Now that Empress Dowager Li already knew about it.Zhang Fan was also given exact instructions.Tell him what kind of conditions can be offered to Wang Tai here.And the condition given by Queen Mother Li.The court can afford it.And no one will have any opinion on it.And on the Wangtai side.Even Zhang Fan had never seen Wang Tai with his own eyes.But there is really a lot to know about him.But in Zhang Fan's view.this condition.For Wang Tai, it is still very tempting.

only.It's not over yet.It's just been discussed here.And over there.You have to let Wang Tai know.only.This time let Wang Tai know about it.But the imperial court couldn't find a person with weight to talk to him.For example, Zhang Fan.But I can't go.Firstly, it is inconvenient.Second, it is impossible in terms of time.That is.This matter can only be done by Liang Chao who is there now.

but.This matter is not easy to do.It's not simply telling Wang Tai the conditions prepared here.Wang Tai will tie Wang Gao here.It's not that simple.

first.You have to be very knowledgeable to speak this way.Especially in this kind of thing where interests and politics want to interact.Especially to get attention.

Secondly.How to talk to Wang Tai about this matter.Also a problem.first.This side can't show all the cards at once.Otherwise let Wang Tai know the bottom line here.Will he sit on the ground and raise the price.Ask for more.No one knows.But now Queen Mother Li has given such conditions.If Wang Tai raises the price.There was no way for Liang Chao to agree.He even agreed indiscriminately.Don't talk about how to explain yourself when you look back.I'm afraid Wang Tai may not be fooled by this.

therefore.How should I tell Wang Tai about this matter.This matter is also a technical job.It cannot be done by brute force.

But now.Take care of it over there.Even Zhang Fan can only let him do it.There is only one Liang this time.Zhang Fan regretted letting Liang Chao go.Now let Liang Chao take charge of the decision.The reason why he decided to let Liang Chao go.It also depends on Liang Chao's current state is really not very good.

And let Liang Chao go to Liaodong to hunt down Wang Gao.first.It was able to give Liang Chao at least a direction to vent.Instead of stuffing all the emotions in your chest.Second.That's the thing about this time.For Zhang Fan.Wang Gao's life and death are simply indifferent.Whether it is life or death.It was enough for Zhang Fan to confirm the news.So even Liang Chao killed Wang Gao.Zhang Fan also felt nothing.

but now.Suddenly things are different.Although it was Zhang Fan who acted as a subordinate to figure out what Shang wanted.But this is also impossible.the most important is.The more Zhang Fan thought about it, the more he felt that it should be like this.Empress Dowager Li hoped that Wang Gao would be captured alive.Even if it is later, it will still be slaughtered.But you have to have or catch him.

And now.Let Liang Chao do this.Zhang Fan was a little worried.Firstly, he was afraid that Liang Chao would be too impulsive.And something went wrong in the conversation with Wang Tai.Let the whole thing go to hell.Secondly, I was afraid that even Liang Chao and Wang Tai could reach an agreement.And Wang Tai also kidnapped Wang Gao.But Liang Chao will do it later.

If it was before.Liang Chao didn't care what he did to Wang Gao.Zhang Fan would not care.But now it is different.With the words of Queen Mother Li.Things are completely different.If the time comes.It was Wang Gao's body that was sent.Perhaps Queen Mother Li will not blame.But once Queen Mother Li blamed it.Zhang Fan had no way to keep Liang Chao.

certainly.Zhang Fan could predict Liang Chao's mood.Maybe Liang Chao wanted to come.As long as he can kill Wang Gao.His own life and death did not matter.But that's just his own opinion.Zhang Fan couldn't agree with it at all.Liang Chao is not very old now.There is still a long way to go.And even now it has been hurt so much.But it should definitely not stop there.Ever since what happened to Hong'er.It can be said that Zhang Fan tried his best to protect him.But if he himself does not want help.Zhang Fan also had no choice.

now.There are two choices in front of Zhang Fan.Or just continue to let Liang Chao do this.Believe him; or at the same time as the order.Send another person to replace Liang Chao to do this.

But in the end.Zhang Fan thought it over and over again.The second method was abandoned.Still decided to hand over this matter to Liang Chao.It's not that Zhang Fan is going to give up on Liang Chao.There is absolutely no such thing; it does not mean that Zhang Fan completely believes in Liang Chao.Zhang Fan was still a little worried.

