The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1747 2-hand preparation

In the room, Fang Zhenqian and Fang Yueling, the father and daughter, were still arguing over the child's problem. Although it sounded from the words that the conflict between the two was not so intense, in fact, the discussion between the two The problem is very serious, at least the people involved in this matter will find it very difficult.

And for Shao Shupeng, who is currently hiding outside the window to eavesdrop, this matter has not shaken him at all. Before he came to inquire again, he had considered this matter. At that time, in his opinion , this matter may be about Fang Zhenqian's restraint on Fang Yueling, or what Fang Zhenqian wants Fang Yueling to do. Of course, the target is naturally Zhang Fan.

After all, Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling can have the relationship they have now. Even if Shao Shupeng doesn't know everything about it, he still understands a little bit. Maybe Fang Yueling really loves Zhang Fan, but the reason why Fang Zhenqian did this is because Not only because he expects Fang Yueling to have a good home, but more importantly, he hopes to consolidate his position in the Five Poison Sect through this matter, and also wants to use it to strengthen the Five Poison Sect.

Therefore, under this premise, Shao Shupeng's thought at the time was whether Fang Zhenqian had some other ideas, but if he told Zhang Fan directly about this idea, Zhang Fan might not agree to it. Therefore, he asked Fang Yueling to talk to Zhang Fan. Said that it was Shao Shupeng's original idea to get Zhang Fanhao to agree, and he was very firm about this idea.

But now it seems that this idea is obviously wrong. After hearing some things, Shao Shupeng never thought that things were completely different from what he thought. Fang Zhenqian asked Fang Yueling to come back this time. It's just because something happened in the Five Poisons Sect that Fang Yueling, the leader, had to come forward.

But in the midst of this incident, a problem occurred, that is, Fang Yueling suddenly became pregnant with Zhang Fan's flesh and blood. This sudden occurrence changed the whole matter.

Perhaps those who don't know may think that if Fang Yueling knew that she was pregnant with a child on the way back to Sichuan, then at that time, she would spread the news to the capital to let Zhang Fan know. Not in the capital, but if the news is passed on, I am afraid that there will be no such problems now.

But even Shao Shupeng understood that the reason why Fang Yueling didn't say anything was not because Fang Yueling wanted to surprise Zhang Fan or something, because Fang Yueling couldn't do such "interesting" things. I'm afraid Fang Yueling didn't send news to the capital. The reason was because she was blocked by the people around her, and the person who blocked her didn't even have to think about it at the time, only Yu'er was alone.

Perhaps Shao Shupeng has not been in contact with the Five Poisons Sect for a long time, but he is one of the few people stationed here by Zhang Fan. environment, to figure out where you are, so that you can act in the future.

Therefore, Shao Shupeng also tried his best to understand the Five Poisons Sect through many methods, and among them, he not only knew what Fang Zhenqian meant to the Five Poisons Sect, but more importantly, he learned about the time when Fang Yueling was the leader , some situations in the Five Poisons Sect.

Since it was that period of time, it was natural that Yu'er had to be mentioned.

Therefore, Shao Shupeng was not surprised that Fang Yueling did not spread the news of her pregnancy to the capital. He knew that Fang Yueling would come back this time with Yu'er by his side, so he could imagine it, and it must be Yu'er who knew about it. After this incident, Fang Yueling was not allowed to pass on news.

Although Shao Shupeng didn't know that Yu'er had a deep prejudice against Zhang Fan, nor did she know that she harbored such strange fantasies about Fang Yueling, but even if he didn't know these things, he could still figure out what happened. something happened.

But now, Shao Shupeng has heard all the disputes between Fang Yueling and her father Fang Zhengan. There is no way to persuade Fang Zhenqian to give up that idea, that is to say, it is very likely that this matter will be done as Fang Zhenqian hopes.

But at the same time, Shao Shupeng also understood that, as Fang Yueling said, he wanted to completely hide this matter from Zhang Fan, and wait until eight months later, Fang Yueling gave birth to the child, and then met Zhang Fan. Almost impossible.

In other words, what Fang Zhenqian did is completely a gamble. Winning him will naturally have a lot of benefits in the future, but obviously, it is difficult for Fang Zhengan to win this gamble. There will be many troubles coming, not only the troubles of the Five Poison Sect, but also troubles for Zhang Fan, and also for Fang Yueling, this trouble will not be small.

