The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1726 Not Finished

The war in Liaodong is not a simple question that has come to an end.The key question is.With the fall of Jianzhouwei.This battle took place in Liaodong.It is already equivalent to the end.And let's talk about it from big to small.This is not just for the court.For Zhang Fan or for Li Chengliang.This situation is all beneficial and harmless.

And in terms of specifics.For Zhang Fan.this matter.from now on.He has already embarked on a completely different path from what he thought.In Zhang Fan's imagination.This matter should have been captured along with Wang Gao.In other words, it ended with Wang Gao being beheaded altogether.

But the problem is.This time the action.Wang Gao did not end with being captured or killed.Instead, it ends with Wang Gao disappearing.That is.Now Wang Gao's whereabouts are completely unknown.And this also made Zhang Fan feel very bad.

After all, this matter was originally expected.Wang Gao's ending has already been decided long ago.Under the successful surprise attack of Li Chengliang's army.Either Wang Gao was captured alive.Or simply kill Wang Gao directly.Of course.The second case is the most direct and effective.But even the first one.But there is no difference.

certainly.In fact, for Li Chengliang.The first case is the best.even though.Even if Wang Gao was captured alive.After escorting him to the capital.He too was doomed.But for Li Chengliang.Living and dead are two different things.The words of capturing Wang Gao alive.That is definitely a great credit.And this credit.For Li Chengliang very important.therefore.Li Chengliang naturally hoped to capture Wang Gao alive.

But now.The situation is different.No matter for Li Chengliang or Zhang Fan.What kind of situation do they want.But now Wang Gao can't even find anyone.There is no way to talk about this matter.

Of course.This is the case today.For Li Chengliang.Maybe it's just that Li Chengliang will feel unhappy.After all, for Li Chengliang.What he needs most now is merit.But just from this matter.Wang Gao disappeared.It would indeed make Li Chengliang unhappy.But seriously.Now this situation is not what he wants.It is to this extent.There is no way it could be so.If it can be captured alive.This is naturally the best choice.

And below that.the most important is.Even Wang Gao has escaped now.Live or die don't know.The biggest possibility is when Wang Gao was attacked in Jianzhou Guard.Take advantage of the chaos and escape.If so.That is to say, Wang Gao may still come back in the future.Then move on to the possibility of messing around.But this possibility.With the failure of such a large-scale attack by Wang Gao this time.It is tantamount to having failed.And even if he ran out in the future and wanted to do something.But with this one failure.The possibility of Wang Gao's success in the future is already very low.Even to the point of ignoring it.

And more importantly now.Although Wang Gao doesn't know where he is now.As Jianzhouwei was breached.He also escaped.But the bare minimum.With Wang Gao's escape.Although there are three coalition forces here.But the big head Wang Gao is missing.The rest of the people have nothing to do.In other words, it is equivalent to what can be said now.This battle in Liaodong can be said to be completely over.

And with the end of the battle in Liaodong.This marks an extraordinary meaning.

From the founding of the Ming Dynasty to the present.For almost 200 years.There has always been war.One is because of the personal problems of the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.After all, Zhu Yuanzhang came from a humble background.And he became emperor.This makes many people think that since Zhu Yuanzhang can do it.Well they can if there is no oppression happening everywhere.But there are still people who like to rebel casually.

Secondly, it is the problem of the entire Ming Dynasty.After all, the Ming Dynasty was able to be established.It is because they drove away the Mongols who once ruled the whole world.But the problem is.They drove the Mongols away.But it was not able to completely wipe out the Mongols.At most, they can only be kept north of the Great Wall.

In this way, a problem arises.These Mongols have already tasted the benefits of ruling the Central Plains.How could he give up so easily?so.These people have never stopped nuisance to Daming.Even now.Both sides are already offering tribute to each other.But privately.There is still a small group of people who come to loot from time to time.In short.This kind of thing is too much.

Now.The civil strife in the Ming Dynasty has been completely quelled.These two years.There are too many things happening.Southwest side.From the big picture.The Bo people have been rampant on that land for more than 2000 years.It has been completely wiped out; and in Liaodong.Wang Gao, the leader of the Jurchen clan who has been making noise for decades.Although this time he was not able to capture him.Or simply kill it.But the bare minimum.After this incident.Wang Gao was also unable to rise again.

That is.The interior of the Ming Dynasty today.Never say never.At least start now.within five years.There will be no more major civil unrest.And outside.Although there are still small-scale Yuanmeng remnants who come to disturb them from time to time.But it can't do much damage.all in all.Today's Ming Dynasty.There was a level of stability that had never been seen before.certainly.This stability just means that there has been no war during this period.But even so.This is also very important for the Ming Dynasty.

Especially for today's imperial court.Or to put it in more detail.That is for Zhang Fan.Or simply.Said it was for Zhang Juzheng.this matter.This peace without civil extremely important.After all, Zhang Juzheng is still planning a big event.And he already knew about this.It will shake the ruling and opposition parties.therefore.It's a relatively stable situation now.It was what Zhang Juzheng most wanted to see.

That is.With the end of the Liaodong incident.It was almost equivalent to giving Zhang Juzheng an excellent opportunity to do this.And how could Zhang Juzheng be unhappy?

But for Zhang Fan.This matter in Liaodong is not over yet.After all, Wang Gao's whereabouts are still unknown.But for Zhang Fan.It's not enough just to be missing.You must live to see people.To die is to see a corpse.

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