The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1755 has a plan

The matter in Liaodong is going on. Now that the court has already given a reply, he is willing to give Wang Tai some rewards. As long as he can hand over Wang Gao, then everything can really be over, but obviously, although this matter has already ended Everything that can be prepared is ready, but people still need to do it, and Liang Chao, who is about to do this, is also very calm to deal with it.

Although now, Zhang Fan's letter has also told Liang Chao what kind of bargaining chips the court can offer, so that Liang Chao can go to Wang Tai to discuss how to deal with this matter, but in fact, this matter Liang Chao had already started to plan the matter. When he didn't receive any news from Zhang Fan and just sent the situation here, they had already started to think about how to contact Wang Tai.

This matter is more troublesome. After all, Wang Tai is the leader of the Hada tribe. Although he only lives in his own tribe, this place is quite big, and the bigness here does not mean that it is easy to sneak in. As a Jurchen, the tribe is the city , will definitely not think so much, just to bring people together, so no matter how big or small a tribe is, the closeness from house to house among them is almost the same, so for a tribe, the bigger it is, the harder it is to sneak in .

Of course, if it's just about sneaking in, no matter how difficult the place is, it's hard for Jin Yiwei's group of people, but what they need now is not just a simple thing like sneaking in, but to inquire about Wang Gao's whereabouts After finding out that Wang Gao is indeed hiding here, they still have to continue to sneak in, because they have already placed the most likely person to capture Wang Gao on Wang Tai, and this matter, no matter how you look at it, is not To be able to tell Wang Tai in the open, after all, many things were involved.

Therefore, this is the only way to contact Wang Tai secretly.

Of course, before Zhang Fan's news came, although they had already started to prepare for this matter, what they were preparing for was only how to meet Wang Tai and hide from others. Seriously saying that I want to meet Wang Tai, this is not yet, after all, there is no need to meet now.

But now, since Zhang Fan's news had come, and Liang Chao's court had been told how to deal with this matter, Liang Chao and the others would start to act without delay.

Originally, each tribe had its own customs, and Wangtai was no exception. The whole family would always get together when there was no special time, but now, it happened to be this time, but for Liang Chao and the others It's lucky, if they were together, even if there were people around Wang Tai at night, then Liang Chao and the others would have no way to get close to him.

But it's different now, because such a big battle is happening in Liaodong now, and the direction of the war is now very clear. Obviously, Li Chengliang is about to win.

Although it was Wang Gao who started the war, of course, not all the Jurchens, and people from Tumet and Taining also participated, but even though there were a large number of those people, they were still not the most powerful. The main thing, the most important thing is that the core person who provoked this matter is Wang Gao, and the core person among them is the Jurchen, even if it is only one of Wang Gao, but after the war is over, what is the Ming court's treatment of the women? It's really hard to say what kind of opinion a real person will have.

Therefore, not only Wangtai, but also the other Jurchen ministries are panic-stricken, especially Wangtai. After he ascended the throne of Khan, he worked hard to govern, and it took a lot of effort to develop his tribe to the present day. In this state, he naturally didn't want to ruin everything because of Wang Gao's crazy move.

It's just that now that things have happened, he has no way to recover, not to mention, from the time he knew that Wang Gao was planning this matter, it was too late to stop Wang Gao at that time. This situation is already doomed, and there is no way to change it.

Of course, Wang Tai, as the leader of the clan, also understands a lot of truths. For example, after this battle, no matter how he thinks, the Ming court will not go to war so much, and come to deal with them just after Wang Gao was defeated, but even so, It is also necessary to consider other aspects. Perhaps Ming Ting will not make such a big move, but it may not be a small matter. If there is something to be done, what should be used? The more special method, and how to deal with it here, these are what Wang Tai needs to care about.

Therefore, during this period of time, Wang Tai has been worrying about this matter. He even has plans to take the initiative to contact Ming Ting and express his position, so as to protect his entire tribe, including himself, of course. up.

