The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1742 For the sake of the future

"The ministers in the imperial court don't need to think about anything," Zhang Fan said to Zhang Juzheng, "Although the ministers have a lot of land and a lot of farm workers, they don't have such troublesome things in their families, let alone the teacher. Although it is impossible to disclose too much before the announcement, but the teacher is familiar with them, so even if these few people do not know the detailed content, they still know more or less. If they want to come, the teacher does not need to What's the point of worrying?"

"That's not bad," Zhang Juzheng nodded his head to confirm this, and said, "To be honest, if these people really disagree with them in terms of political views, it would be difficult to talk them through, but If they all agree in their hearts, then things will be much easier to handle.”

"You don't need to pay too much attention to the servants of those departments," Zhang Fan continued, "The situation in the court is different now, and there are not so many troublesome things, so the masters of the Shangshu are more concerned about the jurisdiction of the headquarters. Compared with the past, it saves a lot of effort, and there are not many people who are doing things, so as long as a few ministers agree with this matter, then those servants will not say anything more."

"That's true," Zhang Juzheng nodded again, "There may be some troubles, but I don't care, and I already have a solution."

"Since the teacher knows it well, that's good," Zhang Fan said, "The next is the other people in the court. Those with lower official positions don't need to care too much. The key is those who have status. If you object, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome."

"That's why I asked Yuande for your help," Zhang Juzheng said, "It's not that I have to be ruthless, but I just want to warn them and let them not get in the way."

Hearing Zhang Juzheng's words, Zhang Fan's face was calm and expressionless, but he sighed helplessly in his heart. Although he understood that Zhang Juzheng's intentions were good, even so, he But there is still a glimmer of hope in my heart, I hope Zhang Juzheng will not do this, but now it seems that Zhang Juzheng is determined to look like this, Zhang Fan didn't say anything about it, and decided to help Zhang Juzheng with all his strength, but Zhang Juzheng In Fan's heart, I'm afraid he didn't think so.

"First of all, Li Youzi, the imperial servant," Zhang Fan said, "The student asked someone to check it out. I'm afraid he will be the first one to stand up against the new law when the teacher proposes it."

"Li Yihe, that Li Sanhu," upon hearing Li Youzi's name, Zhang Juzheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This Li Youzi is Zhang Juzheng's fellow countryman. Although Zhang Juzheng is more than ten years older than Zhang Juzheng, both of them are Jinshi in the 26th year of Jiajing. It's just a coincidence, but you have to know that what they have to face is such a complicated scene in the officialdom, and for them at that time, they were both fledglings. It is also normal for the relationship to unite.

Therefore, when Zhang Fan said Li Youzi's name, Zhang Juzheng really felt a lot of emotion.

Li Youzi is talented, even with Zhang Juzheng. Although he is a lot older, he is still the same. Moreover, Li Youzi is really eye-catching. He only entered the court in the 26th year of Jiajing, but in the 28th year, the Gengxu change At that time, one of the papers he submitted almost destroyed him and was demoted to the county magistrate, but even so, Li Youzi did not give up, and even took charge of the Ministry of Officials in the 35th year of Jiajing. People have real materials, and compared to Zhang Juzheng, who had Xu Jie as his backer as soon as he entered the dynasty, Li Youzi's journey was entirely on his own, so Li Youzi is really a real person. Not to be underestimated.

Li Youzi is obese, teapot, wine pot, and urinal are indispensable. He is called Li Sanhu. Of course, not everyone can say this person. Zhang Juzheng has a good relationship with him, so it is right.

It's just that Zhang Juzheng also understands this person who has a good relationship with him. He knows that once his "One Whip Law" is proposed, Li Youzi will definitely oppose it. manage.

If this is applied to ordinary people, I'm afraid it will take a long time to think about it. After all, a person who has a good relationship with him, but now he wants to block his way forward. He will think about it for a while before drawing conclusions, but Zhang Juzheng He is different from ordinary people. He understands that some things must be done. At the same time, as a person who has a good relationship with Li Youzi, Zhang Juzheng also knows that he is not the kind of person who can explain clearly by reasoning with him. Therefore, Zhang Juzheng was very decisive, and he didn't think for too long, he just wanted the simplest and rudest way to deal with him.

