The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1751 Preparing

Zhang Fan didn't expect that he was just discussing something about Wang Gao, but he didn't expect that this matter would attract so much attention from Queen Mother Li. Originally, Zhang Fan thought that even Queen Mother Li felt that this matter was of great importance. It's not something that can be decided by her alone, but at most one or two people can be called over.

But now, Empress Dowager Li not only asked him and Feng Bao to stay here, she even called the entire cabinet. Zhang Fan felt a little surprised. This matter is so concerned, it is so motivating.

But that's good too. After all, if there are more people, there will be more brains, and the problem will be more comprehensive when you think about it. Maybe relying on one or two people may not be able to think completely, but now you can think about all aspects clearly. This is also a good thing.

Of course, having too many people is not just convenient, it is also troublesome. Even when there are more people, the trouble will be even more than when there are fewer people. Got up, so some things, maybe some people think it's good, some people think it's okay, but some people think it's not, and these people present, which one is not very self-conscious, maybe they are now The cabinet is headed by Zhang Juzheng, but this matter about Wang Gao has nothing to do with it, so they have the opportunity to express their opinions freely, and this is exactly what Zhang Fan does not want to see the most.

Although this matter is not too urgent, and no matter how noisy these few people are, they can always come to a conclusion today, but even so, Zhang Fan still finds it very troublesome in the face of this situation. But it's useless to say anything now, after all, everyone has already arrived.

"Mr. Zhang," Empress Dowager Li naturally didn't know the troublesome thoughts in Zhang Fan's mind. She just felt that she needed to discuss this matter with the people below. Although it was not a big deal, she wanted to discuss it with Wang Tai. Conditions, and Wang Tai is not a Han Chinese, so even if it is not a big deal, if you agree indiscriminately, I am afraid that some people in the court will have different opinions. Therefore, Empress Dowager Li wants to find more people to ask , but now Empress Dowager Li is asking about Zhang Juzheng, "Ai's family has heard rumors recently that many lovers in the court are terrified every day, as if something big has happened, sir, do you know what happened? thing,"

As soon as Queen Mother Li asked these words, all the people present looked at Zhang Juzheng. After all, he was responsible for this matter. What happened, although Empress Dowager Li lives deep in the palace, she would not show up unless some major event happened, but this does not mean that Empress Dowager Li doesn't know anything, in fact, Zhang Fan and Feng Bao are the ones who know best However, Empress Dowager Li is the most well-informed one. Although the two of them are in charge of Jinyiwei and Dongchang, they specialize in collecting and inquiring about news, but if it is a major event, I am afraid that when the two of them just know about it, Empress Dowager Li The message has already been received.

But now, what Queen Mother Li said here naturally attracted everyone's eyes to Zhang Juzheng, especially Feng Bao, who always looked at Zhang Juzheng with a look of waiting to see a joke , thinking about it, for Feng Bao, it is also very interesting to see Zhang Juzheng deflated.

And Zhang Juzheng is very comfortable facing this situation. Even if everyone present is looking at him, Zhang Juzheng doesn't look uncomfortable at all, and he still looks very calm. Obviously, Zhang Juzheng is also very calm. I had expected this kind of situation to happen, but from Zhang Fan's point of view, even if it was an unexpected situation that Zhang Juzheng was not prepared for, I am afraid that Zhang Juzheng would not be any different when facing this situation.

The whole thing was done by Zhang Juzheng. With Zhang Juzheng's actions, although the people he approached never mentioned what Zhang Juzheng told them, even so, the atmosphere in the court changed. Zhang Juzheng may think it's nothing, but other people don't think so. Although some people's identities don't require Zhang Juzheng to tell him in person, but he doesn't know this. He only knows that Zhang Juzheng is looking for People are troublesome, not to mention the news about Zhang Juzheng's new law, anyone can see that he will oppose it, so these people are also worried that Zhang Juzheng will suddenly find him.

Naturally, in the face of this situation, it would indeed make people feel very powerless. Even if Zhang Juzheng repeatedly assured them that he would never do it, things would only become more and more troublesome if he thought about it. The people were panicked, but they didn't come out to explain anything, because they understood that the explanation of this matter would only make the chaos worse.

