue was pregnant.It is indeed not suitable to hear such exciting news for her.In case something unexpected happens because of this.That's not good.

only.Even taking this into account.But for Zhaoxue.This is something that must be told to her.But now.Ru Xue and the others really couldn't find a safe solution.Able to tell Zhaoxue at the same time.Let her not be so excited.Maybe think of a way.Although this is more difficult; or waiting for a while.Wait until Zhaoxue's attitude towards this matter stabilizes.

But there is a problem.Although the first method is more difficult.But for Ru Xue and others.They most want to choose this method.After all, if this is the case.This problem can be solved in the shortest possible time.certainly.This method is more difficult.But it is still their first choice.

And the second kind of waiting method.It is indeed easier to say than the first method.And it's a lot easier.But at the same time, it is also the one they least want to choose.this matter.Not that.Wait until a time.Figured out a way.Just solve it.There is also a timeliness reason for this.this matter.It must not be delayed for too long.

Zhaoxue from now to now.time to conceive.Forget it.It's been half a year too.That is.Up to four more months of flowers splashing around.Zhaoxue is about to give birth.

four months.For Zhaoxue.It is indeed not long.But for Wei Yaoyao.She can't wait so long.

indeed.If you wait until four months later.Zhaoxue has already given birth to the child.Wait until then.Then tell her about it.that time.Not to mention that Zhaoxue no longer has the burden of having a child.Not to mention four months of flowers splashing everywhere.She has already let her... It can't be said that she doesn't care.But the bare minimum.It is also better than not worrying about this matter now.

But this matter can't just look at this point.To know.The protagonist of this matter is Wei Yaoyao.

think about it.If we wait until then.what will happen.Four months later.Zhaoxue gave birth to the child.But four months later.Wei Yaoyao is also going to be six months this time.I'm afraid that even a blind person can tell that Wei Yaoyao is pregnant.

But if you have to wait until then.The problem between Wei Yaoyao and Zhang Fan is still unresolved.And at that time.Wei Weiyao's identity is still a widow.If so.This is not normal at all.It will definitely cause a lot of trouble.And that comes with it.But it's not just Wei Yaoyao's troubles.And Zhang Fan couldn't escape this vicious circle.

This is something no one wants to see.That is.This matter must be resolved within a short period of time.How long will this time be.After much deliberation.It should not exceed two months at most.within these two months.It must be resolved.Otherwise, there will be countless troubles waiting.

But what exactly should be done.No one can do anything now.

And if it is said that Zhaoxue is in trouble.But it can only be regarded as a small trouble.After all, the troubles she encountered with Zhaoxue now.I just don't know how to talk to her about it.

But the real trouble is not here.But with Zhao.Just like what Yingyue said just now.Mrs. Zhao is the one who makes the decision for me.And whether this thing can be done.It also depends entirely on how Zhao looks at this matter.If Mrs. Zhao nodded in agreement.Then everything is easy to say.But if Mrs. Zhao disagrees with this matter.That's not just difficult to do so simple.It might even turn into a situation of powerlessness.

When Yingyue talked about this situation.Wei Yaoyao also began to think about it in her heart.And she's thinking about it.It can be said to be a very serious situation.Although it really doesn't match the image of Mrs. Zhao that she sees on weekdays.But this is the case.It's really hard to say.What would Mrs. Zhao think about this matter?

"Sister. What's wrong with you." After seeing Wei Yaoyao's expression.Yingyue also noticed something was wrong.Can't help but ask aloud.

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