The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1722 A little scared

Wei Leiyao's uneasiness was not resolved because of Yingyue's words, but at the very least, what Yingyue said afterwards did make Wei Leiyao feel a little more relieved, although It's not completely at ease, but it is enough for Wei Leiyao to be able to do so under the current situation.

Of course, not to mention Wei Leiyao, even Yingyue who said these words, she knew that what she said was meaningless, but to Wei Leiyao, This kind of words without any practical meaning, for her now, she has an unprecedented peace of mind.

Although this matter has not been resolved yet, even for Wei Leiyao, she doesn't know what to do, but through what Zhang Fan said to her, coupled with what Yingyue said to her just now, What I said, and what Yingyue told her, about the current situation in the Zhang family, in short, there is still hope. Although Wei Weiyao also understands that there are still many uncertain things in these, but for her today , things can go to this point is already very good.

However, in this process, Wei Yaoyao naturally has some regrets. In this matter, she is the most important key, and what kind of situation can be achieved in the future is also what Wei Yaoyao is very concerned about. One thing, but unfortunately, this matter has a very, very close relationship with Wei Yaoyao, but at this moment, it is obviously a situation that she should be very concerned about, but she is powerless, she can't do anything, she can only So wait, wait for things to go on for her by someone else.

This kind of feeling, Wei Weiyao would never want it, or no one wants it, but the current situation is that she can only wait like this, no matter how anxious she is in her heart, it is useless, she can only wait So, today's Wei Yaoyao is in such a situation, a situation where she can neither move forward nor retreat.

Because of this incident, Wei Yaoyao is really very difficult to settle down in her heart, but no one can enlighten her because of her unrest, let alone Yingyue, I am afraid that even after Zhang Fan comes, she will be with her. What she said, it was difficult for her to get rid of the restlessness in her heart, and there was no way to do it. In fact, the current Wei Yaoyao really couldn't do anything, but could only wait.

It's not just Wei Yaoyao, even Yingyue who came out of Wei Leiyao's house felt the same way. Yingyue came to Wei Leiyao's house again this morning just to explain this matter to her and tell her She and the others already knew about this, and although they had proposed it yesterday, they did not get the unanimous consent of Ru Xue and the others. Although Ru Xue and the others also felt that this method should be good, they did not agree There was no unanimous agreement, so it was decided to do so.

That is to say, Yingyue came to Wei Yuyao's house this morning and told her about this matter. In fact, it was a plan of Yingyue's own initiative. Nothing to do with anyone else.

Although Yingyue made up her mind to do this, her decision was only firmly on Wei Maoyao alone, and Yingyue couldn't be firm in her heart about what would happen at home.

In other words, Yingyue would do this purely out of kindness to Wei Weiyao, and she also hoped that Wei Weiyao could enter the gate of the Zhang family. Even if Yingyue didn't think about it in detail, she could guess what kind of reaction she would have. She was afraid of it, but she didn't care so much for Wei Leiyao.

However, even though this is said, it was only when Yingyue was still in Wei Leiyao's house, she was able to maintain this firmness, but after Yingyue walked out of Wei Leiyao's house, she But not as calm as before.

It was just now, and she also said a lot of uncertain factors, not to mention that Wei Yaoyao was also a little worried because of what she said just now, so Yingyue had to show a very firm look, in order to It is to make Wei Yaoyao feel at ease, even if she can't be completely at ease, but at this time, the most important thing is to panic, so if Yingyue can be firm enough because of her performance, even if it is just to make Wei Yaoyao feel at ease a little bit. Don't worry, it's all good for her.

As a result, the effect was really good, and Yingyue's actions really reassured Wei Yaoyao a lot, and she was no longer as worried as before.

But when Yingyue walked out of Wei Leiyao's house, she couldn't be so firm anymore, after all, she made this whole matter on her own initiative.

Yingyue had already expected that when she returned home, people in the family would definitely ask her where she had been. Of course, Yingyue could have lied at that time, saying that she was just going out for a walk, but in such a special place At that time, I'm afraid no one would believe it, and if they knew that she had gone to Wei Yaoyao's place in the morning, they wouldn't need to keep asking, and they would be able to figure out what Yingyue lost.

Speaking of it, Yingyue is not afraid of how Ru Xue and the others will blame her after knowing her arbitrary behavior, she is not worried about this, if just this kind of blame can help Wei Yaoyao solve the troubles in front of her, Yingyue doesn't care at all.

But the problem is that Yingyue is a little worried about whether she will cause any bad effects if she does this by herself. This matter is very complicated, and there may be some unexpected situations in it.

And if this is the case, it is light for Yingyue to do bad things with good intentions, what is more important is that if Wei Leiyao's wish is disturbed, then she will really see Wei Leiyao again for the fifth time.

That is to say, Yingyue went to Wei Yaoyao's place this morning, in fact, it can be regarded as a kind of gamble, she gambled that doing so would be a good thing for Wei Yaoyao, that's why she went like this made.

With this feeling of anxiety, Yingyue returned home, and as expected, Ru Xue and the others had guessed that she was not in the mansion this morning, but now, they were staring at her, as if they wanted to ask Nothing, just the formation, like an interrogation.

This also made Yingyue worry again.

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