The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1723 The future is unknown

After Yingyue returned home.I saw Ru Xue and the others put on such a formation.To be honest, Yingyue's heart was a little beating.Although she went to Wei Yaoyao's place before.The attitude is very firm.But when she came out from Wei Yaoyao.You have to start thinking about the consequences of doing this.

She doesn't regret what she did.After all she understands.Doing this by myself can help Wei Yaoyao.Although it may also be a disservice.But she thinks it's unlikely.But she's done it.But he had to start thinking about it.After I went home by myself.How should I face Ru Xue and the others?At this time, Yingyue felt a little scared.But she never regretted doing so.

But regret and fear are two different things.Maybe some people will say no.But in fact it really is separate.most of the time.when people are doing it.It is true that you will not regret it.But at the same time.But a little scared.This is not a contradiction.For example.Serve in the military.It's time to go to the battlefield.The soldiers were determined.Because they understand.If you are not here, you will destroy the enemy.Then my own life can't be saved.Your own family will suffer too.So when they went to battle to kill the enemy.It is also extremely firm.No regrets.But at the same time.when they were fighting.But I'm afraid again.Fear that I will die.This sounds contradictory.But in fact it is a very normal thing.

Today's Yingyue.That is to say, with such an attitude.Obviously do things.She will never regret it.But she herself was a little scared.When she got home.Seeing Ru Xue and the others gathered together.When waiting for this battle of his own.She was even more frightened.

But in the end.Yingyue's fear was unnecessary.Although after she returned home.Seeing Ru Xue and the others all put on a bad expression on their faces.But Ru Xue and the others are actually just acting like this.He didn't actually accuse Yingyue of anything.

It's been said before.When they were discussing this matter yesterday.He already told Wei Yaoyao about this matter.After ventilation on both sides.Think again.And this proposal.Although everyone feels that there is no problem.But just because there are still some doubts.A decision to do so was therefore not reached.

And now.Yingyue is so good at making claims.I went to Wei Yaoyao without authorization.Tell her about it.Yingyue did this.It is indeed a bit too arbitrary.therefore.Ru Xue and the others would have such a cold face.It was only natural to wait for her return.But as they are concerned.After Yingyue did this.I really thought about it carefully in my heart.First, it was discussed yesterday.Secondly, they continue to think about it today.I really can't think of any harm in doing so.therefore.They also did not intend to hold Yingyue accountable.

And now it's even more important.ask.Wei Yaoyao's reaction.Since Yingyue has already done so.And Ru Xue and the others did not plan to hold her accountable.So the most important thing now is to understand after doing this.What are the consequences.and after doing so.How things will change now.

They discussed it in great detail.In other words, the content of the discussion is very rational.Under the leadership of Ru Xue.Although they are all women.But they don't go back to discuss things that are irrelevant to the current situation.therefore.This efficiency also becomes very high.

Among the things they are discussing now.There are still two important places.One of the.Naturally, it was about Zhaoxue.And Zhaoxue's matter.Although it was only discussed for two days.But still haven't found any good solution.It has nothing to do with thinking time.It was entirely because this matter was already very difficult to handle.

Of course.It's been said many times before.This thing must be done.Even if you can't think of a special way.But never give up.I can only continue to think about it.Until I figured out a way.And at the same time.This matter cannot be dragged on for too long.Otherwise it will not work.

And this is indeed a problem.But compared to Zhaoxue's trouble.Now there is a bigger trouble on this matter.That is the question about Zhao.

Yes, Zhaoxue is indeed in trouble.And Zhao's side is even more Yingyue told Wei Yaoyao about this matter.It also made Wei Yaoyao realize it.This is a very troublesome thing.

In fact, Ru Xue and the others had already considered this issue yesterday.But they didn't spend too much time on it.first.They just found out about it yesterday.This is not the time to discuss such troubles.And now.After Yingyue went to Wei Yaoyao's place.Things have changed.

now.Even Wei Yaoyao already knew about it.And also understand many of the problems.Even though it's only been a day.But things have changed drastically.So now is the time to think about this issue.

It was brought up yesterday though.But Ru Xue and the others didn't think about it.So I don't think there is anything.Even if each of them understands it in their hearts.There are a lot of troubles in this matter.But it still doesn't feel like that.

but now.The time has come for careful consideration.But then I understood.They also heard Yingyue talk about Wei Maoyao's views on this matter.Knowing that Wei Yaoyao is very worried about this matter.And now they can more or less consider Wei Maoyao's feelings.

Speaking up.Not to mention Wei Yaoyao.Among the women Zhang Fan married into the house.Just in terms of status.There are others who are not as good as Wei Yaoyao.For example, Yingyue.She is helpless.It is even equivalent to being an abandoned woman; for example, Joanna.She is broken.Can no longer return to their homeland.He even almost died on the battlefield.It is equivalent to the existence of a prisoner; another example is Luo Ling'er.Her past was indeed the most despicable.Compared with them, Wei Yaoyao.There is indeed a big difference.

But these things.Zhao Shi didn't know.At least on the surface.Absolutely can't see any problems.

But Wei Weiyao is different.She and Zhao Shi have known each other for a long time.As for Wei Yaoyao's identity and what she has experienced.Mrs. Zhao already knew all about it.It is impossible to deceive Zhao Shi. matter what.Mrs. Zhao knew about it.Anger is absolutely inevitable.And what about the side effects of being angry.Then no one really knows.

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