The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1746 Very Surprised

Fang Yueling's discussion with her father was not over yet.Although it is a discussion.But in fact, this is tantamount to arguing.

Fang Zhenqian's starting point.Naturally, it is for the Five Poisons Sect.certainly.It is also for the benefit of their Fang family.That's why I planned it that way.But from Fang Yueling's point of view.She is thinking about her children as a woman.Both sides are good though.But for a mother.Naturally, we need a better environment for our children.Although Fang Zhenqian would never treat his grandson badly.But compared to Zhang Mansion.Naturally, the Five Poisons Sect did not meet her ideal environment.

all in all.The two had a dispute because of this matter.Although not big.But if you want both of them to compromise on this matter.I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort.

And this time.Shao Shupeng has arrived at the back of the house.It has approached here quietly.Although it is said that Shao Shupeng's sneaking skills are good.There are not many people who can find him.But with Fang Zhenqian's ability.It is not difficult to find him.It's just because Fang Zhenqian is discussing with his daughter something he cares about very much.So Fang Zhenqian at this time.There is also a little irritability in my mind.And this irritability also gave Shao Shupeng a chance.Let him sneak in smoothly to a place where he can clearly hear the conversation in the room.

that's all.After settling down.Shao Shupeng would no longer exude the aura that might be noticed by others.therefore.Fang Zhenqian also missed the best time to discover him.and.After all, this is where Fang Zhenqian lives.Although the identity is not ordinary.But at the same time, Fang Zhenqian's factors were also taken into consideration.Plus some of his habits.Therefore, there is usually no one here to patrol.So Shao Shupeng can eavesdrop with peace of mind.

In the room just now.What Fang Zhenqian and Fang Yueling said.Shao Shupeng heard it all.But Shao Shupeng didn't know what the reason for the dispute between the two was.It's just that Fang Yueling had a dispute with her father Fang Zhenqian because of some things.But what it was he didn't had to keep listening.

certainly.Another point.Shao Shupeng didn't hear anything wrong with Fang Yueling.Learned martial arts.People who have even passed the family spirit.Although Shao Shupeng was not as talented as Wang Meng.But after all, I have practiced hard since I was a child.The foundation is deep.So he learns from a person's tone and voice.At the very least, you can tell what happened to this person.

Judging from what he heard Fang Yueling said.There was nothing wrong with Fang Yueling's body.There are some differences.It's just that Shao Shupeng ignored this point.It's not that he's irresponsible.It was because Fang Yueling was a woman.woman.Even women who have practiced martial arts.on breath.It is also different from men.Shao Shupeng just regarded this as a problem for women.And didn't skip caring.

And now.He was not interested in Fang Yueling's body anymore.He could hear it anyway.Fang Yueling was fine.Now he is very concerned about the conversation between the father and daughter.Want to hear and see.See what happened between the father and daughter.There will be disputes between them.

"Father." Fang Yueling obviously still disagreed with her father's statement. "What's the point of doing this. Since this matter will be known to Mr. Xianggong sooner or later, why don't we be quicker and tell him as soon as possible. In this way, nothing will happen. And if Father insists on keeping it a secret When the husband finds out, he will understand. Someone deliberately concealed the matter from him before. The daughter is not afraid that the husband will blame him. But if the husband finds out, it will be blamed on Dad. Even the head of the Five Poisons Sect Come on. Dad doesn’t think it’s not worth the candle.”

"I've thought about this issue a long time ago." Although what Fang Yueling said was very serious.Perhaps she also hoped to impress her father with this serious appearance.Let him give up his unrealistic ideas.But obviously.Fang Zhenqian had already considered this aspect.So he didn't care about Fang Yueling's words.He waved his hand.Said. "I know. If you really follow the original idea, I'm afraid this matter is really difficult. But when I know that you are pregnant, this method will not work. So I also thought of a new method... ...Hmm." Fang Zhenqian's words came to this point.stopped.He frowned.Look out the window.

"How to do it. Dad wants to do something again." It's not that Fang Yueling didn't notice her father's weird expression.But now Fang Yueling is more concerned about herself and the child in her womb.So he was busy asking questions.

At this moment.But Shao Shupeng, who was hiding outside and eavesdropping, was scared to death.

Just now he heard Fang Zhenqian say that Fang Yueling was pregnant.There is no need to even think about this kind of thing.The child in Fang Yueling's womb must belong to Zhang Fan.That is.Some time ago, it was said that Fang Yueling was unwell.That's true.It was because Fang Yueling was pregnant.That's why there is a reaction of physical discomfort.

