The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1740 The So-Called Hotness

"Uncle's business here is really good." Ru Xue came to the front of the shop.Look at the appearance of many people coming in and out.It's really emotional. "Sometimes I pass by. Come in and say hello to my cousin. It's just every time. It's so busy here."

"This is the capital city." Speaking of which.Zhang Yu also became happy on the other hand.Anyway.He is also a businessman.Even though the business at home is so good now.With the help of a lot of Zhang Fan.But Zhang Yufang didn't think there was any problem with this.And Zhang Fan didn't help anything substantive.The reason why there are so many people.It was entirely because of Zhang Fan's reputation.certainly.In fact, Zhang Fan's influence.It does not directly affect these people who come to buy things.It was because of Zhang Fan.Many jade articles ordered in the palace today.Most of them are ordered from here.

Do business with the palace.Zhang Yufang did not start from this time.He started doing it very early on.Although the expenses in the palace are naturally not bad for money.But even so.In order to sell face to the palace.Therefore, Zhang Yufang's asking price in the past was naturally much higher than the ground.The profits that can be earned are very small.Sometimes even lose money.

But since he recognized Zhang Fan as his nephew.That changed.The palace buys things from him.It really became generous.certainly.There are many reasons for this.No matter how famous Zhang Fan is.No matter how influential it is.But to those people below.When it's time to skimp.Still won't be soft.The main reason is actually because.These two years.Whether it is the treasury or the emperor's internal treasury.They are all rich in money.Buy these things every year.Now even if you spend twice as much as before, you don't have to care about anything.That being the case.People in the palace also have the bearing to act.As long as there is money to be made.It doesn't matter if it costs a little more.What's more, it can be sold to Zhang Fan as a favor.Why not do it.

certainly.Although it starts from here.The things Zhang Yufang sold to the palace began to make money.And earn a lot.But the most important thing is not this.It was because the palace looked at and bought jade from his family.The reputation of Zhangjiayu's jade wares naturally followed.

Such things as jade.This is a high-end goods.Whether it's a small piece worn next to your body.It's still a big piece for home decoration.Neither will come cheap.And can afford.It is naturally those big families with money.

That money is not too much.In other words, people who don't spend too much money on it don't mention it.Although Zhang Yufang followed the precepts of his ancestors.No matter what the identity of the person who comes is.As long as it is a guest.Then you have to treat it with sincerity.But after all, the Zhang family is in business.Therefore, the most important thing is to be placed on those who have a lot of money.

And if this kind of person buys this kind of thing.Price is not important.Quality may be key.But it is not the most important.What matters most is what he buys.Do you have the qualifications to match yourself?Even sometimes.These people also open this kind of foreign object to show their identity and be different.

And on this land.There is nothing more noble than a royal palace.After all, that's where the emperor who ruled over such a vast territory lived.That being the case.The cost of it should be the most luxurious.And Zhang's jade.Even the palace admits this.For those below.It has become their first choice to show their identity.

not to mention.Zhang family's jade wares.Always the same price.Not because of relying on Zhang Fan.Or the price was raised indiscriminately due to the large number of purchases in the palace.Can at the most modest price.Such a great buy.This is of course what everyone Zhang's business.That was really good and couldn't be better.

Jade this thing.The price was not the past.Even in the best of times.Sometimes it is possible that none of the items can be sold in one day.But now.Zhang family's jade wares.There are more than 300 days throughout the year.Frozen even in cold weather.You can also sell one or two.It can be seen from this.How hot the Zhang family's jade business is now.

Now this season.In late spring.Although it's not a special time.But there are still a lot of people.Of course among so many people.It is true that there are not many people who intend to buy things from before entering the door.Most of them just come here for fame.But among them.Naturally, I saw something I particularly liked and bought it.

In short.Again.Now Zhang's business is really booming.And faced with this situation.Even Zhang Yufang understood.The reason for this.It's not because my family's business is really good, I have nothing to say.Mostly because of his nephew Zhang Fan.But even so.Zhang Yufang didn't think it would be a problem either.Moreover.Do business.It's not just about being smart.The real deal.Even networking is an important part.This is nothing to be ashamed of.

And Zhaoxue.In fact, it hasn't been long since the last time I went out.It's just that the last time she went out was to Wei Yuyao's place.And at that time.It happened that she found out that Wei Yaoyao was pregnant.She is very distressed.therefore.Zhaoxue during this time.Not just bored because you're stuck at home with nowhere to go.He also became very irritable because of Wei Yaoyao's affairs.

