The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1749 It's Not Over

When going to court.Everyone is waiting outside the palace this time.It's time for people to talk to each other.And now.People join each other.Discussing some things.It was nothing.But the atmosphere has become very strange.Especially when Zhang Juzheng came.It's even weirder.That moment.Everyone stopped talking.He looked at Zhang Juzheng in a blink of an eye.Some people are afraid.Some people are angry.Some people don't know what to think.

But Zhang Juzheng didn't care.It's still the same as usual.He walked over to Zhang Fan.It was very normal to greet him.As if nothing happened now.certainly.Although he talked to Zhang Fan.But what the two are actually talking about.It's also about the present.

"Teacher, this is the tenth person now." Zhang Fan looked at Zhang Juzheng and said.certainly.Zhang Fan didn't think there was any problem with this.It's just a casual saying.certainly.Zhang Fan also had a question in these words.Although Zhang Juzheng asked him for this favor back then.Zhang Fan also agreed without asking anything.Even to this day.Zhang Fan didn't say anything either.But if Zhang Fan didn't ask, it didn't mean that he didn't have any thoughts in his heart.

He understood Zhang Juzheng's intention in doing so.I also agree with Zhang Juzheng's approach.But the problem is.Zhang Fan didn't know what level Zhang Juzheng planned to achieve.Of course.What is the so-called degree of this.In fact, what Zhang Fan wanted to figure out was how many people Zhang Juzheng was looking for.

Although it has been said before.Because there are many people.And this matter can only be done by Zhang Juzheng alone.Therefore, it is impossible for Zhang Juzheng to talk to everyone in the court who would oppose him.Then I don't know when I will get it.not to mention.There is no need to do this at all.It is enough that those who take the lead do not speak up when the time comes.

certainly.Naturally, there is nothing wrong with this kind of thinking.But the problem is.How many people are enough.

Now Zhang Juzheng has gone to find ten people.The number of ten people.Not much.But it is not too little.certainly.The most important thing is after passing through these ten people.Zhang Juzheng's appearance doesn't look like enough is enough.On the contrary, it looks like it has just begun.even.If Zhang Fan could say it.It can be said that Zhang Juzheng is currently in the stage of "exuberant interest".

therefore.Zhang Fan also had to start thinking about it.He didn't intend to stop.He will continue to help Zhang Juzheng.Things that have already started.That being the case.Then there is absolutely no reason to stop.But even so.Zhang Fan still had to worry about what kind of consequences this matter might cause.

Before.Zhang Juzheng's style of acting is quite different from the past.And therefore.Zhang Fan was also worried that what Zhang Juzheng would do would bring him trouble in the future.Therefore, Zhang Fan at that time was always trying to persuade Zhang Juzheng.Although what Zhang Fan did was not obvious.Zhang Juzheng also didn't clearly feel Zhang Fan's intentions.But what Zhang Fan did was still effective.

Now.Although neither spoke.But the problem is.Now Zhang Juzheng seemed to have found the pleasure he was looking for from another place.This inadvertent discovery of refreshment.He didn't even notice it himself.But it is more interesting than the one with a clear goal.And Zhang Juzheng.Now I have fallen into this kind of fun.And it looks like it's fun.

Zhang Fan could feel it a little bit.But therein lies the problem.Even if this kind of thing is felt.But it was useless.Because faced with this situation.Zhang Fan couldn't do anything at all.He continued to help Zhang Juzheng.Then just keep letting him do it.And face this.But he has no good way to do something.In other words, he could only watch Zhang Juzheng go further and further down the road he didn't want.

It can be said that this is impossible.Zhang Fan could only accept it.

"That's right. There are already ten people." Zhang Juzheng didn't see the complexity in Zhang Fan's eyes.Or it could be said that Zhang Juzheng ignored the expression that contained too many complicated emotions.said selfishly. "But ten people are still not enough."

Zhang Juzheng said it was not enough.There was nothing wrong with that.Although there are not many people who go to the morning court every day.But there are not many.Even Zhang Juzheng only selects those who have status.Those who can hold other people to speak.But the number of these people.In fact, there are quite a few.

Estimated.Zhang Juzheng might have to find more than ten more people.This preparation is about the same.certainly.Although the progress is halfway there.But things didn't go so smoothly.Because the person Zhang Juzheng was looking for earlier.At the same time, he was also the person Zhang Fan had chosen.