But the problem is not here.It's not that Shao Shupeng finally figured out what happened to Fang Yueling.It wasn't that Shao Shupeng was finally able to ask Zhang Fan for a job.The problem is with this whole thing.It was completely beyond his expectations.He had thought about several possibilities.He even thought of some possibilities that would shock him very much.But obviously.Even in Jinyiwei, he has worked for so many years.But his imagination is still insufficient at this time.He never imagined that things would turn out like this.Fang Yueling was actually pregnant with Zhang Fan's flesh and blood.

certainly.This is not a problem in terms of time.The two started with that relationship.It's been more than two months now.Among them, maybe one of them will "win the bid".

only.Shao Shupeng who heard the news.Surprised in my heart.The breath is also slightly disturbed.Such a mess.Plus it's so close to the house.Even now Fang Zhenqian is arguing with his daughter about this matter and feels a little uneasy.But he still had a little feeling.

Just for a split second.Even without seeing the scene inside the house.But Shao Shupeng also understood in his heart.He was definitely discovered by Fang Zhenqian.It's okay if someone else finds out.But Fang Zhenqian... Shao Shupeng had been in the Five Poison Sect for a while.Although I haven't seen Fang Zhenqian make a move.In this short period of time, Fang Zhenqian has not punished anyone.But he has heard a lot of rumors.Although the rumors are not credible.But don't worry at all.all in all.Just that moment.Shao Shupeng felt that he was going to Huangquan Road.

But fortunately.Fang Yueling didn't feel anything.Or it could be said that Fang Yueling was talking to her father about something she cared about very much.Therefore, Fang Yueling will not let the anti-shock distraction.

It can be said.Fang Yueling interrupted like this.It can be regarded as saving Shao Shupeng's life.

And Shao Shupeng deserved to be experienced before.Although I was taken aback.But he also came back to his senses immediately.Immediately adjust your mentality.Suppress the disordered breath just now.Now that Fang Zhenqian has noticed it.And even because of Fang Yueling.But this feeling.Fang Zhenqian will definitely not take it lightly.So in order not to be detected.Today's Shao Shupeng can only be more careful.

"Ling'er. I know what you're thinking." Fang Zhenqian changed his tone.Said. "I know too. This is his child. But you have to think about your father. Think about our family."

"Father. It's not that my daughter doesn't want to." Fang Yueling heard this.Also sighed. "It's just this matter. What should I do. After all, it is his child. But even if you don't mention the husband, this is also the daughter's own flesh and blood. How can the daughter have the heart to prevent him from seeing her father. Besides. This matter is fundamental It's impossible."

"Maybe, of course it is possible." Fang Zhenqian said. "As long as you agree. I'll send someone to inform him. Said that there are too many affairs in the church now. You need to stay here for a while. Eight months. It sounds like a long time. But in fact Not that long.

"Maybe he won't agree. But I will tell him. Eight months later. I will let you step down as leader. From then on. I really married you to him."

"Father..." Fang Yueling didn't think of it for a while.Fang Zhenqian would actually say such a thing.have to say.Fang Zhenqian's words.It is very attractive to Fang Yueling.Although the relationship between her and Zhang Fan is very complicated.But that too was a thing of the past.There is no need to mention it.the most important is.Now Fang Yueling really fell in love with Zhang Fan also hopes to be by Zhang Fan's side forever.

In this way.Fang Zhenqian's proposal.In other words, it was a condition for her.That was really attractive to her.

But.Even so for Fang Yueling.There is still no way to agree easily.after all.It's about her kids.

That's right.A little bit indifferent.The child can be regenerated later.But after all, this is a piece of flesh that fell from Fang Yueling's body.If any mother wants to give up easily.It is also impossible.

And therein lies the problem.Fang Zhenqian did this.This child must inherit the great cause of the Five Poisons Sect in the future.To make it clear is to use the identity of Zhang Fan's child.For future convenience.That is.future.Zhang Fan will still know the existence of this child.

And wait until then.How should Fang Yueling face Zhang Fan?

Not to mention these.For Fang Yueling herself.She also has no way to give up her own flesh and blood.

but.Now it's not that Fang Yueling can just say she doesn't want to.Fang Zhenqian was her father after all.And for the father's words.Fang Yueling also didn't know how to object.And Fang Zhenqian is so arbitrary in this matter.This made Fang Yueling embarrassed.Even if it's an obvious thing to do.But Fang Yueling was still in a dilemma.

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