But Zhang Fan made such a decision.Or because he wanted to understand a problem.It's not that this matter doesn't matter.It's because he understands.This is a hurdle that Liang Chao must cross.If say this time.Zhang Fan asked other people to do this.indeed.This matter can be perfectly resolved.And Liang Chao will not be affected in any way.But at the same time.If so.Liang Chao's problem has not been resolved.He still couldn't get out of that vicious circle.Still can't let go of that thing.

and.Now Wang Gao can be said to be the source of what happened to Liang Chao.If this opportunity for this matter is lost.I am afraid that Liang Chao will never be able to let go of his knot in his heart.If so.It can be said that Liang Chao's life was really ruined just like that.Although he can keep all these things in his heart in the future.But people are people after all.some things.Even now it can be temporarily suppressed.But there will always be a day when it explodes.Whether Zhang Fan is a Shangguan or a friend.They didn't even want to see Liang Chao end up like this.

therefore.This is the only chance for Liang Chao.Zhang Fan intends to let him grasp it himself.Zhang Fan is ready.If it's true, something has changed.The responsibility can only be borne by him.

But even so.Zhang Fan still hopes.Liang Chao can do what he thinks.Do this thing perfectly.No matter in the conversation with Wang Tai.Or after success.He wouldn't do anything to Wang Gao either.Although these are very difficult.But it's not impossible.And Zhang Fan very much hoped that things could be like this.

all in all.Zhang Fan completely left this matter to Liang Chao.

And Zhang Fan also immediately wrote a letter and let people pass it on.on the letter.Zhang Fan made it very clear.Write down the conditions that Empress Dowager Li can give to Wang Tai.But Zhang Fan didn't say what Liang Chao needed to do in detail.That is.Zhang Fan asked Liang Chao to handle it himself.certainly.This can be regarded as Zhang Fan's gamble.

But even so.Zhang Fan was still thinking about it in his heart.I think Liang Chao can follow the path he wants.Although it is very unlikely that Liang Chao will go that way by himself.But even so.Zhang Fan still hoped so.

only.Whether this thing can succeed or not.Whether it can do what Zhang Fan wants.Then it all depends on luck.

Liang Chao received the news from Zhang Fan very quickly.After all, Zhang Fan personally ordered it to be passed on.Naturally, the fast horse passed it on without stopping.And Liang Chao who saw Zhang Fan's letter.I also know it in my heart.Since the imperial court agreed to this matter.They even prepared the conditions for negotiating with Wang Tai in advance.So this is for Liang Chao.Things just got a lot easier.After all, there is already a bargaining chip here.And they can do it.And this chip.No matter how you think about it.Wang Tai also had no reason to refuse.

certainly.About what Zhang Fan is worried about.How should I tell Wang Tai about this matter.original.This will indeed be a problem.Or for the former Liang Chao.Let him do it.I'm afraid it will definitely be smashed.But today's Liang Chao.But it is different.For Liang Chao today.There are two possibilities in this matter.Or it's extreme impulsiveness.Lost all possibility of calm judgment.To screw things up; or to be extremely cool.unprecedented.A completely different calmness than before.And such Liang Chao.doing anything.It will also look different from the past.certainly.This points in a good direction.

Perhaps from a general point of view.Or to understand it from the perspective of normal people.obviously.The first is very possible.While the second is not impossible.But the odds are very low.Coupled with Liang Chao's previous performance.Anyone who thought about it would think that Liang Chao was dealing with this matter.It should be in the first case.

But the actual situation.It's just the opposite.Liang Chao today.became extremely calm.Why does this state happen.I'm afraid even he himself doesn't understand.But his heart is extremely calm.Nothing complicated.Although he sometimes thinks of Hong'er.He would also think about Hong'er's current situation and so on.But these things did not affect him at all.

It started when Liang Chao was able to determine the direction in which Wang Gao was fleeing.In fact, Liang Chao's mentality can be seen.And now.Even if they have tracked down Wang Gao's whereabouts.But Liang Chao's mentality remained unchanged.Still very calm.Calm to a point of horror.And this coolness.It can also make the current Liang Chao think of some things that he would have ignored in the past.Let him deal with the situation he is facing now very calmly.This is really unusual.

Why exactly is this happening.I'm afraid no one can answer.Even ask Liang Chao himself.He also didn't know why.Such a thing as the human heart.The most elusive.Want to explain why.It is even more impossible.

certainly.Now to get to the bottom of it.What exactly is going on.What has changed.Now there is no need to figure it out.The most important thing is.Liang Chao is now in this situation.But very, very calm.And this coolness.It allows him to do things that he couldn't do before.This matter is for a very important part.

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