The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1734 So Surprised

I saw Zhang Fan just after entering the city, which really surprised Zhang Yufang. Although it didn't take long for Zhang Fan to recognize him as his uncle, the relationship between Zhang Fan and their family was very good. Yes, Zhang Fan has to stay in the capital for a long time because of his official business, so he can't go to Yangzhou to visit them, but Zhang Yufang will come to the capital occasionally, and as long as Zhang Yufang comes, Zhang Fan will definitely do his best. What my nephew should do, and I respect him very much.

But the problem is not here. Zhang Yufang has come to the capital several times in these two years, but no matter which time, Zhang Fan got the news in advance, but he would not come to the gate of the city to greet him in person. Fan really didn't have that time, so this time, when Zhang Yufang just walked into the city gate, he saw Zhang Fan waiting in front of him, obviously waiting for him, which made Zhang Yufang very curious.

"Uncle has worked hard on this journey," Zhang Fan naturally saw the inexplicable expression on Zhang Yu's side, but he naturally didn't care, walked up to him, and said enthusiastically, "Fortunately, this season , the weather is good, apart from working hard on the road, there is nothing to do, right?"

"It's not even hard work," although Zhang Yufang didn't understand what Zhang Fan's plan was, but he still said along with Zhang Fan's words, "No matter what state capital we pass by along the way, the local officials are all enthusiastic. Really, to be honest, your uncle and I have been in business all our lives, and have traveled all over the world, but we have never enjoyed this kind of treatment, and it is all thanks to you."

"This is what it should be." Facing Zhang Yufang's words, Zhang Fan didn't think there was anything wrong. On the contrary, if Zhang Yufang hadn't been like this along the way, Zhang Fan would feel a little strange, and he didn't think so. I was worried that those people along the way would bribe my uncle or something. Firstly, although I had known him for some time to make up for it, Zhang Fan also understood what kind of person his uncle was, so Zhang Fan was naturally at ease. With Fan's status, Jin Yiwei is the commander. If he wants to bribe Zhang Fan, it is better to go to Zhang Fan directly. Going to his uncle will not only fail, but may even cause bad things. For this reason, those old fritters below are probably worse than Zhang Fan still needs to understand.

"By the way, uncle." Zhang Fan didn't intend to go around too much, and said, "It's getting late now. My nephew has prepared a table of food and wine in the restaurant, and I invite my uncle to honor me."

"This..." Zhang Yufang was just a little puzzled, but he didn't mean to refuse. He could tell that Zhang Fan must have something to say to him in private, that's why Zhang Fan did this. So Zhang Yufang naturally did not refuse, Zhang Yufang was just curious about what happened to Zhang Fan, "Well, anyway, this time I am here, I am just a little worried about the goods, now that I have arrived in the capital, then As long as everything is easy to handle, as for the remaining matters, Yan'er will naturally take care of them, "

"That's very good, please move uncle,"

Along the way, Zhang Yufang had been thinking about what Zhang Fan wanted to do with him, but Zhang Fan didn't ask, so it was difficult for him to ask, and Zhang Yufang also thought about it, it shouldn't be a matter of the court, those things He couldn't help at all, the most likely thing was that something happened to Zhang Fan's family.

That's it, Zhang Yufang didn't say a word all the way, and followed Zhang Fan to a restaurant that didn't look very gorgeous from the outside, but it looked like people were coming and going, Zhang Yufang knew it, Zhang Fan was able to come to this kind of place to eat, there must be some signs here.

One is not too big, but it is very elegant small room, only the two of them, uncle and nephew, and the food and drink on the table have already been prepared.

"Uncle, how is the business at home recently?" Zhang Fan asked as soon as he sat down.

"Of course this is the best thing," Zhang Yufang laughed when he said this, just as he said, since he recognized Zhang Fan as his nephew, the Zhang family's jade business is really serious. He has gone to the next level. Sometimes, Zhang Yufang thought that Zhang Fan helped him with something, and he even went to Zhang Fan to tell him about this matter. After getting Zhang Fan's reassurance, he did not intervene in this matter. After the incident, Zhang Yufang was relieved a lot.

Of course, Zhang Yufang is a businessman after all, and it is impossible for him not to take advantage of this convenience. Even if this convenience is only Zhang Fan's name, it has brought so many benefits to the Zhang family. For Zhang Yufang, Being able to make money is second to none, the most important thing is the foundation passed down by the Zhang family ancestors, so it will grow stronger, which is what he hopes for.

And just like what I said before, Zhang Yufang didn't start to slack off because of this, and even after the changes caused by Zhang Fan, Zhang Yufang became more pragmatic.

