It can be said that during this period of time between the DPRK and China, there has been no cessation at all.The matter in Liaodong is not over yet.certainly.It's also coming to an end there.There is no Wang Gao.The people below looked like a tree fell and a monkey scattered.Like a headless chicken.Just don't know what to do.Now it won't take long for Li Chengliang to win.

For Wang Gao's disappearance.Not many people in the imperial court intended to blame Li Chengliang.for them.It is enough as long as the battle in Liaodong can end sooner.But for Li Chengliang.Now his situation in the court is not good.So he must catch Wang Gao.Even if it doesn't matter whether it's life or death.

However, although Zhang Fan also participated in it.But Zhang Fan didn't spend too much thought on it.Although this matter is also very important to Zhang Fan.But there was only so much Zhang Fan could do.The rest.It's not that Zhang Fan can finish it just by saying he cares.He had to leave it to Liang Chao and the others.

And now Zhang Fan.There are many other things that need him to care about.First one thing.It's just a matter at home.The matter of Wei Yaoyao.Although Zhang Yufang came to Beijing suddenly.It really did Zhang Fan a big favor.But this matter is still not resolved.Although Zhang Yufang is a great help to Zhang Fan.And he also discussed in detail with Ru Xue how he should tell Mrs. Zhao about this matter.But this matter obviously cannot be rushed.So there is no result yet.

the most important is.Now Zhang Fan still has many things to do in the court.Although the battle in Liaodong is coming to an end.Zhang Juzheng's actions began to reappear.For the implementation of the "One Whip Law".It can be said that Zhang Juzheng took great pains.And this is Zhang Juzheng's great ambition.So for Zhang Juzheng.In order to realize this ambition.Even if he needs to use some extraordinary means.It is also possible in his opinion.

And actually.Now Zhang Juzheng has already started to do this.He found Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan, the commander of Jinyiwei Capital.Master the private affairs of those high officials in the court.Good and bad.There are even secrets that can get them demoted and dismissed.Zhang Juzheng wanted to get the handle from Zhang Fan on those who were most likely to oppose him.Then threaten them.

Zhang Juzheng didn't really want to use these people's tricks to do anything.Just threaten them.Just ask them not to oppose themselves when the time comes.

certainly.There are many officials in the court.Even if there are not many people who are qualified to come to the morning court every morning.But for Zhang Juzheng alone.This number is obviously quite a lot.But the problem with this is.Even Zhang Fan told Zhang Juzheng all the embarrassing things about those people in the court.This was a great help to Zhang Juzheng.But Zhang Fan could only help him so far.the rest.Even people in the court know it.Now Zhang Fan and Zhang Ju are together.But Zhang Fan couldn't show up anymore.That many people.Zhang Juzheng has to deal with it all by himself.It's not because Zhang Juzheng is afraid of trouble.But because of the particularity of this matter.It seems that this is the only way to go.

But this thing is good.It's not necessary for Zhang Juzheng to really tell everyone who can stand in the court who might oppose him.if it is like this.Even if there are not too many people.But for Zhang Juzheng alone.That's enough to keep him busy.Plus there are those who die hard.It is very likely that even Zhang Juzheng is under his control.But saying it once or twice is not enough.May go several times.This invisibly increased Zhang Juzheng's troubles.

therefore.What Zhang Juzheng chose was.Those in the court have status.Or someone with prestige among others to say it.And Zhang Juzheng didn't do this to be lazy and save trouble.At that time, even if someone wants to object.But if these leaders don't stand up and speak out.Then the people below will not dare to come out and make trouble.Even if there are really so few bold people who dare to stand up and say something.Zhang Juzheng could easily dismiss these people.

But even if you don't have to say it all in advance.But the workload is still not small.therefore.Zhang Juzheng came to look for Zhang Fan right now.And he is now looking for those people.all in all.This plan was made very early.

then.During this period of time, Chaozhong can see a very interesting appearance.

Zhang Juzheng's whereabouts are not a secret.Or rather like his current status.There is no way to keep it secret.So Zhang Juzheng's daily whereabouts.Even if he went down towards home.As long as he goes out of the house.He went there.That's definitely one thing everyone knows.

Of course.It was just that those people in the court habitually followed Zhang Juzheng's daily whereabouts.But the problem is.recently.They found the problem.