It's just that now, a troublesome thing happened, Jianzhou Weicheng was broken. When Wang Tai heard the news at that time, he really had a lot of thoughts in his heart, but the most probably was a kind of gloating mood. Yes, he There was indeed a covenant with Wang Gao, but it was also established under special circumstances, and whether it was him or Wang Gao, in fact, there was a lot of dissatisfaction with the covenant between the two, but A covenant is a covenant. Now that it has been made, no matter how unhappy you are about it, you must follow the above regulations. Especially among their clansmen, reputation is the most important, even if he is Khan Wang, but he can't detach himself from it. It should even be said that because of his status, this kind of thing is the last thing he can do.

Therefore, no matter how much he thought about it, there was nothing he could do about it. Therefore, when the Jianzhou Acropolis was broken, he was very happy, and always felt that he was finally freed from this shackle.

However, Wang Tai's happiness didn't last long, and he was stumped by the next question. On the second day, Wang Gao actually found him and wanted to take refuge with him.

For Wang Gao who came out of the blue, Wang Tai really had a headache, and he had no way to refuse him, he could only let him hide in his tribe.

Of course, Wang Tai did not have other options. After all, Wang Gao is fleeing now. He can directly tie him up and give it to Ming Ting first. After considering this situation, he must have made preparations. If Wang Tai did this, even if the Ming court would give him great benefits, he would have no reputation among the Jurchen clan. Therefore, Wang Tai In order to deal with this possible situation, Gao had to be prepared.

Of course, Wang Tai doesn't have only such a choice, he can also kill Wang Gao in this way without anyone noticing, although in this way, he will naturally not get any benefits, but at the very least , he will get rid of a heart disease because of this, which will naturally be of countless benefits to him.

However, obviously, in order to deal with this situation, Wang Gao also made corresponding preparations. Of course, this was just what Wang Gao said. It was nothing more than a deliberate lie to scare Wang Tai, but when Wang Tai saw Wang Gao's confident appearance, he was also worried. A little is better.

Therefore, although he didn't want to, in the end, Wang Tai let Wang Gao stay, and hid him in his tribe, a very inconspicuous place. After the situation in Liaodong stabilized, Wang Gao planned to Go back to your own chassis and find another way out.

However, for this situation, even if Wang Tai agreed, he was still very uneasy. Since Wang Gao had fled, Li Chengliang, who had not found his body, must have known about it. Knowing that it is impossible for Li Chengliang not to send people to investigate, the situation Wang Tai is facing now is not just about taking in a person he least wants to take in but has no choice but more importantly, he How to deal with Li Chengliang, he doesn't believe that Li Chengliang will not think that Wang Gao is hiding here, and he doesn't believe that Li Chengliang will not track him down, but once Li Chengliang knows that he has taken in Wang Gao, what will Li Chengliang do? What kind of impact will it have.

That is to say, because of that damned covenant, he had no choice but to take in Wang Gao, but this matter did not just mean that Wang Tai was upset, and it was over if he took in Wang Gao. Rujin, it is very likely The Ming court has already begun to investigate, and once Wang Gao is found and hides with him, not only will his tribe be unlucky because of this, but more importantly, the great momentum he has managed for so many years will be destroyed. Because of this, it was destroyed once, so how could Wang Tai not be troubled.

Therefore, during this period of time, Wang Tai has been troubled by this matter. He doesn't know what he should do, how to prevent this matter from affecting him in the future.

And no matter what he thinks, there seems to be no way to have the best of both worlds, no matter which one it is, there will always be such and such flaws, what should be done, Wang Tai was confused for a while.

Day after day, Wang Tai was so sad, but obviously, he didn't know when this matter would end.

It's the same today, it was supposed to be a time for family members to get together, but now Wang Tai locked himself in the big tent alone, thinking about this issue.

"Is Da Khan worrying about Wang Gao's matter?" Just as Wang Tai was thinking hard, such a voice suddenly came out.

"Who is it?" Wang Tai woke up suddenly, picked up his own knife in his hand, and became alert.

"Khan, don't worry, if you really want to harm you, I'm afraid you will be dead long ago," the voice continued, and the voice was also revealed, but although there were candles burning in the big tent, when Wang Tai looked at it, he could only see A black shadow said, "This time, I have a good deal to discuss with Da Khan,"

"Good business," Wang Tai still did not let go of his guard.

"It's about Wang Gao,"

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