Wang Tai, the process of ascension to Khan's position was a bit dramatic. Originally, he was the nephew of Hadabel Wang Zhong, so it should not be him, but Wang Zhong's son Borkun. Zhong was killed because of his subordinates' rebellion, and his son Borkun wanted to use Wangtai's power to avenge his father, so he gave up the power to inherit Baylor and was replaced by Wangtai.

In short, this is how Wang Tai ascended to the position of Khan, and after ascending to the position of Khan, Wang Tai lived quite a long time. He was not satisfied just because he ascended to the position of Khan, and his operation was quite effective. The power of the Hada tribe has also gradually become stronger. Although there is still Wang Gao, even if the Hada tribe has gradually become stronger, it cannot dominate the Jurchen tribes, but among the Haixi Jurchen tribes, he is the most powerful. A strong one.

In fact, the relationship between Wang Gao and Wang Tai is really quite complicated. Wang Gao's power in the Jurchen Department was not insignificant at that time, and the Hada Department led by Wang Tai gradually became stronger. It is conceivable that, There is absolutely no match between these two films, and in fact it is the same. There are many matcha between the two films, and they have even played several times.

But in the end, the two formed an alliance temporarily because of their interests.

But this time, Wang Gao obviously did it on his own. He caused Ming Ting to shut down the exchange with him, and Ming Ting made it clear that he wanted to fight him, or in other words, it was Wang Gao who took the initiative to commit the crime.

Therefore, Wang Tai, who can understand the development of the situation, can clearly see that Wang Gao's defeat is set. Even though Wang Gao seemed so strong at that time, compared with Daming, coupled with the garrison Li Chengliang was still in Liaodong, and Wang Tai knew very well that Wang Gao's ambition would definitely fail in the end. Therefore, under such a very clear situation, Wang Tai also consciously did not get involved in this matter.

But now it seems that Wang Tai's decision is absolutely correct. Now, Wang Gao's ambition has been completely broken by Li Chengliang. As a result, although he had formed an alliance with Wang Gao before, he did not participate in this after all this time. In the midst of this matter, so he will not be implicated in any way.

Of course, this is naturally the most ideal situation for Wang Gao, but in reality, it is absolutely impossible for things to develop as he thought.

Although Wang Tai did not participate in Wang Gao's crazy plan this time, it is absolutely impossible for him to completely abandon it. In other words, this matter does not mean that he can get rid of the relationship if he wants to. Sometimes, Even if you don't take the initiative to find trouble, or even try to avoid it intentionally, but when things should come, they will still come, and you can't even avoid them.

For example, now, after he knew that Wang Gao's camp was broken by Li Chengliang's surprise attack, Wang Tai felt a little happy in his heart. It happened under the circumstances of the method, not because he really did.

But now, Wang Gao is completely out of play, so this is naturally a good thing for Wang Tai. You must know that among the Jurchen clan in Liaodong, only Wang Gao can dominate his Hada tribe. Now that Wang Gao is gone, there is no longer any way to hinder him from dominating the Jurchens.

Of course, even after this battle, the Ming court's control over the entire Liaodong will be stricter than before, but even in this situation, without Wang Gao's pressure on him, then for As far as Wang Tai is concerned, there is no problem in wanting to dominate the Jurchen, not to mention, without Wang Gao, Liaodong will definitely be much calmer. In this way, even if it is Daming, it is very easy to discuss some things.

But this is just Wang Tai's wish. Although his wish is not far from being fulfilled, it has not been fulfilled after all. In addition, when further news comes, let him know that Wang Gao is not here. Instead of dying, he disappeared into the chaos. Wang Tai's first reaction was that something was wrong.

This is different from those uncertain things. For a person like Wang Gao, if he disappears, he is not dead, and he has escaped. This is the only possibility.

Therefore, Wang Tai also felt it immediately. If Wang Gao escaped, under the current situation, he probably needed a hiding place to get through the current difficulties. Now, Li Chengliang Occupying an absolute advantage, for the current Wang Gao, he is very likely to escape to him.

As a result, Wang Tai's worries became a reality, and Wang Gao really escaped to him.