Where does Zhang Juzheng go on weekdays?It doesn't matter.This is also a very normal thing.Even if there was no relationship before.Zhang Juzheng came to visit suddenly.It's not a curious thing either.So there was no problem with this matter at first.It did not arouse any suspicion.Plus those who were sought out by Zhang Juzheng.It is absolutely impossible to tell the matter.therefore.No one will know.

But therein lies the problem.Those who were sought by Zhang Juzheng.It is absolutely impossible after this incident happened.Still acting like nothing happened.After all, Zhang Juzheng talked about the pain in his heart.It is also the last thing you want outsiders to know.How could it have no effect?

at the very beginning.One or two doesn't really matter.But after waiting for a few days.Every day, Chaozhong would add one or two people with strange expressions, trance-like expressions, and obviously dodging when they saw Zhang Juzheng.Others don't even know what happened.But this situation must have begun to doubt.

So some good people started to investigate what happened to this matter.And this matter is naturally very convenient to check.After all, Zhang Juzheng's whereabouts are not kept secret.Where does he go every day.Almost everyone in the court knows.And in this way.This matter has become very simple.think about it.Who did Zhang Juzheng go to yesterday?And the next morning.The man looked absent-minded.Even if you ask him, you don't want to say it.This shows that the problem lies with Zhang Juzheng.

But that's how people are.Even if they understand.Although the man refused to say.But since Zhang Juzheng would look for him.Then it must be because of some serious things.And for what the hell is going on.Even if they understand.This matter is really not a good thing.But still very curious.

all in all.This matter is now.Five or six days have passed.But obviously Zhang Juzheng still didn't mean to stop.He still talks to these people every day.Honestly.People in the court are a little scared.I am afraid that Zhang Juzheng will find himself next.But at the same time.They are also a little curious.Curious what this is all about.

Zhang Juzheng will do this.It is obviously related to a big event.Otherwise he wouldn't have done such a thing.But what is it that makes Zhang Juzheng like this.

certainly.There are also smart people.Now people in the court also know that Zhang Ju is planning to do something big.And I'm afraid that at that time, it will cause another wave in the court.But what Zhang Juzheng did now.It's almost like preparing in advance.

Today's court.It goes without saying that people are so panic-stricken.But it is true that many people are worried that the next one will find themselves.What should I do.To be honest, this really makes these people feel difficult.

And the situation caused by North Korea and China now.How could Zhang Juzheng, the instigator, not know.But Zhang Ju is facing this situation.It's like he doesn't care about anything.Perhaps he would still go to those people's homes every afternoon.But as long as it's in public.Zhang Juzheng definitely looked calm.As if they don't know anything.

Thanks to this matter.What Zhang Juzheng wants to do next.Instead, it got out.Originally, the court knew what Zhang Juzheng was going to do.Also know the general direction.But he didn't know what Zhang Juzheng was going to do.Now this thing comes out.Zhang Ju was talking to those people at the same time.He also told them what he was going to do.

And those people.Perhaps it is impossible to tell exactly how Zhang Ju threatened them.But what did Zhang Juzheng plan to do.They did reveal it.

then.Up to now, many people in the court have known Zhang Juzheng's plan.But facing Zhang Juzheng's plan.These people naturally want to oppose it from the bottom of their hearts.After all, if the "One Whip Law" is implemented.Then the income of these people will really be greatly reduced.Now because of the "Testing Law".It has also become very difficult to accept bribes.Although it is said that the court will increase the salary.And not a lot.Enough for them to spend.But for those who are used to being extravagant in the past.Still not enough.then.This "legitimate" income at home becomes very important.

And now.Zhang Ju is planning to cut off even this source.This is naturally not what these people want.

So after knowing what Zhang Juzheng was going to do.These people are naturally very opposed.But at the same time.They also somewhat understood what Zhang Juzheng did when he went to these people's homes.Although I don't know exactly what it is.But they also understood what Zhang Juzheng meant.

therefore.These people also understand more or less in their hearts.I'm afraid even if I am very opposed to it.But when the time comes, those who can really stand up against it.It is also very rare.

certainly.There are still some diehards in it.They feel like they have nothing to do with it.So no matter how Zhang Juzheng threatens them then.None of them would say yes.

But these people underestimate one thing.That was Zhang Juzheng's source of information.That's Jin Yiwei.Maybe they didn't realize when they did what.But it is something that can threaten their current status.But Jin Yiwei knew it all.

all in all.Now the DPRK and China have become troublesome again.

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