"Ru Xue, what do you mean? Get uncle to help tell mother about this matter." Zhang Fan repeated Ru Xue's words.Want to make sure.

"That's right. That's what I mean by being a concubine." Ru Xue nodded and admitted.Said. "It's not that the concubine is afraid of anything alone. After all, this matter. Since the concubine has already decided, there is no way to talk about what to be afraid of. And the mother. Although the concubine has also considered it. I'm afraid this matter If I let my mother know, my mother will definitely be angry. But after all, this is something caused by my husband. Even if my mother is angry, it is not angry at my concubine. So I am not afraid of my concubine. I am just afraid. If it is true If the mother is too angry, what should I do if the mother refuses to agree to this matter.

"So I have been thinking about this matter for a long time. Only then did I come up with this method. Anyway, my uncle is also a family. And because... Although it is a bit despicable to say so. But in the end, Grandpa is also right My uncle's family has a lot of debts. And my mother knows about it. If my uncle is willing to talk about this matter, I think no matter how angry my mother is, I will give my uncle some face. In this way, with my uncle's persuasion, my mother The possibility of agreeing to it will increase.”

"This..." Even Ru Xue said that.For Zhang Fan.He still hesitated.Although what Yingyue said was correct.Even if it's just about the previous generation.But after all, Zhang Fan's grandfather owed a lot to his uncle Zhang Yufang's father.And these things.Zhang Fan knew that his own mother also knew about it.So that being the case.So if Zhang Yufang can help to persuade.Thinking about it, the possibility that Mrs. Zhao will agree is not small.

But even so.It can even be said that only this method is the most reliable now.But before Zhang Fan agreed.It also needs to be considered and understood.Not only because of the convenience it will bring to oneself.More importantly, doing so must not cause any trouble to the uncle's family.

certainly.It's troublesome to say.In fact, it was all Zhang Fan's excuse.this matter.No matter how troublesome it is.It was just Zhang Fan's own troubles.But if it is said to cause trouble to others.I'm afraid this matter is not so capable.Even if Mrs. Zhao was bored because of his uncle's help.But wait until the future.As long as Wei Weiyao can enter the gate of the Zhang family.After Wei Yaoyao gave birth to the child.I'm afraid Mrs. Zhao will not care about it.

After all, Zhang Fan was her own son.What would my mother probably think.No one in this family knows better than Zhang Fan.And the Zhao family.My favorite is children.Not to mention Zhang Fan's own.her own grandson.As long as Wei Yaoyao can give birth to a child in the future.Whether it's a boy or a girl.Mrs. Zhao will definitely like it.In this way.Even now.No matter how reluctant Zhao promised.In the future, he will always change his mind about Wei Yaoyao.

But it is not right to say that it is a change.Although it is said that the Zhao family is the most traditional person.She absolutely can't understand a widow like Wei Yaoyao after her husband died.Do not obey women's morals.And having affairs with other married men.But after all, that man is her son.Come to think of it no matter what.Mrs. Zhao will also open a back door for her son.Change your mind.Even if it's just this once.In other words, Zhang Fan only wanted this once.

But still that sentence.Although Ru Xue said so.And in Zhang Fan's opinion.Doing this is also beneficial.There's no harm in that.But even so.Ask Zhang Fan to find Zhang Yufang.Then ask him to help with this matter.Zhang Fan still hesitated.

"Sanggong." After all, she is Zhang Fan's wife.Ru Xue saw Zhang Fan's hesitant look.Without even asking, he could immediately guess what was going on in Zhang Fan's mind.She spoke immediately. "The concubine has only one way now. If the husband still doesn't agree, then the concubine really has no other way. I don't want to ask about this matter anymore. If the husband really likes sister Wei, I don't want sister Wei in the future. If you suffer, then you can only do this. Now is not the time to hesitate about this matter. What's more, Mother has not passed this test yet. Even if it is passed, Zhaoxue has not yet said. Don't be too indecisive, Mr. Xiang."

"This..." Ru Xue said.Zhang Fan paused again.But this time.Zhang Fan didn't pause too much.Because of Ru Xue's words.It really touched on his weakness.indeed.This matter cannot be delayed any longer. "Then... okay. Uncle. I'll go and talk. If the journey goes smoothly, I think uncle will be there early tomorrow morning. Then I will go to my uncle and tell him the matter. Then Ru Xue you Go with uncle to tell mother about this matter. However, you are really sure."

"I have never said that I am sure." Ru Xue said. "The concubine is just talking. Let the uncle and the concubine go to tell the mother about this matter. It is most likely to be done. It does not mean that it will be done. But now, Xianggong can only believe in this way. No ."

