For people like Wang Tai.While in a high position.At the same time, you have to be careful all the time.These leaders are different from the emperors or princes of the Central Plains.Emperor or prince.They all live in their own palaces.Although it is not without the risk of being assassinated.But that risk is negligible.Throughout the ages.It is true that there have been many similar assassinations.But in general it is still very little.And even less successful.

But tribal leaders like Wang Tai.The chances of him being assassinated are very high.After all, as the leader of a tribe.Although there are also a group of people who are helping him.But there are things.But it also needs him, the leader, to make his own decision.Even some small this case.Even as the leader of the tribe.But it is also possible to offend many people.Both inside and out.So he was assassinated.That would become a normal thing.

therefore.A leader like Wang Tai.It is guarding against such things all the time.but.No matter how perfect things are.In the end, people need to do it.And since people do it.Then there may be some omissions.Let's say right now.Wangtai because of the war in Liaodong.In addition, Wang Gao is now taking refuge with him again.These things add up.Let Wang Tai is very troubled.Today's Wang Tai is troubled by these things every day.Worried that these things would affect his tribe.It also affects himself.

So the Wangtai during this time.The temper can be described as violent.He didn't go to see his family again.Just lock yourself in the big tent alone.Think hard.And this time.No one dared to disturb him.He even drove away the guards.

therefore.This situation gave Liang Chao a good time.While sneaking in to meet Wang Tai.without being discovered.

certainly.No matter what the circumstances.On the stand of Wangtai.Suddenly saw a person sneaking into his big tent here.Anyone who thinks about it will be a little worried.Although Wang Tai is the leader.But at the same time he is also a human being.Although there is force.But he was still a little scared.So when I just heard a voice in my big tent, I thought of it.Wang Tai's first reaction was to hold the weapon tightly.This is not done to ward off incoming enemies.Or that this is not the primary purpose.The most important thing is to do so to embolden himself.

only.After the initial panic.Wang Tai also calmed down a little.Although the vigilance in his heart has not been lifted.But he understood.Obviously, no matter what the purpose of the visitor is.But it shouldn't be here to kill him.If you come here to kill him.Then rely on the ability of the visitor to sneak in silently without being discovered by him.He should have moved his head long ago.But now.He is still alive.Holding his own knife in his hand.Talking to someone.That's it.The people didn't come here to take his life.But for something else.

especially.When Wang Tai heard Wang Gao's name from someone else's mouth.He was even more sure that the person who came here was not for himself.

"You said business." Wang Tai asked.Although he can see who is coming.But because his big account is not small.In addition, now there is another case that is held in front of him.Therefore, he could not clearly see the appearance of the person coming.Just saw an outline.But the voice of the person coming could be heard clearly.It's not that cold feeling.This also made Wang Tai feel at ease.

"That's right. It's business. Buying and selling." It wasn't someone else who came.It was Liang Chao.It's not that this thing can't be done by other people.But Liang Chao was a little worried.So it's better for him to feel at ease.not to mention.Among this family.Although it is because of Wangtai's sake.The vigilance is much more relaxed than before.But still can not be completely assured.therefore.Just say skill.Liang Chao should also come. "It's a business about Wang Gao."

"Who are you?" Wang Tai immediately asked.Although he can more or less guess the identity of the person who came.After all, I will talk to him about Wang Gao here now.No matter how you think about it.There are only people from Ming Ting.But even so.There are some things that Wang Tai still has to ask clearly.

"Who am I? Or what is my identity roughly? If you want to come to Khan, you can guess it." Liang Chao didn't say it clearly.Or talking to this point is enough. "When I came in just now, I didn't do anything. I didn't have any evil intentions. Since that's the case, I must know the reason for my visit. So, this question. Let's not talk about it. If that's the case, let's talk Let's talk about Wang Gao's affairs. What does the Great Khan think?"

"Wang Gao." Wang Tai's thoughts moved very quickly.He spoke immediately. "Come and tell me what to do with Wang Gao."

"Could it be that Da Khan wants to say something. Isn't Wang Gao here now?" Liang Chao asked back.

