The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1741 The So-Called Change

What exactly are Zhang Yufang and Ru Xue talking about.Now there is no need to know.But for Zhang Fan.He doesn't just have such a thing now.So even now this matter has not been settled.But at least it's on track.Moreover, there is nothing Zhang Fan can do now.can only wait.So Zhang Fan also temporarily looked away.on top of other things.

first.It's still about Liaodong.After sending people to hunt down Wang Gao.Although these people have been sent out.But Zhang Fanke did not let go.And now the situation in Liaodong is different from before.Under the situation that Li Chengliang is bound to win.The people sent by Zhang Fan who are from the same camp will naturally not be as restrained as before.

At first.When Zhang Fan sent Wang Degui and his men to Liaodong to assassinate Wang Gao's generals.The two sides simply cannot exchange information back and forth.even.Because of worrying about many things.Even the people sent out.Zhang Fan didn't dare to use too many of his own people.Instead, a group of desperadoes were found out of the prison to do it.It can be seen here.How chaotic the situation in Liaodong was at that time.

But now it is different.The current situation in Liaodong.I'm afraid it's even more chaotic than it was then.And it's much messier.But the difference is that.Now it's not like it was before the war.But in the chaos of war.But most importantly.Now the Ming army has an absolute advantage.So in this case.For Zhang Fan and the others.It's less tense now.

therefore.This time Zhang Fan sent someone to hunt down Wang Gao.But Zhang Fan doesn't have to be like before.I don't know what's going on over there.Because now Liaodong's actions allow it.So the people Zhang Fan sent out.Now there are regular contacts.Tell Zhang Fan where they are going.What happened or something.

And now.Zhang Fan received such news.It was Liang Chao's team.He did not continue to go north according to his orders.Instead, it went south.certainly.Among the news reported back.It's not just about such a situation.Even the reason why they changed the path was said.

After Zhang Fan saw the reason.Nature will not be angry.On the contrary, I am very happy.Liang Chao is capable of this kind of thing.With such a clear idea.Can see the situation clearly at this time.It can analyze the possible direction of Wang Gao's escape.You can even analyze how he thinks.That alone.Even those who weren't distracted by other things.But it may not be possible to imagine.

And this matter is for Liang Chao.It is even more difficult.It's not just saying.As long as you can think about it, that's fine.important.It takes the determination to dare to do so.And this.Especially for Liang Chao now.That was extremely difficult.

Liang Chao today.Because of Hong'er's incident, he was in an unstable situation.And at this time.There are many things about Liang Chao.They also carry a lot of instability.Especially himself.He also understands the impact of this incident on himself.And even he was extremely trusted by Zhang Fan.But this thing.In Liang Chao's opinion.I'm afraid it will also affect Zhang Fan's opinion of him.

But at this time.Liang Chao could not follow Zhang Fan's orders.Instead, act in the way you feel is right.Of course it is not easy.

certainly.I'm afraid Liang Chao can't say too much about this matter.Most likely it was because of Liang Chao's incident with Hong'er.And became a little would not follow Zhang Fan's order.Instead, I found a way to express something in my heart most quickly.

But this was nothing to Zhang Fan.Or this is for Zhang Fan.It doesn't matter at all.Regardless of what Liang Chao was thinking in his heart.But Zhang Fan really had to admit it.Liang Chao's idea about the direction of Wang Gao's escape is indeed not wrong.

It's not a difficult thought.It's actually pretty easy to imagine.And the reason why Zhang Fan made a wrong estimate at the beginning.Firstly, Li Chengliang was a little misleading.After all, Li Chengliang is still fighting a war.Although must win.But it's not over after all.So in such an undisturbed situation.Li Chengliang will make a wrong judgment because of this.It is also very normal.

And Zhang Fan at this time.It was also because of what happened to Wei Yaoyao suddenly.It made him unable to think about so many things for a while.therefore.After Wang Gao fled.Although Zhang Fan knew that he had to hunt down Wang Gao.But for the matter itself.Zhang Fan didn't think too much.He just followed Li Chengliang's route.He sent his men to hunt him down.

But now.The objection raised by Liang Chao.Even changed direction.The news reached Zhang Fan's ears.It also made Zhang Fan wake up.He knew that his previous order was indeed wrong.If the people under him are not as capable as Liang Chao can raise objections.And the words of those who do it.I'm afraid Wang Gao will really run away.