Regarding the relationship between the two, Zhang Fan, as Zhang Juzheng's student, naturally knew about it, but seeing that Zhang Juzheng didn't show any hesitation, Zhang Fan couldn't help feeling deeply helpless again.

"Teacher, the students have a suggestion." Zhang Fan suddenly let go of Li Youzi's matter temporarily, and said to Zhang Juzheng, "The people in the imperial court are actually not difficult to deal with. Those who are really students, Jin Yiwei, can't handle it. Those who are willing to do so will definitely not object to the teacher's trip, that is to say, those who will oppose the teacher's new law, the students also have their reasons, but the students feel that this matter should not be too obvious, and should be It's about acting in the dark."

"Yuande, what do you mean?" Zhang Juzheng couldn't figure out why Zhang Fan said such words suddenly.

"For those who will oppose the teacher's new law, it is naturally no problem for the students to tell the teacher their reasons," Zhang Fan said, "but although the government is stable now, the students don't want the government to be in chaos again because of this. , even if there is no chaos now, don't plant the seeds of disaster for the future.

"So the students feel that after the teacher knows what's going on with those people, it's better not to wait until the time comes. They stand up against the teacher in the court, and the teacher is speaking out. Teacher, you should tell them first. They won’t speak anymore, if they don’t speak in the hall, the people below will not dare to come out and make trouble when they see no one speaks.”

Hearing Zhang Fan's words, Zhang Juzheng began to think.

In fact, what Zhang Juzheng thinks is exactly the opposite of what Zhang Fan proposed. In Zhang Juzheng's mind, he should first grasp the handle of those people, and then when those people want to speak up to object, Zhang Juzheng will immediately expose it. Their shortcomings, in this way, in front of so many people in the court, firstly, these people will not dare to talk about it because they can't save face; secondly, when other people see this situation, they are afraid that they have something The handle was in Zhang Juzheng's hands, so he didn't dare to speak.

But now, Zhang Fan made it clear that he hoped he would not do this. In this way, Zhang Juzheng had to rethink.

But after thinking about it, Zhang Juzheng also understood why Zhang Fan made such a proposal, just like what Zhang Fan said, the current situation in the court is quite stable, and the current court seems to have returned to what it was before. This is a situation controlled by several people. Although Zhang Juzheng is one of those people, and he is still a very important one, Zhang Juzheng himself can see clearly.

It's just that Zhang Juzheng also understands that although the current stability in the court is due to this reason, it is different from the past. The stability in the past is due to the dominance of a few people who are unscrupulous, but now But it was different, at least Zhang Juzheng had confidence in himself and felt that he would not do that kind of thing.

Of course, sometimes, there is no way to know yourself. No matter how confident you are in yourself, changes will always happen subtly. Zhang Juzheng can't see the changes that are happening in himself, but Zhang Fan can see them. Clearly.

As far as Zhang Fan was concerned, although he didn't want to see Zhang Juzheng's change, he was powerless about it.

In short, Zhang Juzheng understands that the current DPRK and China are in a stable period, but a stable thing does not mean that no matter how big the stones are invested, there will be no huge waves. It is very likely that you will not see it right away, but the origin of the waves is already here. It is also possible that the seabed was formed.

And what Zhang Fan said was completely for future considerations, and it also reminded Zhang Juzheng that this matter must not be like this, otherwise it would be hard to tell what troubles would arise in the future.

Although, with his own method, this matter will be easier to handle. After all, the real shocking power above the court will block the mouths of many people, and if Zhang Fan's method is used , although it can be successful, it will take a lot of effort in advance.

However, although Zhang Juzheng is very powerful now, Zhang Fan is his student after all, and he has a good relationship with him. Therefore, Zhang Juzheng did not choose to ignore Zhang Fan's words, but seriously thought about it.

In the end, Zhang Juzheng nodded to Zhang Fan, expressing that he agreed with his solution.

Seeing that Zhang Juzheng agreed with Zhang Fan, he felt a little relieved. Although Zhang Juzheng's agreement may not change anything in essence, but for the sake of future consideration, if he can do more now, that is some. Zhang Fan is definitely Willing to do so.

"This Li Youzi is indeed the elder of the court." Seeing that Zhang Juzheng agreed, Zhang Fan was naturally happy, so he stopped talking and went straight to the point, "It's just that there is nothing wrong with him. Things, presumably even the teacher who is his friend may not know, this person is at home..."

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