"Of course he's not here." It's up to now.Wang Tai wanted to cover for Wang Gao.Or.According to the current scene.That's how things go.That's all Wang Tai could say.Actually.Wang Tai's thoughts were not slow at all.After he heard Liang Chao say that he was here for Wang Gao.His mind immediately followed suit.And he felt it too.This is an opportunity.for him.Whether it is to get rid of Wang Gao.Or take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.It's all an opportunity.It's just that.Then you have to accumulate chips for yourself from the beginning.Especially when this visitor is clearly prepared.But when I was not prepared.Procrastination is the best option.therefore.That's all Wang Tai could say at this time.

"Khan really knows how to tell jokes." Liang Chao may have thought that Wang Tai might say that.So in the face of Wang Gao's words.Liang Chao also didn't look surprised at all.Said very calmly. "What is my identity? I can guess how much I want to come to Dahan. If that's the case, Dahan thinks. Did we come here to discuss business with Dahan without making any preparations?"

Liang Chao's words revealed many things.The first is his identity.Although he hasn't shown up yet.But the bare minimum.He also had to let Wang Tai know his identity.Although as he said.Wang Tai probably already guessed his identity.But I'm afraid Wang Tai is not [-]% sure.So Liang Chao had to remind him.

And that's it.He wants to tell Wang Tai.I am not alone here.Although it has already been said here.But even Liang Chao.He also has to guard against possible dangers.

But the most important thing is.What he wanted to tell Wang Tai was.It has been confirmed that Wang Gao is hiding here.That's why he sneaked in to talk to Wang Tai now.Otherwise.It won't be the case anymore.

all in all.Liang Chao understood why he came here.certainly.Naturally, his requirements and conditions were not mentioned.But even so.Liang Chao couldn't figure it out if he didn't believe Wang Tai.

Seeing Wang Tai's hesitation.Liang Chao then said: "There is no need to hide this matter from Da Khan. To be honest, Wang Gao disappeared from Jianzhouwei. We guessed that he escaped. After much deliberation, he will not flee to the north. Then It's like throwing yourself into a trap. He should have come here anyway. And he's not afraid of being offended by Khan. I have sneaked in to investigate several times in the past few days. Although I haven't found where Wang Gao is hiding. But it's also certain. He's hiding here.

"If you really want to use this ability to capture Wang Gao, it is impossible not to disturb the sweat. If that is the case, then there will be another conflict. It will not benefit anyone. So think twice here. It is better to have a clear discussion with Dahan. If you think about it, you can turn hostility into friendship. This matter will be resolved. I don’t know what Dahan wants."

Facing Liang Chao's words.Wang Tai did not speak again.Instead, he thought about it.And he does.It is equivalent to admitting what Liang Chao said.Wang Gao was indeed hiding here.

"But. Since he found me here, he trusts me." Wang Tai said. "Although he is a very annoying person. I can't wait to kill him. But after all, I have a covenant with him. I don't know your identity. But you can walk in Liaodong. If you think about it, you don't know my Jurchen The situation in the clan. If you break the covenant without authorization, you will be looked down upon by other clansmen.

"Since you are here now, you just want me to hand over Wang Gao. But once I do this, how will other tribes see my Hada tribe in the future. How will my Wangtai behave."

Although what Wang Tai said.All words of refusal.But Liang Chao didn't sound like that.Wang Tai's words.From the beginning to the end, it was never stated clearly that he was going to reject Liang Chao's proposal.He's just pouring bitter water.Say what would happen if you did that.That is.This matter has been negotiable from the beginning.Wang Tai did this.It's just sitting on the ground and raising the price.

and.What's more.Wang Tai said so.But it gave Liang Chao a strong condition.Wang Tai's words.It has been admitted that Wang Gao is hiding here.If so.When the meeting starts.It becomes easier to lower the price here.And in this way.This matter wants to be negotiated.It also became possible.

"Khan's thoughts. I also understand." Liang Chao said. "It's just that Wang Gao has become a disaster now. In comparison, Da Khan thinks it's better to hand over Wang Gao. It's better to keep him. There are pros and cons in this. Da Khan didn't think about it. Let's go.

"The current situation in Liaodong. I don't say that the Great Khan understands it in his heart. Now, once Wang Gao falls, the entire Jurchen will be dominated by the Great Khan. Although it is not now, it will be a matter of time. But if the Great Khan does not hand over Wang Gao’s words. You think we will let him go. Not many people know about it now. But when the time comes, I’m afraid everyone will know. It’s the Great Khan who protected Wang Gao. The tribe of the Great Khan will escape this disaster."

What Liang Chao said.It is already a real threat.And under such circumstances.Where will Wang Tai go?

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