Facing Ru Xue's words.Zhang Fan could only sigh.He also understood what Ru Xue said made sense.No matter how prepared this matter is.It is also uncertain to go in front of Mrs. Zhao.After all, this destroyed Zhao's bottom line.But now.There is no other way to do this.It can only be successful if it is done as Ru Xue said.Otherwise there is no hope at all.

Thinking about it, it really makes people feel difficult.Obviously outside.No matter how big things happened to Zhang Fan.Even in the face of an evil prince.Zhang Fan was not afraid at all.They can all be dealt with with ease.But his ability.It's useless at home.It may even become shaky.

Perhaps it is precisely because this is to face his own family.Therefore, Zhang Fan can only treat it cautiously.

but.all in all.Although it is not certain whether it will be successful or not.But the bare minimum.Ru Xue had already done her best.Make a plan that is most likely to make this matter a success.That being the case.So don't care if you can succeed or not.The first thing Zhang Fan needs to ensure is that.Ru Xue's plan.He has to do all the preparation work well.The so-called planning depends on man and success depends on heaven.Whether it will be successful or not is unknown.At least before doing business.Don't leave any regrets.

With such a mood.Zhang Fan didn't go anywhere at night.Just make do with it and spend the night in the study.He didn't sleep well that night.It's not because there are no other people around.Not because it's uncomfortable to sleep here.It was really because Zhang Fan was thinking about how to tell his uncle Zhang Yufang about this matter.

Although it is uncle.But after all, there is not much recognition.In addition, Zhang Yufang has to take care of the affairs in Yangzhou.So usually not in the capital.Although it is said that Zhang Yufang only needs to come to the capital.Naturally, they lived in Zhang Fan's house.The two of them, uncle and nephew, can also talk.But time is limited after all.It only takes half a month in a year.

And this thing is really special.How should I tell my uncle about this?Zhang Fan had quite a headache.

With such a mood.Zhang Fan really had a difficult night.

the next day.Zhang Fan went to court.Before he goes.He also ordered people.If Zhang Yufang had arrived in the capital in the morning.Just come and inform yourself immediately.

It was a coincidence for Zhang Fan this time.Just retreated.When he walked out of the palace gate, he was informed by his servants.Zhang Yufang has already arrived in the capital.And it just happened to be in town.

Zhang Fan didn't say anything when he heard the news.Get on your horse right away.Thinking about going to the south gate.

Speaking of Zhang Yufang.Although it has only been two years since Zhang Fan recognized his ancestor and returned to his clan.But Zhang Fan recognizes his ancestors and returns to his ancestors.The benefits brought to the Zhang family are not just a little bit.

The first is Zhang Fan's identity.Although at that time.Zhang Fan's status is not as prominent as it is now.But it's not bad after all.And then.Zhang Fan met their family in Yangzhou as an imperial envoy.And the shock at that time was also very large.

after that.Everyone knows.Zhang Yufang's nephew.He is the imperial envoy of the imperial court.And it won the trust of Emperor Longqing at that time.And after Long Qing died.Whether it is the enthroned new emperor Zhu Yijun.It was Li Caifeng who became the queen mother because of this.It even includes those who are now in charge of power in the court.They all have a good relationship with Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan is now the biggest celebrity in the imperial court.

In this way.Not just Yangzhou.Even the entire Jiangnan.We all know that the Zhang family has someone with a good status.And the Zhang family, which was originally only doing business and was somewhat famous.Now it is even more famous in the whole Jiangnan.

now.Zhang Yufang opened the branch in the capital.And obviously.Even at the feet of the emperor who is a high-ranking official at this low level.Zhang Fan's name is also useful.And Zhang's business.As a result, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Just a little bit.In the past, although it was said that Zhang's jade wares.Can also enter the palace.But that is a minority after all.But now.Because of Zhang Fan.Today's Zhang family can be selected by the palace.That's just too much.certainly.After all, it was for the palace.So Zhang Yufang will also come.Naturally, it is impossible for him to shoddy.On the contrary, it is better to do it than before.

But although Zhang Yufang is in business.But he is not a bold person.It definitely didn't make him proud and complacent.Even he educated his own family in this way.so.It did not cause any trouble to Zhang Fan.

all in all.everything is fine.

now.News came from his son.The goods in the capital are almost sold out again.And there happened to be something ordered in the palace.Zhang Yufang for insurance.So I followed him in person.Just right.He also planned to meet Zhao and Zhang Fan's family.

Because of Zhang Fan.Naturally, there is protection along the way.There can be no danger.It's safe and sound.Zhang Yufang and his party have arrived in the capital.

only.Just arrived in Beijing.Zhang Yufang who just entered the south gate.I haven't planned to loosen my legs yet.But he saw his nephew Zhang Fan in front of him.It seems to be waiting for yourself.This made Zhang Yufang feel a little strange.

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