These ten people.Although it has a very important position in the court.The words spoken cannot be ignored.But these people all have a very good grasp in the hands of Jin Yiwei.And they are all handles that will kill them.therefore.Although this is a person with a prominent status.The power in hand cannot be ignored.But it is very easy to silence them.

And the rest.Zhang Juzheng had already targeted those people.Although they also have the handle in Zhang Fan's hands.But it is not as important as the previous ten people.That is.Chances are something will make them care though.But to be honest, there are some innocuous things.

Compared with these handles.Maybe what Zhang Juzheng asked them to do.It will make them feel even more painful.therefore.It is very possible that even these handles are revealed.want to threaten these people.But these people are also very likely not to buy it.therefore.I want to make these people silent when the time comes.But it is not possible to succeed just relying on Zhang Fan's news.Of course you can't do without.What should I do after that.Then Zhang Juzheng had to figure out a way by himself.

In short.That is.The rest of these people are the more difficult ones.And even Zhang Juzheng figured out a way.Use the information given by Zhang Fan.Let these people settle down temporarily.He also promised that they would not speak indiscriminately when the time came.But even so.At that time, it is still difficult to guarantee whether these people will change their minds.

And now.There is no way around this matter.must be done.Therefore, Zhang Juzheng also felt more troublesome about this.But Zhang Juzheng is not the kind of person who is afraid of trouble.Or this kind of trouble.On the contrary, it made him a lot of interested.To know.After all, the first few people are to him.It's really too easy.It even made him feel uninterested.He hoped that the next few people would be more the very least.It is also to let him not do it too easily.

certainly.this matter.Zhang Juzheng can't do anything by himself.Need Zhang Fan's help.Just provide information.And do this thing.Although only Zhang Juzheng came forward alone.But actually.At the same time, it was tantamount to exposing Zhang Fan.Especially nowadays.Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng gathered together in such a grand manner to say something.This is clearly saying that there is something ulterior between the two of them.

But Zhang Fan really didn't worry about any trouble this would bring him.Although he was helping Zhang Juzheng.The affairs of so many people in the court were revealed.And this thing.Even if Zhang Juzheng didn't say it.Others can also imagine what's going on.But Zhang Fan was not worried.In other words, Zhang Fan has long been used to this situation.

not to mention.The main reason is.Zhang Fan was doing his duty.He is the commander of Jinyiwei.It was born to do this.Some people may hate Zhang Fan because of this.But Zhang Fan was not afraid that he would cause any trouble because of this.

Although Zhang Fan's current status in the court is still status.Even the wealth around you is immeasurable.But Zhang Fan really didn't do anything bad for his own selfish desires.therefore.Even if these people wanted to move Zhang Fan, there was nothing they could do.

certainly.It's not that Zhang Fan is so confident.Not afraid anymore.It was because Zhang Fan didn't need to be afraid of these things.

only.When other people watched the scene where Zhang Fan and Zhang Juzheng were talking.They didn't feel well at all.I always feel that the two of them are planning.And the next one is to deal with yourself.

In the capital.This is what it looks like now.temporary.This scene will continue for some time.

And Liaodong.Liang Chao and others are still busy arresting Wang Gao.

Liang Chao changed direction on his own initiative.Headed south to the Hada Department of the Haixi Jurchen.He reckoned that Wang Gao might be hiding here.And Liang Chao's judgment.After Zhang Fan learned about it.He also approved.And let Liang Chao be in charge this time.Let others cooperate.

As early as three days ago.Liang Chao and his party had already arrived at the tribe where Wang Tai lived.Although Liang Chao and others came here in disguise.And the tribe is not small.But after all, they are outsiders.And outsiders are too easy to be recognized Chao and the others have been trying to sneak in to find out Wang Gao's whereabouts.

But this is also somewhat difficult.Diving in is easy though.But it's really not easy to explore around such a big place.But even so.Whether it is due to orders or their own reasons.It is also impossible for Liang Chao to give up.

And now.Liang Chao thought of a way.Since it's dark, it won't work.Then it will be clear.therefore.After several trials, it was found that it was not the solution.Liang Chao was also decisive.He intends to find a time to sneak in.But not to search for Wang Gao.Instead, he went directly to see Wang Tai.

Liang Chao's idea was crazy.Even after the people around him learned of his method.They all wanted to stop him.They thought that Liang Chao was irrational.

But in reality it is not.Liang Chao is very rational now.And it took him a long time to think about this method before he came up with it.therefore.Liang Chao is also very confident about had to convince these people under his command.After all, he knew that these people were under Zhang Fan's order.Stop yourself when necessary.

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