Although Liang Chao proposed this possibility.Just his own thoughts.And it's not [-]% possible that Wang Gao really went to the south.But under the premise put forward by Liang Chao.Zhang Fan thought for a while.And no matter how you think about it.Where Wang Gao can go.It seems that there is only one side.

therefore.Zhang Fan also immediately sent someone to pass the news to those subordinates in Liaodong.Let them all change their way.Go south.The main target is naturally the Hada Department of Haixi Jurchen.certainly.If all the people he sent out were allowed to gather there.No matter how secretive the Jinyiwei people are.No matter how you can hide yourself and act secretly.I'm afraid they will all be Fan also specifically explained it.Although the main target is the Hada Ministry.But don't be too conspicuous.Even Zhang Fan had already told them clearly.He called everyone over.So let them be sure to spread their minds.Don't let the other party discover the trace before you act.

but.The past news passed by Zhang Fan.And that's all.Just gave them a goal.But it didn't tell them what to do.It is to sneak in secretly to assassinate or arrest Wang Gao.Or do something in Mingdi.Zhang Fan never gave them clear instructions.The implication.Just let them judge for themselves.

Although Wang Gao's matter.Very important.But Zhang Fan felt that his subordinates still had the strength to do it.It doesn't have to be hands-on.Everything has to be done by Zhang Fan himself.If so.Zhang Fan's subordinates will never grow up.And Zhang Fan will probably become even busier in the future.

But the matter in Liaodong is not over yet.Things at home are still unclear.But now Zhang Fan is going to start busy again.

Because of the situation in Liaodong.Although the war is not over yet.But after all, the victory has been decided.Zhang Juzheng also felt that this was an opportunity.So he asked Zhang Fan for help.

at this time.People in the court all set their sights on Liaodong.Although the battle in Liaodong was just a civil strife.In addition, Li Chengliang was stationed in Liaodong for ten years.The situation is also stable.They can't get any benefit from it.But this is a big deal after all.So almost everyone is paying attention to that side.

But also for this reason.So now the court has become a little lax.Even before they knew exactly what Zhang Ju was going to do.But they didn't take it to heart.Or they don't have the energy to pay attention to this matter now.

This.It also gave Zhang Juzheng a chance.After all, those people he will face now.Now it's relaxed.And this is for Zhang Juzheng.Nature is a good opportunity.So he found Zhang Fan.

Only this time.Zhang Juzheng didn't want Zhang Fan to help him think of a way to deal with the new law.This "One Whip Method".What Zhang Juzheng had prepared was very sufficient.If it is single theory complete.I am afraid that it will be on top of the "Testing Method" that he has spent several years of thought on.But after all, it is because it is a new law that is to be adopted in the world.So I'm afraid there will still be some deficiencies.But at this time.Zhang Juzheng understood.There is no way to improve it just by thinking about it.Therefore, he intends to put it into practice later.

And now.The most important thing for him is to deal with those who may oppose him at that time.

Although it is said that Zhang Juzheng is the only one in the court now.Not only the emperor and empress dowager trusted him extremely.His status and power.It is also not allowed to be opposed by others.But the matter of the new law is, after all, of great importance.The fundamental interests of many people are involved.So it's time.Even many people are afraid of Zhang Juzheng.But I am afraid that some people will still raise objections.

And faced with this situation.Although Zhang Juzheng was able to overwhelm them in court.But in that case.It's also really tiring.

Therefore, Zhang Ju is planning to use some special power.Make some special preparations.therefore.Zhang Juzheng thought of Zhang Fan.No.To be more precise.Zhang Ju just thought of the power of Jin Yiwei in Zhang Fan's hands.

Jin Yiwei has a duty.That is to monitor the ministers in the court.And this one has never stopped.therefore.In the hands of Jin Yiwei.Always grasp some of the secrets that the ministers most do not want people to know.Zhang Juzheng put his mind on this.He wanted to pass Zhang Fan.Grasp some secrets about some people in the court that even he would find very difficult.

certainly.Zhang Juzheng's words only reached this point.But this kind of thing need not be said at all.Zhang Fan naturally understood.

but.Although Zhang Fan agreed.It's a good thing after all.Zhang Fan wants to help.But at the same time.Zhang Fan also had other thoughts in his mind.Zhang Juzheng used the most disdainful method he had ever used to deal with other people.Does this herald a change?

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