On the other hand, Zhang Juzheng had a calm look on his face, as if what happened now, let alone him causing trouble, seemed to have nothing to do with him at all. Facing Zhang Juzheng's calm look, Zhang Fan There was nothing but helplessness in his heart, and it was the same for Zhang Fan, he couldn't do anything at all, he could only watch helplessly as this matter reached Zhang Juzheng's regulations, but it might not be the path he hoped for.

Fortunately, nowadays, although people in the court are panicking, it is only those people who are worried. What's more, the reason why those people are worried is because they are afraid that Zhang Ju has something to do with them. That is to say, these people knew in their hearts that they had done something they shouldn't have done, and that's why they were in such a hurry. If it wasn't for this, then there was no need for them to be afraid of Zhang Juzheng.

Of course, people are not sages, and no one has faults, but these words are not convincing to Wang Fa. If you make a mistake, you make a mistake. It is such a simple thing.

Come to think of it, Zhang Juzheng originally said that as long as those who have status and can take the lead don't stand up and oppose at that time, then the ministers below will be unable to say anything even if they don't want to, but Zhang Juzheng Looking at the current momentum of this matter, I'm afraid Zhang Juzheng doesn't have to wait until the time is up. Now that he does this, those people don't dare to speak up now, let alone the time.

And this kind of situation is too obvious, so even if it is the Empress Dowager Li, there is no need for people to inquire about it. As long as the people below take a look, they can see this situation. Of course, the people below Naturally, it is impossible to say who made it up by people who reported it to her. They just told Queen Mother Li that such a thing happened, and Queen Mother Li, who knew about this situation, only needs to be checked a little bit. Then I understood what was going on.

Of course, I understand it, but no one knows what Empress Dowager Li thinks about this matter. It is not known whether Empress Dowager Li agrees with Zhang Juzheng's approach or has other plans. Even now, What is the intention of Empress Dowager Li talking about this matter on such an occasion is really confusing.

"Yes, Empress Dowager," Zhang Juzheng was still calm, even if he replied to Empress Dowager Li, he was very calm, "Things are indeed as the Empress Dowager said, and the people in the court are a little different nowadays, and everyone has a look of worry on their faces. faces, seem to be afraid that something bad will happen, "

After Zhang Juzheng said this, the eyes of the people present who were looking at him changed again. The meaning was very obvious, and it was clear that "this matter was originally created by you, and now you say that it seems that there will be , that’s for sure.”

"That's it," Empress Dowager Li said without doubting him, "The Ai family doesn't want to interfere with the government. It would be best if everything is fine, but if something important happens, the Ai family will have to come out." It's just that the Ai family is very tired of this matter, I hope you can help me a little, and let the Ai family worry less, "

What Empress Dowager Li said was very obvious. It was not addressed to those present, but to Zhang Juzheng alone. Of course, which one of the present did not know it well? , Of course, at this time, it is natural to distinguish the occasion clearly.

"I understand," several people present bowed and said together, which was considered to help Zhang Juzheng smooth things over.

"Well, that's good, and it saves the family from worrying about it." The Empress Dowager Li still looked calm, "Okay, I called all my loves here today not for this matter, but about The current situation in Liaodong, the detailed situation, please tell me, Zhang Aiqing."

"Yes, Empress Dowager," Zhang Fan replied, turned his head to look at the others, and said, "This battle in Liaodong is a foregone conclusion, and General Li is about to win now, but there is one thing in this, Wang Gao But it’s gone, I think you adults all know it, too.”

The matter in Liaodong is the focus of everyone's attention, and these people naturally know about it.

Seeing everyone nodded, Zhang Fan continued: "Therefore, General Li and I both sent people to track down Wang Gao's whereabouts. No one believed that Wang Gao would die in the chaos. Today, I received the news that My people have found Wang Gao's whereabouts, but there are some troubles, and some things are not up to me alone, so I came to the Queen Mother for instructions.

"Wang Gao is now hiding in the Haixi Jurchen Hada Tribe, the leader of Wang Tai's tribe. I think you all know the relationship between Wang Tai and Wang Gao. Although the two are not of the same mind, this matter is still a bit troublesome. It is impossible to forcibly bring Wang Gao out, so the only way is to let Wang Tai hand over Wang Gao in person, but Wang Tai is not a good person to deal with, so I am afraid he will propose something. What kind of conditions, so I came here to discuss with the Queen Mother, to see what the court can write him in exchange for Wang Gao, I don’t know how you adults think about this matter, "

After listening to Zhang Fan's words, several people present also thought about it.

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