The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1725 The War Is Over

Although no one said it, or it was because Ru Xue forced them not to bring up this matter again, although everyone knew that this matter would be very troublesome for the Zhao family, but no one brought it up again Not only did Ru Xue understand in her heart, but everyone present understood that this matter will definitely fall on Ru Xue's head in the end, and it is very normal for Ru Xue to find it difficult.

Now, things are all on Ru Xue's head. She finds it difficult, and it's normal not to mention it for the time being, so the people around also understand that Ru Xue is very difficult, so they have nothing Besides, in short, this matter is very troublesome, and although Ru Xue did not say anything, she also said that she has already accepted it, so there is no need to say anything more. Ru Xue is a person who knows the general situation and knows this. This matter can't be delayed for too long, even if she doesn't say anything now, she also knows that she can't delay it. As for how to do it, it depends on how she operates.

But Zhang Fan still doesn't know about these things. Last night, he discussed with Yingyue for a long time, but he didn't tell Yingyue about it. But she didn't expect Yingyue to tell Wei Leiyao what she said so bluntly.

No, it can't be said that Zhang Fan didn't think of it at all, but his imagination was not so detailed, and what Yingyue did was indeed a little bolder, so it should be that Zhang Fan didn't think of it.

It's just that although Zhang Fan doesn't know it yet, he doesn't even have time to worry about it now, or he doesn't have the time to worry about it at all, because now, many things in front of him are in front of him, and he needs to worry about it. I'll deal with it right away.

What I have been paying attention to before, the war that is now taking place in Liaodong, has a new development under Li Chengliang's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and thanks to Li Chengliang's such a layout, those people in the court who were still clamoring before suddenly changed He changed his attitude, and started another round of praise for Li Chengliang, even those who originally had a feud with Li Chengliang were no exception.

Of course, this is not the point that Zhang Fan wants to see, or this is not what Zhang Fan cares about, although Li Chengliang also talked to Zhang Fan about this before he came back from Liaodong. In other words, he asked Zhang Fan to give him some good words in front of Queen Mother Li, and Zhang Fan did so, but in fact, Zhang Fan didn't care about this matter.

Although Zhang Fan also knows that if Li Chengliang is in Liaodong, the future situation will be much better, and if Li Chengliang continues like this, he will definitely be demoted in the future, but for Zhang Fan, he also understands that this kind of thing It can't be done by relying on him alone to say a few words to him in front of Queen Mother Li. The most important thing is Li Chengliang himself, to see if he can do well by himself. As long as he has an attack, it will be regarded as his Empress Dowager Li may not be able to tolerate those things in private.

However, what Zhang Fan pays more attention to now is how well Li Chengliang has done on this matter, and whether he can handle this matter well.

Therefore, Zhang Fan is now focusing most of his attention on Liaodong, or to be more precise, Zhang Fan has already focused most of his attention on Jianzhou Wei, and Li Chengliang's surprise attack army has already set off for Jianzhou Wei. The state guard is gone, and Zhang Fan has been waiting for the news to come from there.

Up to now, a few days have passed, and Zhang Fan has been staring at this matter. Although Zhang Fan has been exhausted physically and mentally by the family affairs in the past two days, for Zhang Fan However, no matter how troublesome things are at home, things in court are more important.

In the past two days, Zhang Fan has always put his mind on this.

Today, news finally came, and for Zhang Fan, it was great news.

Naturally, Li Chengliang's many days of planning finally succeeded.

Li Chengliang's [-]-strong army had long been in ambush elsewhere, evading the frontal army sent by Wang Gao. Afterwards, Li Chengliang's men gathered together and went straight to Jianzhou Wei and Huanglong.

Although it is said that these 1 people were discovered by Wang Gao's people halfway through the march, and Wang Gao is not stupid, knowing that there are not many people guarding Jianzhou Guard now, even if he is guarding a city wall , but it was also difficult to resist the 1-person attack sent by Li Chengliang, so Wang Gao also made a decisive decision and immediately sent troops from the front line to come back to rescue.

But the problem is that at this time, Li Chengliang's men and horses have already gone a long way. In addition, Wang Gao wants to send people from Jianzhouwei to Liaodong Capital. It will take time, and after the frontline people receive the news, even if they send people back to support immediately, it will still take time to rush over.

And no matter what, by that time, Li Chengliang's people would have been able to complete the task, regardless of success or failure, it was over.

However, since Li Chengliang is so sure, not only has he prepared for such a long time, but Li Chengliang even bet all his wealth and life on this battle, so for Li Chengliang, he can only succeed, not fail Yes, not only Li Chengliang himself, but also his requirements for the people below, that is to say, in short, this action can only succeed, not fail.

The final result was that Li Chengliang succeeded, and his soldiers did not live up to his expectations and completed the matter.

Although the city walls of Jianzhouwei are tall and thick, they are still unable to withstand the intruders who use mental calculations and unintentional attacks. After persisting for less than a day, Li Chengliang's men have already broken through the city walls of Jianzhouwei and rushed into the city. into the city.

Siege warfare is like this. For the defenders, as long as the city wall is not captured, they are not considered a failure, but for the siege, as long as they can break through the city wall, it is their victory. , The difference between victory and defeat is already very obvious.

In other words, with the news that Jianzhou Guard was breached, the battle in Liaodong is basically over. Wang Gao, the culprit, is gone, and the people below can't fight with all their strength. Immediately, The situation of being defeated appeared.

But now, this matter does not end there, there is another problem.

Wang Gao is gone.

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