Of course, Wang Gao didn’t come here because he wanted Wang Tai to take him in. First, it’s not Wang Gao’s style to be subordinate to others, even if he is facing this situation now. I can understand that even at the beginning, Li Chengliang would miscalculate the direction and chase north, but in the end he would come to his senses and look for him this way. In this way, even if Wang Tai took him in for reasons, But he also has a great risk of being discovered, not to mention, Wang Gao does not understand Wang Tai's thoughts at all, Wang Tai is likely to betray himself, and this is also counted by Wang Tai.

Therefore, he absolutely cannot just hide like this all the time. The reason why he came to the Hada Department was to temporarily avoid the limelight, and then let Wang Tai find a way to send him back to his own territory. Only in this way can Wang Gao have the possibility of making a comeback .

It's just that Wang Gao didn't know that his idea had already been noticed by some people, and it wasn't just that simple. Zhang Fan's people had actually chased after him. Wang Gao didn't know By that time, his pursuers were already very close to him.

Liang Chao really made a lot of determination for this. Although he was very sure that Wang Gao was hiding here at Wangtai, it was really difficult for such a large tribe to find Wang Gao. They are outsiders, so it's useless to dress up here. If Wang Gao can't be caught immediately, it will definitely arouse his vigilance. If Wang Gao is afraid of being caught and runs away immediately after seeing them coming, This time, Liang Chao really didn't know where Wang Gao would go.

That is to say, there is only one chance given to them to capture Wang Gao, and they must seize this one and only chance. There is absolutely no room for negotiation.

However, in such a large tribe, how to find out Wang Gao's whereabouts is really a problem. For them, although Zhang Fan also transferred other people to help, the number of people is still relatively large. Such a large tribe is still too small, not to mention that there are too many people, if they act together, they will be eye-catching.

Therefore, obviously relying on them to search, there is no other way. Therefore, Liang Chao has to change his method.

And Liang Chao's so-called changing method is actually not a difficult thing, or it is not a very difficult way to come up with. Since Wang Gao is hiding here and doesn't know where he is, it is natural to find out what happened to him. Only those who hide somewhere can do it. Of course, this so-called person is Wang Tai.

That is to say, Liang Chao has made up his mind. This time, he plans to go directly to Wang Tai, explain clearly to him, and then ask Wang Tai to offer Wang Gao up.

However, even though Liang Chao planned in this way, he did not act immediately, not because the people around him blocked him. In fact, those people around him also agreed with Liang Chao's plan. The reason why Liang Chao He didn't move because he needed a bargaining chip to negotiate with Wang Tai.

Even if it is based on actual interests, Wang Tai should agree to this matter, but in fact, Liang Chao can foresee that when the time comes to discuss this matter with Wang Tai, he will definitely set the lowest price. And Liang Chao needs to discuss this matter with Wang Tai. However, although Liang Chao was appointed by Zhang Fan to take charge of this matter, this matter is beyond his full-time scope, so he needs permission to do so. OK.

The reason Liang Chao didn't move was because he was waiting for news from Zhang Fan.

In the capital, Zhang Fan had also received news from Liang Chao. Although the news did not make it very clear, in a word, Liang Chao and the others were already certain that Wang Gao was hiding in the Hada Department. Now, Liang Chao wanted Wang Tai to hand over Wang Gao, so this was the news for Zhang Fan.

And after Zhang Fan received the news, he didn't have any ambiguity at all, and hurried into the palace. This matter is not something Zhang Fan can count on, he still needs the Queen Mother's consent.

And Queen Mother Li was also very interested after learning about this matter. She didn't care about giving Wang Tai any rewards. However, considerations should be made more cautiously. Therefore, not only Zhang Fan, but even a group of people from the cabinet have been summoned by her.

To be honest, Zhang Fan was a little surprised by this. When he thought about it, even if Queen Mother Li was not sure about this matter, it would be natural to ask someone to ask about it. Sure, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, at most you can find two old faces like Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao.

But Zhang Fan didn't expect that Empress Dowager Li cared so much about this matter this time. He not only called Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng over, but even called all the people in the cabinet over.

For a moment, Zhang Fan felt a sense of trouble, maybe it was the closeness of the small circle, Zhang Fan always felt that no matter what it was, if there were few people, even if there were differences between them, the discussion It won't be too troublesome, but as long as there are more people, even if there is no difference between them, it is just a little difference of opinion, and it will take a lot of effort to resolve it.

And Zhang Fan's thinking is not wrong at all, that's how things are. Originally, it might not be a troublesome thing, but now, it will become very difficult, which makes Zhang Fan sigh a little,

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