However, this is what things would have looked like originally, but now it is different, because he, Shao Shupeng, has learned the news, that is to say, as long as Shao Shupeng passes the news back to the capital to let Zhang Fan know, then he will also There won't be so much trouble anymore.

Of course, if Zhang Fan knows about this matter, then he will definitely have a big dispute with Fang Zhenqian, and this dispute will develop into a very big scene, but the problem is, after all, the child has not yet been born , and this kind of dispute is only limited to this period of time, and Zhang Fan discovered this matter early, so the scale will not become larger.

Therefore, Shao Shupeng was a little fortunate that he had found out about this matter early on. It wasn't because he was concerned about the Five Poisons Sect, but because he belonged to Zhang Fan after all, so he was able to help Zhang Fan avoid some troubles. It was his due duty, and now that he was stationed in the Five Poison Sect, if there really was a conflict between the two sides, he would not be able to escape the dispute.

Now, Shao Shupeng, who already knew what happened, was actually enough. He didn't need to know the details of what Fang Zhenqian planned to do. He only needed to know that such a thing happened. As for the rest of the situation, It's not something he can handle, he just needs to send the news back to the capital and tell Zhang Fan.

Of course, how he can go back now is still a problem. Although it is true that he sneaked in smoothly, it is also because Fang Zhenqian is thinking about something very important to him now, and he did not let him find out, but the problem is , just now Shao Shupeng let out a little bit of breath, which made the emulator alert. Although Fang Yueling interrupted him, he did not let him be exposed, but this alertness has already happened after all, and for a master like Fang Zhenqian , as long as there is a precedent, it is extremely simple to find his traces in the future.

That is to say, Shao Shupeng is trapped here now, not that there is no way out, but it is really difficult to go back quietly.

Shao Shupeng felt a little thankful at this time, God, the model incident happened in this season, neither hot nor cold, and there were no mosquitoes, if it was in summer and winter, he didn't know what to do , but even at this time, when faced with this situation, he was very uncomfortable.

But fortunately, the dispute between the father and daughter is over. Although there is no result, it is obvious that even Fang Zhenqian can't persuade Fang Yueling in such a short period of time. The dispute between the two has obviously long been It's not a day's work, but Fang Zhenqian is not in a hurry.

Although Shao Shupeng leaked a little breath just now, which made Fang Zhengan aware, but Fang Yueling interrupted him, and Fang Yueling didn't agree with him today, so Fang Zhenqian was also a little unhappy, and went back to the room to rest after speaking.

This also made Shao Shupeng a little relieved. After Fang Zhenqian went to rest, Shao Shupeng stayed there for a while, making sure that he would never be found, and then left.

After returning to the residence, Shao Shupeng was also thinking about what to do about this matter. Obviously, Zhang Fan had to be told about this matter, but he was thinking about it. After he passed the news to Zhang Fan, he himself What should I do, do nothing, wait for news from Zhang Fan, or say I should do something.

Regardless of what he should do in the future, the most important thing now is to spread the matter. After thinking it over, Shao Shupeng stopped thinking about it and picked up a pen to write down the matter, intending to spread it tomorrow.

But there is one thing that he has already planned. Before spreading the news, it is necessary for him to meet Fang Yueling. Although he heard this for the first time today, his instinct told himself that Fang Yueling also He didn't agree with Fang Zhenqian's idea, so he wanted to meet Fang Yueling and ask what was going on.

Of course, he had to take a lot of risks to meet Fang Yueling at this time, but Shao Shupeng was not afraid of what would happen. Good reason, anyway, that's the way it was meant to be.

However, even with such a plan, Shao Shupeng is not afraid of what Fang Zhenqian will do to him, but he also knows that Fang Zhenqian has some special means, even if he does not think about himself, he must think clearly about the whole matter Therefore, Shao Shupeng had to make several preparations before going. Even if something went wrong, he still had to make some preparations.

In this regard, Shao Shupeng is very confident. After all, he has been in this business for a long time, so he is very familiar with some unexpected situations, especially in the face of such a situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak. He also knew what to do and what to prepare.

That night, Shao Shupeng was busy until he was ugly, and he didn't rest until the next day, and he had to face even greater challenges.

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