But now.Zhaoxue has completely shown her true colors.The affairs in front of her really made her feel special.Look here and there and touch it.Just like a child.

Ru Xue saw her sister like this.Although he shook his head straight on his face.But I was also a little happier in my heart.After all, if Zhao Xue had been so bored all the time.It's not good for your health either.It's good for her to be happy now.

But after all, Zhaoxue is pregnant.And it's been six months.She really needs to be more careful walking around like this.And Ru Xue came this time because she had something to discuss with Zhang Yufang.And it's kind of a secret.Can't let Zhaoxue know.

Ru Xue was worried that what would happen if Zhao Xue was left alone.And Zhang Yufang is also very careful about this.So he specially ordered his son Zhang Yan who was taking care of the shop.Let him take care of it.

Zhang Yan is a little strange.He naturally knew that his father would come to the capital in the next two days.But morning.He saw that the goods had been delivered safely.But there was no sign of his father.Ask about it.Only then did he know that his father was taken to drink by Zhang Fan.

For this.Zhang Yan was not surprised.Zhang Fan as his cousin.And he was away from home for such a long time for the first time.Although he has a family background.But after all, he had to come to the capital alone to work hard.It is really not simple.And Zhang Fan took such good care of him.Zhang Yan was naturally grateful.

Speaking of which.I would like to mention a little bit.Although Zhang Yan is always in the shop on weekdays.However, it is not completely inseparable.Sometimes it's not so busy.Zhang Yan will also hand over the affairs of the store to the people below.Then he took his wife and children to Zhang's mansion.To visit my aunt Zhao and the others.Although Zhao mentioned it many times.Let Zhang Yan also move to Zhang's residence.But Zhang Yan never agreed.He felt that this could be done in the capital.He is already Zhang Fan's great helper to him.If you live in the past to bother.It really shouldn't be.

In short.The Zhang Yan family also went back to the Zhang family from time to time for a visit or something.therefore.The matter of Wei Yaoyao.In fact, Zhang Yan's family also knew about it.Before the incident that Wei Yaoyao was pregnant happened.Their family already knew Wei Yaoyao.After all, Yingyue and the others would sometimes drag Wei Yaoyao to their home.

certainly.This is just off topic.Regarding the matter of Wei Yaoyao.Zhang Yan's family only knew about it.As for other things.They don't know anything.

Zhang Yufang brought Ru Xue to the back of the shop.Zhang Yan's family lives here.And there are many rooms here too.Naturally, it is reassuring to talk or something.

"I want to come up with something. Mr. Xiang, he has already told his uncle." Ru Xue didn't procrastinate at all.Just sit down.He directly mentioned this matter with Zhang Yufang. "I have to ask my uncle for help with this matter."

"Since I have agreed, I will naturally help," Zhang Yufang said. "Just before that. There are a few things. I just need to figure it out."

"Also ask uncle to explain."

"This is the first one. In fact, it has little to do with this matter. I want to ask you." Zhang Yufang said. "I'm just a little strange. Why did you agree to this matter? Even Fan'er is really determined at that time. And you can't object. But that's his business. But why did you agree? It's hard to say. You and this Wei... oh, it's called Wei Yaoyao, right? Your friendship with this Wei Yaoyao is really that good."

"Friendship is naturally there." Ru Xue said. "Compared to Zhaoxue and Yingyue's friendship with her, I'm not too deep. But I also know Sister Wei's personality. It's just that the reason why I agree is not because of the good friendship with Wei Sister. Actually It's because this matter has reached this point. I have to think for the sake of the Zhang family. If I don't do this, what else can I do.

"Actually, I don't hide it from my uncle. I have thought about some situations. But that's just thinking about it. Do it seriously. I can't do it. If this is the case, then that's the only way to do it."

After hearing what Ru Xue said.Zhang Yufang nodded.Said that he understood.The reason why Ru Xue agreed.He also thought about it.And what he thought.It is similar to what Ru Xue answered.

"That's good." Zhang Yufang said. "Then tell me about the relationship between Wei Yaoyao and Fan Fan. Let's start from the beginning. Don't miss anything."

"Didn't uncle hear from my husband?" Ru Xue was a little surprised.

"I didn't listen to him." Zhang Yufang said. "Fan'er is very upset now. I think it's not just because of this matter. I'm afraid he still has some troubles in the court. So I'm afraid that what he said will be biased. So I still plan to listen to you. Of course. Think about it You can't be completely fair in this matter. But it's better than Fan'er's side anyway. Since none of them can be fair, at least you have to find a relatively better one."

Hearing Zhang Yufang's words.Ru Xue also nodded in agreement.

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