In short, business matters, that's really good, nothing to say.

"My cousin is also very good," Zhang Fan said, "and my cousin is much calmer now, no matter what he says or does on weekdays, he is also very moderate. Because my nephew is busy with affairs in the court, I don't see you on weekdays." I went to my cousin a few times, but my cousin would come home to see my mother every few days, and my mother was very happy about it, by the way, what happened to my cousin, I have a clue."

"Tinger is still the same." Speaking of his daughter, Zhang Yufang obviously had some headaches, but there was a smile on his face. I don’t know where to go, but fortunately your aunt is stricter too,” Zhang Yufang’s words obviously meant that he didn’t feel pain in his back while standing up and talking. He was worried because of his daughter in the past. Likes to play, even if his Zhang family is very famous in Yangzhou, I am afraid that there are not many men who dare to want her with a daughter of this temperament, but now Zhang Yufang doesn't care about these things, because of Zhang Fan, now every day The matchmakers who went to his house to talk about matchmaking were almost over the threshold. In short, they just didn't worry about their daughter not being able to get married. In this case, if she wanted to play around for a while, Zhang Yufang would naturally let her go.

"Fan'er, how is your place? How is your family?" Zhang Yufang asked back. Although Zhang Yufang's question was ordinary, he actually wanted to ask if something happened to Zhang Fan's family. It has been very unusual since entering the city.

"Everything is fine at home," Zhang Fan said calmly, "Mother's body is also very good, but now she is focusing on the children, and there will be another person in the family soon, so Mother is very upset. is happy,"

"That's good." Seeing that Zhang Fan didn't say anything, Zhang Yufang felt a bit of a headache, but he didn't intend to play around with Zhang Fan any more, and asked, "Speaking of which, Fan Er, brought me here today. , but you have something to tell me,

"This..." Zhang Fan didn't expect Zhang Yufang to be so straightforward, but after all, that's his purpose today, and since Zhang Yufang has already opened his mouth, Zhang Fan doesn't need to hide anything. He nodded and said, "Nephew I do have some things to tell my uncle, and I want to ask my uncle for help."

"Sure enough," Zhang Yufang said, "I was thinking along the way just now, if you need my help with something, but I can't help you with the affairs of the court, so I was wondering if something happened at home thing, but so it is,"

"That's right." Zhang Fan admired his uncle's sensitivity, but now is not the time to admire him. "There is indeed a major event at home, and my nephew really doesn't know what to do. , and it was Ru Xue's idea to ask uncle for help,"

"Ru Xue," Zhang Yufang became even more curious when he heard what Zhang Fan said, "What happened?"

"Actually..." Even though Zhang Fan had already made up his mind to tell the truth, he still felt a little hard to say when the truth came to his lips, "My nephew, I had a relationship with a woman outside... Now that woman is pregnant. fell in love with my nephew's child,"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Zhang Yufang immediately showed a look of enlightenment: "So that's what happened, alas, you are also true, you already have a wife and concubine at home, but you still want to have affairs outside, but Fan'er, it's not what uncle said You, after all, things have already happened, it’s too late to say anything, now that people are pregnant with your flesh and blood, what else can you say about this matter, why don’t you hurry up and bring it in, just now you said Ru Xue gave it to you Since even Ru Xue has agreed to the idea, then there is nothing else to say about it, "

"If things were really that simple, my nephew wouldn't bother my uncle," Zhang Fan said, with a helpless expression on his face, but he didn't deserve sympathy. After all, he asked for it himself. "The key is that woman, She...she's a widow,"

"What?" Hearing Zhang Fan's words, even though Zhang Yufang had traveled all over the world and seen many things in the world, he was also taken aback.

And Zhang Fan had expected Zhang Yufang's reaction a long time ago, so he nodded in confirmation.

"This..." This time, Zhang Yufang didn't know what to say.

This is not the first time Zhang Yufang has seen this kind of thing, not to mention that he has been to many places before, even in Yangzhou, he has seen a lot, but it is just that he has seen it, Zhang Yufang has never thought about it. However, this kind of thing happened to his own family members, Zhang Yufang was so surprised when Zhang Fan said that now.

"My nephew knows that this matter is all my nephew's fault," Zhang Fan continued, "but now that something has happened, so my nephew has to think of a solution, no, Ru Xue helped my nephew I came up with an idea, but this idea must have the help of my uncle, "

After Zhang Fan finished speaking, he saw that Zhang Yufang was still so surprised. It seemed that it would take a lot of effort to calm Zhang Yufang down. Seeing this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sigh again.

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